Filling in for Mick here today, so coffee is ready! I need it today--still feeling tired and have a dull headache off and on. Day 13, but guess it could be PAWS. Still feels a whole lot better than a hangover!

I was so happy to see GarlicMan Det back! I was lucky that I didn't have a hard time getting off Paxil a couple of months ago, but I'd only taken it for about four months and was on a pretty low dose. And I weaned off as slowly as I could, even though my doctor told me I could just stop. So I do think that you are wise to just stick with them if you felt like such a zombie. Sure is great that you didn't pick up a drink, though! I love your posts, so keep 'em coming!
SunFlower--sending extra:l to you today! PLease check in here.
PQ--how are you today? Getting meetings in? I still get the Grapevine online--forget just how much it costs--something like $27 a year. I try to read the stories for inspiration. I will need to get meetings in as part of my DUI requirements. I did keep a list of them for a few months in the winter, but stopped doing that.
Had an absolutely beautiful day yesterday! We took a ride around the Lake--hadn't done that in a long time--and went to a supermarket that is much better than anything we have right here. And were able to get a boat ride late afternoon when there was very little boat traffic and it was perfect weather. Only problem is the boat-it is almost as old as I am:H, has a problem with overheating and I could smell smoke. Happened last time, too, and Mr TDN put some sealant on the pipes, and he was sure that it was burning off and caused the smell. But we took it very easy and didn't go far. I used to drive home--it's under a mile to the dock--while Nr TDN covered the boat, and would then go back an pick him up. Can't even drive down the road. But I also know that I used that time to sneak a drink. Still could have done it, as Mr TDN had to take me home and then go back, but I realized what sick behavior that was. And most of my boating time was "cocktail" hour time. Glad it's over!
It is another beautiful day starting--the sunlight is so pretty at 6:00 a.m. Walking, then work at 9:30. Short day, as I finish at 3:00. Lots of work tagging all the slae things that came while I was off yesterday. Big sale is Friday and Saturday.
Lav, Turn, DG, YahYah, Lilly, Liife, Shue, Kas, Pap3 and eeryone I am forgetting--have a great AF day!
