Hi Papmom:l
Sorry-x-post, and I feel soooo badly that you didn't get the job you wanted. I'm glad you're on Wellbutrin and I hope it helps you. I'm proud of you for making those tough choices in tightening your budget. All of those things....agility, your Jeep....must have been so hard to give up. Great news on the phy. exam and too bad your new doc is incompetent. Yes, absolutely, give faith a try. It really does work, and if you have time check out the What We Believe In thread. It's excellent, and I lurk there often. I'll pray for you, today, dear friend. Am I working too hard again, you asked? No, not really, but I have had the most profitable August in my 6 years of having my business. I am also taking more classes in November to be certified as a trainer and consultant in the medical devices and occupational health and safety fields. Thanks for always asking about me, Papmom, and I pray your luck will turn around soon. I've been in your shoes and it's heartbreaking. Love, Rusty