Firstly..big congratulations to saysage on hitting the 180 mark yesterday...:goodjob: any plans?
Right..weekend routine .... tea and coffee on the go... followed closely by bacon eggs toms.
Morning are you today?Liked your idea ref the positive.There isnt such a thing as weeds..they are just plants in the wrong place!!Reading your post , mbh, for a minute was a wee bit not jealous but thinking, wish I was there looking at Berlin..definitely going back to see it one day, just to see the changes and the way life has changed since I remember it..especially where you are in the old Ost Berlin..trying to be clever there but they don't do umlau in this edition of writing!
Good morning to you big latte coming up for you.How are you this weekend?any plans?Fingers crossed for you with regards to bud..hope its good news week for you.Yes fully retired now ..did that last March...really strange to get used to at the beginning.Your brain takes on this well you've retired so that's it end of the show me down at times, especially mixed in with the residue from the stroke I had.Once through that which lasted about 6 months, you wonder how you ever had time to go to work anyway!!I agree with you it isnt easy to start these threads off all the time especially if you have my level of computer skills, but for those that havent, it is quite a good confidence booster anyone who has done it will tell you, so anyone who wants to..jump on in..first chance tomorrow..its Sunday early start for me so I wont be able to start the thread
Morning Lav..and how are you this hour of the morning?been up how long?Have a coffee.Reading your post, when you said you only ate very little chicken... could see your avatar positively sighing with relief!:H
Morning ok?boy those pics are plenty of the wet stuff here to put them out!!
Good morning are you?we havent met before..but pleased to.Where are you from ?
And how is the next world golf champion from Bulgaria today?Coffee Shue?Stiil at 1/2 speed? can afford to drop a cog or two yet!!Good for you Shue..glad you kicked the al thoughts in to touch..though must say I think it was a pretty crappy stunt to pull, s o good for you :wd:
No wonder you have got a top notch collection of shoes.............judging by your avatar, you only buy one.. so your getting them half price :H
Mr are you down under friend..congrats on your 30 days well done mate keep going.. you know you can for you ma'am? So the dog sitting was ok?Its great to see the positive you back again..well done.
YAH..morning to you..hows thing in here there and everywhere land??You are wrong when you say nothing is happening..theres lots..just because you aint jumping out of planes or climbing mountains or any other biggies...biggest word you said was sober..every minute/hour is a challenge that you have taken on and beaten.As for remembering what to comes after a while..also helps to have nothing in your head!:H
Sunflower..nice to see you posting..glad to see things are on the mend..blissful mood too eh?take your time, get sorted and oh...hurry back

Cantoo..good morning to you..racking up those days on the drinktracker!!As for issues about being honest and dishonest..hmm,Heres how it goes for me..this is me now,same as you,I knew I had a problem.. if there was a pint I wanted a bucket etc etc..decided to stop drinking never told anyone that I had a problem and couldnt stop, so I went down the health road..reducing cholestoral, losing weight etc.
Consider you think that if I had said to everyone that I had a problem with drink and had to give it up..people would actually give a toss about it?Most people are too wrapped up in their own issues to even bother about it.. Again it is our perception of what would have happened..Hi I have hit 30 days most cases the reply would have been"really? well to dash kids ready for school etc etc"
So really there is no honest or dishonest about it..basics are I have stopped drinking..end of.The reasons or rationale behind it are immaterial and to be frank nobody elses business.Thats why it is so good here..we all know what it is about.Imagine an airline pilot telling you all about flying a plane, or a stamp collector telling you about a rare like watching paint dry,unless you are another stamp collector or pilot.So unless you have been there you aint got a clue.Does all that make sense? I actually get more of a buzz saying no I dont drink.Phew brew time!!
Morning Kas..shorts an T shirts..what are they??? how are you today?take it Kasloland is going to get a shock when the kids turn up? have a great time
Signing off time now..wont be here in the morning so can someone else start the thread?Got my phone back now fixed instead of the brick so I will be able to check in tomorrow.To all here and others not named have a great all those in the background thinking about sacking the al...go for in charge again we are here for you all