Where are you, Mick? I made the French Roast just in case

Had a good day yesterday, staying focused on staying AF. Had a couple of issues at work, but asked myself: "How important is this?" Other people can really be inconsiderate, but I don't have to let it affect me. Anyway, have discoered that I do like having a routine, and getting into bed to watch TV, Netflix or read is something I enjoy. Mr TDN is usually in the other toom watching sports, so it's not a problem for him. Watched a couple of episodes of ADDICTED and INTERVENTIOn on Netflix. Helps me stay focused on how horrible this disease is.
We usually go to chuch on Sundays, but I am walking with a friend and then we are heading out to meet a friend we haven't seen in months and her mom for lunch at a seafood place. That will be nice. Then home to do some laundry and other chores. Weather is still unsettled, with high humidity an chance of rain and storms in the afternoon.
Need to go back and read all the later posts from yesterday, but I hope everyone had a good AF Saturday!
Back later!