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Weekly AA Thread - Aug. 13 -16

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    Weekly AA Thread - Aug. 13 -16

    When I think about the quantities I drank, I'm amazed I could function at all. Now, if I don't get a full night's sleep, I feel it. Talk about not being in touch w/our bodies!

    I took a leave from grandmothering & went to a speaker meeting. I didn't want to let my meetings go, even w/the fam here. Everyone is fine w/me (& husb) being out for an hour or 2.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Weekly AA Thread - Aug. 13 -16

      Thanks for the welcomes, SF and DG! Great to be back! Glad you are keeping consistent with your meetings, Mary. I feel out of balance if I miss one of my regular ones.

      I survived the deposition today. Surprisingly enough, I was clear headed and focused, and felt I helped out the hospital I worked for more than I thought I could. It felt good to come out of it feeling at peace that I did the best I could.

      Date night tonight. Going to see the Filipino Kings at the Improv. My husband is Filipino, so we may be targets in the audience.

      Enjoy your Friday night, everyone!!


        Weekly AA Thread - Aug. 13 -16

        Good Morning!

        Today is one of those days where my head is resting on it's laurels. I haven't read my morning meditations. I'm thinking of skipping my 9:30 mtg because both cars are being used by my husband and son. Who wants to ride a bike 1.5 miles to the Alano Club? Geez, I am lazy today! I don't ever want to slip back into the mindset where I feel too comfortable in sobriety to skip such simple things that really keep me sober and feeling spiritually better.
        OK...I talked myself back into the right frame of mind.

        Hope everyone has a super Saturday!!


          Weekly AA Thread - Aug. 13 -16

          Hi Wicked! I know how it is to feel lazy, but I also know how GOOD it feels to "do it anyway." I hope you enjoyed a nice bike ride and some good fellowship!

          I think on last weeks thread I mentioned a woman friend who is in the midst of relapse. She came with another friend to a meeting yesterday which seemed a good sign. Despite the fact that it's likely she drank before the meeting. I love that about AA. The door is always open. There have been two times I can recall seeing someone ejected from a meeting. One time a man had what was clearly a mental break down. He just went....physically and vocally wild. A couple of men were able to subdue him and the ambulance took him to the hospital. He was a regular at meeting and sometimes would have serious problems like that if he stopped taking his psychiatric meds.

          The other time was someone who was probably drunk (although that was not the issue) and tried to start a fight. (that was the issue.) He was also subdued until the police came.

          I have seen some intense "discussion" debating differing points of view, I've seen plenty of people high or drunk, lots of people who aren't sure they want to quit drinking (Trad 3 issue) but all have been welcome unless it's just too disruptive, or physically unsafe.

          Meetings usually aren't that crazy!!

          Today at Big Book meeting we read Dr. Bob's story. Here is a link in case anyone reading this thread wants to check it out.

          I can actually relate a LOT more to many things in Dr. Bob's story than in Bill Ws. Especially the way he describes drinking in college, and viewing everyone else as a "lightweight" because he could drink so much more with such minimal consequence. I can also identify with the progression of Dr. Bob's alcoholism - the professional years of needing to keep it together at work so I could afford booze aka my drinking life. (which I really was not able to choose to stop) Then in the end reaching a point where that level of functioning was no longer possible.

          I always find it interesting that the progression of alcoholism just hasn't changed in all these years. The stories are still the same. Including mine. We are not alone - that is the blessing!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Weekly AA Thread - Aug. 13 -16

            DG: I too have been to meetings which have gotten disrupted by drunken behavior...though only a couple of meetings. Yes, people drink before meetings, but if they aren't disruptive, nobody asks them to leave. I too love that about AA. I also love that regardless of how many times someone relapses, they're always welcomed back w/open arms. We just had a sudden death in our group. A woman we know died (sober) in her sleep. We do a lot to our bodies w/drinking, drugging, & smoking, & sometimes those bodies just can't hold up. It was a sad meeting last night.

            My son/g-kids are leaving tomorrow. It was great but tiring having them here. I cooked a lot & played a lot. I'm so glad I was sober for it all. Pretty soon I'll get my life back & settle down a little. I'm also glad I didn't neglect my meetings. That was a good thing.

            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Weekly AA Thread - Aug. 13 -16

              I attended a 1pm meeting ususally M-F that is close to work (they do meet m-su). It is in a high income area.....and I find all the peole inspiring.

              Today I happened to be in that part of town at 1pm. I see the Mom dropping her son off for the meeting. She was driving her Mercedes....and in her tennis clothes. I get into the meeting and the kid (all of 17) says that he is there for his very first AA meeting. So we turn it into a Step 1 meeting....which I needed. So the group goes on....and no one is speaking to his level. Meaning....everyone is telling him how bad it 17 I never could have relatd to that kind of talk. His Mom ended up picking him up next my car....and as he got in....she just said to him...."See do you want to end up like those people". In a way it was sad. She felt so clearly felt so much digust for us.....that she felt "punishment" for her son was sending him to hang out with clearly the low lifes.

              The meeting was good for me.....but, in a way it really pointed out to me how much of a "Man's" program this can be. None of the women offered to be a sponsor to anyone....and he was surrounded with men....being there for him in the end. I never experienced that, as a woman. I found myself a bit jealous of him....ok may need to write out a resentment on that one But, confirmed for much harder we have to work as women in the AA program.

              I have been to women AA meetings. And quite frankly....they seem a bit bat shit crazy to me. I went to one for years in my prior city and the only person who stayed sober....who is the one who has been hospitalized for mental problems on and off over the years.

              Also, there is not a lot of women in my city with serious sober that may be part of the problem.

              I am left thinking....I may need to try another route. I love the men in my groups because they seem to have gotten such great direction. If you ask them a question....I always get an answer of well....on page 62 it says. Women...seem to have no idea. Like I said, little sober time with women here. I would stick with it....but, the men always seem so cautious even speaking to a women because of the AA with men....women with women.

              So sorry its not a positive uplifting note...but it is how I am feeling today.


                Weekly AA Thread - Aug. 13 -16

                Hi Sunflower,:l

                I see on The Daily Thread that you've had a relapse and I feel so badly for you. I have never been to AA, however, have known people in AA over the last 20 years who would validate your experience as far as it being more heavily populated by men. I'm sure this would depend on the area you are in. That young man must have been so lost in a room surrounded by men who weren't considerate enough to speak to his level. Shame on them.

                I mean no disrespect to the AA thread, but have you looked into Women For Sobriety? The tenets of WFS are very similar to AA but are specifically aimed at women. Maybe that would be a viable alternative for you. I am sending you a PM as well right away. Don't give up.

