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AF day Tuesday 21ST August

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    AF day Tuesday 21ST August

    Morning all,how are things with everyone today?Bit of a sad one with sunflower yesterday, but hopefully she will come back when she is good and ready.Well here we are, tea and coffee on the brekkie for me though.dont think double yolk duck eggs every morning are too good for cholestoral!!
    Wont be here tomorrow morning ..or Thursday..both mornings at this time I will be on the M62...for those that dont know it, it is a motorway that doubles up as a huge car park in the rush hour traffic, so we will need thread starters for both days

    TDN..good morning, how are you today?what are you up to..anything exciting?

    Hi for you ? Rain started your way yet?if not do you want or need some?plenty spare here.Never mind puncturing the tyres...why not teach the chickens to pinch the wheels?? :H

    Morning Lilly ok ?so no bottle of wine been murdered? well done..Still on track for the big six oh...hope your day is better today and less stressy are you doing..glad to see you back in with us normal people again .Well done seem more positive now.. back in the positive gang.. remember snakes and ladders? you have been down the snake started again and gone up one of the ladders ..go for it girl...lists rule!!

    Morning we are now speaking Dutch instead of Swedish now!!Look on the bright side.. cranky old...hmm at least you wont have to run so fast to catch him!!:H
    Glad you never succumbed to the bottle and started making food instead.Must be honest..thats the bit I am time,thats when you tend to let your guard down and relax, so you have done have a coffee courtesy of moi

    HI DG..yep still on the steam driven phone at for the internet..I watch /use it on my my age and technical know how, not bad considering a couple of months ago I couldnt even spell Kompewter!!

    Morning are you today??yes you are right..we have all been Muppets in one way shape or form through drink..whether we remember it or not !guess thats one of the reasons we are here too.Whats happening in Kasland today?

    Morning turn ok?still never changed that avatar scenery for me!!

    Well folks thats me.. got to get some work is 740 am and I am now going to pickle beetroot that I picked yesterday..better them being pickled than me ...have a nice day all

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    AF day Tuesday 21ST August

    Good morning, Mick.

    You sound good and cheery, as usual! I'll try to get us started in your absence, unless Shue decides to get the French Press going! I was on that M6 years and tears ago when I was an au pair girl for a summer in Bracknell, which, at the time (mid seventies), was a "new town." Where are you headed, may I ask?
    Lav, that YB is one odd duck, for sure, and how you put up with him all those years is beyond me. I wonder had he'd gotten the meds back then, would things have been different? But you have moved on and neer looked back. That is such an inspiration, truly.
    PQ, so good that you are back! It isn't easy admitting our slips/relapses, but getting back on track is what matters. I now try to focus only on the day--and the future--and not go back and beat myself up over and over because of what happened when I was drinking. I've made it to day 12 with relatively few thoughts of AL, but I know I can neer let my defenses down--never. I do think the Amoryn is helping, as the anxiety is gone. It comes back with that first drink, and that is something else I keep in the front of my thoughts.
    Sunflower, still praying for you and your family. I too read the post in the General thread, and it is so sad. I am glad that the kids are safe.
    Lilly, hope your computer cooperates through the heavy work load. You sound good!
    DG, school tomorrow! How long do you have to complete the program? And our community work is admirable.
    Overcast here, and may get a few showers before it clears. Going for a walk, then have the day off from work--worked eight days straight--so we hope to go for a boat ride. It is kind of sad that we've been on that boat once all summer. But hoping to get out more now that my schedule will not be as heavy. Have two big days, due to special sidewalk sales the whole town participates in on Friday and Saturday, but otherwise, no crazy hours!
    Okay, check back later!
    Hae a great AF day, all!
    "One day at a time."


      AF day Tuesday 21ST August

      Just listening to the morning news on the local TV station. New study finds that women who are married drink more than those who are divorced or widowed!!! Now that is news! Didn't say anything about those who have never married! Supposedly men drink more than women, and the wives try to keep up with their husbands! Not in this house:H
      "One day at a time."


        AF day Tuesday 21ST August

        Good morning Abbers,

        Mick, I am sucking down coffee right now because I will be on kid duty in about an hour & need to be prepared :H
        I don't envy my son & daughter-in-law having to be responsible for these two little boys. I had just had one boy & he was as busy as an army :H My daughter was more focused, not so hyper!
        I love pickled beets - yum, have fun!

        TDN, I am following you around today
        I am very happy that you are do so well ~ stick with us now!
        I heard that news report as well - sounded kind of ridiculous really.

        OK, I'll be back later via iPad. Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF day Tuesday 21ST August

          Good Morning Mick, TDN, Lav and all to come..much better sleep last night. Makes all the difference for dealing with the day. I actually found myself laughing a couple of times yesterday.

          Mick;1366980 wrote:
 are you doing..glad to see you back in with us normal people again .Well done seem more positive now.. back in the positive gang.. remember snakes and ladders? you have been down the snake started again and gone up one of the ladders ..go for it girl...lists rule!!
          Mick, my first list is going to be what to pack in my parachute incase I land on a snake again. When I get that done I'm going to post it so everyone can tell me if I've got any holes in it.

          Off to start my day as most of you are just ending your day. Have a good af day/night. PQ


            AF day Tuesday 21ST August

            Good morning everyone! Today is 30 days for me!!!!!!!! I never thought I would get this far and I am soooooooo excited!!!!!

            I have been MIA from here since last Thursday....I had to take my daughter to college and help her get moved into her apartment. My husband and I painted her room until the wee hours of the morning while the AL was flowing as the roommies were all moving in. was tough.....really tough...but thank God for the AB because I knew that drinking wasn't an option and I focused on the task at hand. Then we all left to drive to Florida for my in-laws 50th Wedding Anniversay.....Ugh! Normally I would've had my "stash" with me to help me get through but I did it all without AL! We ndropped my daughter off at college last night and headed home. I am sooo glad to be back so I can get back to my AA meetings and into my comfort zone! I am missing my daughter like crazy but my emotions are so much more in check since AL is out of the equation!

            I've missed you all soooo much an I am happy to be back! Thanks so much to each and every one of you for helping me stay AL for 30 days!!!!!!!!!!:h:h:h
            AB Club Member
            AB Start Date - 7/25/12

            10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

            :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


              AF day Tuesday 21ST August

              Destiny :wd: CONGRATS ON 30! I remember when I hit 30 af days and how proud I felt of myself. Keep it going. PQ


                AF day Tuesday 21ST August

                Thanks Porq.....I am sooooooooo excited!!!!!!!
                AB Club Member
                AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                  AF day Tuesday 21ST August

                  This is going to be one long day.......
                  My grandsons are extra energetic this morning :H

                  Porqoui, staying positive is a big part of this journey. Believe in yourself, we believe in you

                  CONGRATS on your 30 AF days Destiniey!!!!
                  Always remember this awesome feeling & keep going, no matter what
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF day Tuesday 21ST August

                    Congrats Dest, 30 Days!!!! YAY

                    I too am helping my youngest get back to University right now. Its going to be quiet but we have grown to like our solitude here. Shes wonderful though. Thats what Facetime is for, I guess.

                    Good morning Mick. Ever cheerful, hows the foot and tooth thing going? Love pickled beets. Do you put a bit of cinnamon in yours?

                    Hi Lav, good times with the gks, mine are coming NEXT WEEK! They are counting the sleeps, and so are we. They live too far away.

                    Good day TDN. Hope you are not too pissed at me. I have been supportive and encouraging and understanding too. Interesting study you quote there, I bet it is true that widdowed and single women tend to drink less. Not sure why relationships drive us to drink, But I think its most whats in our own heads and not whats out there.

                    Hi PQ glad you are having a few laffs and getting some sleep. It just gets better.

                    As for moi, im about 1/3 through the big 750 page tome, and i have to get cracking and get my questions in to the chairman for the hearing in September. Meanwhile summer IS fading. But this thing is SUCH A SNOOZER. Meanwhile there is SNOW in Burns Lake, right now on the weather channel, and storms on the east coast of the US. I feel great though.

                    Big shout out to the rest of you folks out there. Hi to Marshy, Greenie, Pap3 M3 etc. I keep asking where Det is, please dont tell me hes drinking. I hope he is out there munching on garlic some where.

                    whoops, forgot to say hi to Turnski.!!! Hey!

                    One thing is for sure.


                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      AF day Tuesday 21ST August

                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        AF day Tuesday 21ST August

                        Way to go Destiney !!!!!!
                        This is a great milestone and we're here to encourage you to keep moving forward with AF living. It just gets better and better!

                        I spent the last week on the road working - intense - but satisfying. I had the opportunity to spend time with a lot of folks who are fully enjoying the AF life. It is truly FABulous to live free of addiction.

                        I am trying to convince myself to take today off and just veg. We worked such long days everyday....but laundry and dust awaits here at home. I'm going to try to catch up around here for the first bit of the morning.

                        Mick....I really appreciate your cheery morning greeting! Although...I usually see your first greeting the last thing before I go to bed. LOL. You make me smile!

                        I'm not sure I understand the avatar request. I must've missed something! The picture was taken at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. I was lucky enough to have an incredible raft trip down the Canyon this summer with some of my closest friends. I was sooooooooo happy to enjoy every moment of this phenomenal experience to its fullest. AF living rocks.

                        Kas....I sure wish Det would check back in here with us, too! I get general emails from him...but nothing personal. I'll drop him a line to let him know we really miss him.

                        Hugs to all you FABulous folks out there!
                        Sober for the Revolution!
                        AF & NF July 23, 2011


                          AF day Tuesday 21ST August

                          Good evening, peeps,

                          Mick, I came in too late for coffee but I'll have some pickled beets if you can spare any. I looove beetroot.

                          Dest, well done to you. You should be hopping about with joy.

                          Lav, you've been really feisty lately, I would love to see Stella let loose on your ex.

                          I had a monster hike today and I am a bit tired. Made myself a long perrier with grape juice and lime. It was so nice hubby wanted one too ... So one more night of no AL down.

                          Ahhh lost the rest of the post.
                          workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                            AF day Tuesday 21ST August

                            Congrats, Destiniey!!! Great news!!!!
                            "One day at a time."


                              AF day Tuesday 21ST August

                              Hi all just a quick post...before shower etc and make my food for tomorrow...I will be up about aint too much chance of posting!!!
                              Turn the avatar..thought you were going to swop them with other ones you had taken..including some of Alaska

                              Shue well done on your hike..just bought some new hiking tomorrow should be fun!!As for beets..pickled 6 jars..probably got about 6 or 7 jars to do..done some with bay leaves, others with mustard seeds and one with sliced jalapeno hot!

                              TDN..Off up to just beyond Thirsk and Northallerton tomorrow

                              Cant even log in on my phone tomorrow..Im using the brick!!

                              50 days tomorrow..well in 2 and a half hours Yesss

                              Have a great af day everyone
                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

