Good Morning Guys

Sorry for being MIA but life has been incredibly hectic and I haven't had a moment to myself. The remainder of my belongings went into storage last night and today with some clothes and personal items I leave the city for good and start my new life in the beautiful County of Suffolk! I hope to find a place to rent within a few weeks and can then have my furniture and stuff delivered down there. I'm very excited about this new start, my life has had so many changes in the last 18 months through necessity and for once I'm doing something that I really want to do and my dream of living back in the countryside is coming true.
I also received my Diploma in Nutrition with distiction which I'm incredibly proud of considering I dropped out of school at 15. All these things would never have been possible unless I was AF and I'm so very grateful to have had the chance to live again.
LBH - your post also struck home with me, for years I had the internal voices telling me my drinking was out of control and I actually knew that I just couldn't say it out loud to another person as it would mean having to face the reality of it. Even after finding MWO and admitting it to everyone here it still took time to say it to others. Looking back I'm so very grateful to certain people who showed up for me, I had a wonderful ex addict friend and another from AA who rooted for me so much in the early days.
Papmom - your appreciation of life's beauty is inspiring and it's these things that really make us see the wonder of living. Your mojo isn't far away. Sending love to the pups.
I will check in again once Im safely in sleepy Suffolk. Goodbye city life, Chill is going home.....!!