I was up at 5:00, but had trouble connecting to the Internet for some reason. Anyway, I couldn't stay awake past 10:00 last night, so when I woke at 5:00, decided to just get up. Still tired and get the dull headache, and I am pretty sure it is PAWS. Lilly, not sure how long/much you have to drink for this to set in. I'm sure DG wold know, and I can get out the info I have on it from rehab. But I don't remember being this tired the last times I stopped. At least it doesn't come over me during the day at work.
Filling in for Mick again today! Mick, you owe me a huge coffee tomorrow a.m.:H Any chance of a latte??
Det, I don't know how I missed that you'd slipped. Need to re-read the post again. I am so glad you came back, though. The slips/relapses can come any time, and that is a thought that scares me. Read in one of the other threads about someboy who relapsed after 6 years and is in bad shape now. Guess she had a really hard time dealing with the AA group and the concept of starting all over on day 1 even after all those years. It is a very hard thing--I've been there. Do you have anything like Librium from the doc for the detox? I had enought for two days only--seeral times--and it did help me aoid the shakes and all. It made me sleepy on the first day, but it helped. and fo sleep, you might try Dramamine. Suggested on another thread, and it does seem to help you with the shakes the next day. I understand how easy it is to drink when you are on the road. I always took a bottle with me when staying in hotels. But I got my full day in--even exercise--before I hit the bottle. That changed about a year and a half ago when I started having a drink while driving. We all know where that lead! Anyway, with your healthy eating habits and being back on the ADs, you should be okay. Just stick close, okay!???? We missed that whiff of garlic that comes with your posts

DG--how was that first day of school? I hope the other students appreciated your new outfit!! I am going to see if I can get that Addiction Pro digitally.
PQ--how are you? And you, CanDo? Hope you are both up and running strong. How about you, YahYah? Pap3--thinking about you and the jobe and fingers crossed and prayers in for you!
Sunflower--prayers for you, too, and your situation. Hope we at least hear a short post from you today.
I have read and re-read Nicey's post--think in General section--about her relapse. I had read it back in April when she firts posted, but it is something I am going to read every day. It details all the horror of relapsing after thinking we can have that "one" drink. Thank God she found her way back.
Have to work later this morning, but will fit in a walk alone, as my neighbor can't make it today. Then I have a phone conference in the evening with a guy I will be doing some work for from home--in the educational sales field. The store hours are drastically cut starting next week, and the two girls I have left will be very disappointed that they won'r have a full work week. But one took this past week off, when she should have waited, and the owner wants me to have the bulk of the hours, so it's out of my hands. But I'll be able to do some of this part time phone work and have a bit more time for relaxing, etc.
Lav, do you have th day to yourself or is it more babysitting? Hope it's Lily and not the boys. LOL. How is Matilda?
Kas, wow--not sure how you stay with a man like that! Makes Mr TDN look like the perfect husband:H I do understand about paying most of the bills, as I did it for years. Mr TDN retired at 50! But I loved working and I didn't mind paying the bills, as I tend to spend any money I have on other things. But Mr TDN saved a lot of money wheil he worked and he is now withdrawing much more. I still pay a lot of the bills, though. Won't be able to do that unless I find another jib once this ends in October. But I can start withdrawing money form an IRA, so don't feel too bad!
Okay--please ignore any typos, as I don't check carefully for them.
Everybody--enjoy a wonderful AF day!
