Filling in for Mick with coffee duty today! French Roast is especially good this a.m. No treats, althogh I could bring out the delectable pastries I bought for friends coming for dinner tonight

Cooler weather here, and it is supposed to be a perfect summer day, according to the meteorologist. Glad I am off work early.
Had my first counseling session yesterday. Very nice older lady. She saw my case as a "mess," with the two DUIS in different states, my not having completed (not intentionally) what I needed for the first one. She was pretty surprised that I have to do six hours of counseling and have that Interlock device on my car for a year. I will be meeting with her for a 2 hour session a week from Monday and need to get some release forms faxed so that she can start working on making sure I complete everything before December. But I didn't feel anxious or in need of a drink--just relieved that I am working on staying sober. She was very open to MWO as a support system, as opposed to AA. However, she told me to do some AA meetings and keep a record, as the DMV looks favorably on that. And I have to do two meetings (only!) for the first DUI. And I have to find MADD so I can do a meeting.
When I was waiting for my appt, a guy came out of the office, and it is somebody I worked with last summer. It was a bit embarrassing, but more for him, as he said he is trying to get his license back after seven years!!
Before work, I went over to see my husband at the outdoor chili contest festival. Noticed he was talking to somebody, but was already next to them when I realized it was our town police chief, "affectionately" dubbed Barney Fife! I thought I would die, but held it together and spoke to him. He couldn't look me in the eye, and I wanted to poke his eye out, because he insisted on giving me the most punitive sentence he could--he is not the officer who arrested me, but the police prosecutor. He did ask how I was doing, and I told him I was doing great and had started my manadatory counseling. Mr TDN was on edge, as I know he thought I might completely ignore the man or, worse, let him have it. The reason he was so determined to see me get the most severe punishment is because we had complained over the years about the speeders on our road, and even had to go to a selectmen's meeting at one point, as he refuses to do anything about it. A well known family has their summer compound at the end of our road, and they ususally have one or two construction projects going, and the workmen speed up and down. The family loves speed, too, and it is really ridiculous. And being a small minded idiot, the chief doesn't like it when people complain. And we think he is paid off by said family. Enough said.
Saw a woman who used to come to AA impaired on the street, and she was obviously on something. Very sad. Family is a prominent one in town, and this poor woman seems unable to get well. But for the grace of God. . .
Anyway, Lilly, your friends don't sound like real friends to me. And the one with the hangover--probably angry because you are sober and she is not! I'm sure that you came through that even stronger and more determined. No hangovers for you

Okay, enough from me for right now!
PQ, I hope you are doing better. Come on and post today.
I wish everyone a very happy and AF Sunday!!
