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wed morning

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    wed morning

    hello everyone - well am on day 11 now and feeling good.
    quick post before work will try to come back later. I'm toying with the idea of modrating teh weekend I am in Europe for a weekend will have been AF for a month by then again. Then will be AF again until my birthday beginning of April.

    I'm really not sure what my goals are. I don't know if I'm someone who will be AF forever, or who will drink on special occasions (by that I mean once a month).
    A friend suggested it to me - not sure - am I just doing it to fit in again?
    I definitely don't want to have more than 3 drinks on 2 nights and none on the other night.
    Part of me would feel I was gving up on potentially 6 weeks AF, but I don't want to be limiting myself when away. But then is that just an excuse??
    one day at a time

    wed morning

    Good Morning Bear - and those not posted yet.
    Bear, it is hard to say what is right or will work best for someone else. But can I make one suggestion? It seems you have a lot of stress worrying about something that is down the road a few weeks. Maybe it would help to say - My goal is 30 days af and then I will reevaluate how I feel and decide at that time what I am going to do.
    It is very hard not to worry about the future, but I think it is putting a lot of extra stress on you right now. Just think about 30 days first and then you can decide.
    Going to work now.
    Have a great Tue...oops Wed. Everyone.
    Also, I had mentioned last week that my mom was having surgery on 2/27 - having a stint put in an artery in her heart. Well, I got great news yesterday. They did a 'catheter?' took a look inside and found she didn't need one! I was thrilled. She didn't even have to spend a night in the hospital. So thanks for the prayers- special thanks Kathy for your kind thoughts and prayers.

    Oh...this past weekend I saw Spamalot (touring co here in atlanata) It was SOOO good...thought I'd just pass that along. I had a great time.



      wed morning

      Hi all,

      Wednesday evening here. No drinking for 17 days. Not missing it at all. The medications have been changed once again by My p-DOC, and so am probably in for a finny few days. I am determined to get back to work and normality (well a semblance of it!) by next Monday. It is Wednesday night here and I have been doing housework for 5 hours - a bit manic - and driving my husband round the bend!! Oh well...have a lovely clean house now...what to do next?!

      Have a happy Wednesday for all of you that re just starting your day.

      Excellent news about your Mother Lisa -it's such a relief when the worst case scenario does not come about.

      Special occasions are hard Bear - i've got my 10th wedding anniversary coming up - perhaps we should go camping instead of the normal "meal deal". I can't imagine Europe without a glass of something (lucky i'm in Oz for the forseeable future!)...I can imagine it would be hard enough without the birthday on top. I think , like Lisa, get to 30 days and see how you feel. The more you think about it now the more it becomes a "big issue", like being on a diet and obsessing about food.

      Love to all

      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


        wed morning

        Good morning all...8:20am here Wed.
        Good job bear on day 11...Each day is a building block to confidence and self respect...

        Very happy about your mom, Lisa

        Cash...17 is great! And congrads on your 10 year anniversary...Maybe a toast with one sip and then no alcohol after that would be OK...Hey or a new tradition of carrot juice???

        :goodjob: to all...
        Control the Mind


          wed morning

          Hi Rocky,

          With the meds i'm on one sip would put me under the table!! Carrot juice is yummy but i reckon i could juts make up with the food what i save on the wine


          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


            wed morning

            Congratulations to everyone. Glad to hear you all are doing so well. Lisa, happy to hear about your Mom. We had a similar experience with my dad quite a few years ago and he too did not need the stint. It is such a relief.

            I haven't been posting here for a while but I am happy to say I've made it for one solid week. Seven whole days. Haven't done this in quite a while. I know I have to be careful about this. I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop. But for now I'm just enjoying how much better I feel.

            Wishing you all a great day.



              wed morning

              Good morning to all!!

              I hear you on social situations or anniversaries. I would like to think I could moderate myself to two or three drinks but not right now, I can't believe all the snow coming down right now, it was so sunny yesterday it looked like spring, now it just looks like a day in January. Oh well, snow is pretty.

              Wishing everyone a great day!!
              AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
              Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                wed morning

                Good morning Abs!

                Good job to you all on your AF days!

                Dreading this upcoming weekend. Soon to be ex wants to come for a visitation with the daughter. I feel like getting hammered. I know I won't but still I really don't know how to deal with the cheating, lying, fool. It has been two months since we have seen him last. Any advice would be greatly appreciated for those of you whom have gone through the whole visitation stuff.

                Anyway.... that is my dilema for today.

                My meeting with my now, new client went awesome yesterday. Not only did I gain a new client, I gained 3! So business is starting to take off. Officially on Monday, I will be a working person! So happy!!

                You all have a great day!! :h


                  wed morning


                  Hello and good day to you all...well done to you all on your 51 for me!!!

                  Acct sorry i cant advise on the visitation stuff as iv never had to deal with that...but well done on your work, you are doing so well..good on ya!

                  Love you all

                  Lou x x x
                  "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                    wed morning

                    Good evening all....and well done....

                    Accountable sorry like lou I do not have the experience of visitation etc ....stay strong as you have put a huge amount of effort into staying AF and you are doing brilliantly......great news about the business. Sounds like a real success. Stay focused on your own goals and the week end will take care of itself. Good luck with it....



                      wed morning

                      Accountable, how does your daughter feel about seeing her Dad? How old is she? Can you have someone with you while he's there? Is he taking her somewhere? Not trying to be nosey or bombard you with questions. You'll feel better later, and it's better for your daughter, if you try not to your marriage and your parenting become the same thing - no matter how big of a jack ass he is, as long as she is safe. Sorry you have to go through this. It hurts to be a parent sometimes. He'll get his someday; don't worry.

                      Day 45 for me. Hope everyone else is okay.


                        wed morning

                        Hey everyone, Wow, seems like a lot is going on, a few days away and it seems so hard to catch up!

                        I hope you are all having a wonderful day!

                        Day 47

                        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                        James Gordon, M.D.


                          wed morning

                          Thanks everyone. I wouldn't know what to do without you guys here. My daughter is very little - not even two yet. She doesn't know the difference either way I am assuming. He has been gone for about 4 months with one visit of 10 days at Christmas. If anything he will have to come here and visit. I won't let him take her out. I dunno... I want her to have a relationship with her father, I am being selfish because I am still hurting from what he had done and I don't want to see him. I guess this is all part of growing up. I need to bury my feelings for my child. It is what we good parents do I guess.

                          Thanks again. And no, barb you aren't being nosy at all. Believe me, I wouldn't dump my business here if I didn't trust you guys. You all are so wonderful! I cannot thank you enough!


                            wed morning

                            Good evening everyone!

                            Hi all! Sounds like there is alot going on, and it is late, so I will just say "well done everyone"! AND.......... (I have now-10 days!!!! ) for the first time in A LONG time!:happy:

                            Couldn't have done it without the helo from all of you!!

                            Much love,

                            Goo night!:l :h
                            Mary Anne

