Well thats me on day 42 now... is that right PQ?..never thought I would get to this point...so far any/everyone else who thinks they cant do it... its possible.Thank you to all those that have given me support ..I was going to say on this journey..but it isnt really.. it is a new way of life..journey sounds temporary.
Good morning TDN...how are you today?noticed your posts in other places on the site.well done you..its great to bob about and see whats happening.As for your friend..there is only so much you can do...be there if she asks or needs your support, but to do anything she has got to make the initial step.
Hi Lav..cofee for you?Hows things with you today..what plans have you got now that the weather has calmed down a bit?
Nice cockateil that is.. considering his age he looks in better shape than me!!Nope don't think he would fare so well with the ones I am with.The avatar at present I am using is of a Russian steppes eagle..cant fly,his primary feathers will not grow .
DESTINIEY..........Well done..22 days you are getting there keep it up..in fact as you read this you will be on 23 so well done :wd::wd:
Kas..good morning to you.wow dont know where you got that green colour from, but its the first time I have had to wear shades at half six in the morning!!How are you doing? By the way ..you know that book you are reading??Hate to be an ending spoiler, but I have read it too.In the end they get married, buy a wee house in the country and live happily ever after :H
Good morning DG and how are you and middle aged 29 today?We must be about the same age me and you...give or take a couple!!!!!!!Well done too.no alcohol.Wish my toms would start to ripen..loads of green but only couple of red.Cant complain, so far I have eaten out of my own garden. Potatoes, cabbage lettuce beetroot courgette, rhubarb strawberries cucumber onions radish broad beans peppers... not all in the one pot!!!!Still got quite a bit to go too.
Hi PQ...chin up it will pass.come and have a brew.Time you read thisyou will be full of beans..so keep smiling..at best you will feel better.. at worst people will think you are nuts and leave you alone!
Hi Cantoo..how are you today? well on your way to your target..how do you feel now about your reality..bearing in mind day 1 you thought it was a crock of .... ?
Hi Lilly E how are things with you ?Pretty busy I guess.On the al front.. no more mad thoughts? me neither.
Papmom..how are things with you today? keep at it..things will get better for you
Seems to be a shortage of people on here.. the familiar names.. but Iguess we are all busy in one way or another.
Anyway for those here and those not take care and have a great af day