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af day Saturday 25 Aug

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    af day Saturday 25 Aug

    Hey everyone. Boy its busy on here for a saturday, nice to see. The SF, I have not been an AA proponent as you know. I am an agnostic toxicologist former alkie... I dont believe in the gates of hell stuff, and I know slip ups are not fullblown year after year of hard work destroying every organ in my go figure. HOWEVER i DO think that councilling and working together in a group, good sponsorship and discussion work. It used to be that AA was all there was. You dont have to do it alone, you have us lot! ha ha! And I guess, seriously, in the end, its our own Journey. Greenie taught me that. Dammit where is she?

    I am not going to do roll call this morning, but I have read all your posts and I see you are all doing fine. Thats fantastic...

    Shue, WAY TO GO! enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Dont relapse, that is all. It will start to get old fast.

    Sunny morning here in Kaslo land. Hmmm. Garden or boat? Or page 357 of 756 plus appendices? Monday is the deadline for questions to the Crown. The grandkids approacheth. One thing is for sure. Al would not be a useful diversion.

    have a great day all


    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
    Status: Happy:h


      af day Saturday 25 Aug

      Wow I am on an laptop is in the shop.....I have now lost three posts...wah!!!!!!!!

      I went to paste the words I had painstakingly copied and it showed up as Candy Barr!! WTH?

      So I'm sending. Hugs. Tis is HARD!!!! S F. Extra hugs

      You got out of the need to get the support you need...pls come back now and then to let us know how you're doing, okay?

      Great day a to all!
      Sober for the Revolution!
      AF & NF July 23, 2011


        af day Saturday 25 Aug

        Turn, I finally turned off the auto correct feature on my iPad ~ better

        YahYah, my daughter-in-law is a social work major too, small world. We all live so close to Maryland she should probably get herself licensed thre too.

        Guess what sober business owners do on a Saturday night? They catch up on work........oh joy!!!!
        Better than getting myself in trouble or something :H
        I'll bet Kas is doing something work related too

        Greetings CanToo, The SF, porqoui & anyone I've missed/
        Have we seen Det yet today??
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          af day Saturday 25 Aug

          Are you clairvoyant, Lav??? :H:H:H

          Stinking environmental assessment takes 430 pages to get to the actual env assessment. WTF? As they say.

          At least I am not falling asleep in my chair because I am hung over!!

          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
          Status: Happy:h


            af day Saturday 25 Aug

            Damn right I'm clairvoyant Kas :H :H

            Maybe that's why YB ran off ~ he claimed I was reading his mind & controlling his thinking...........
            For the love of God - if I could do all that I'd be the richest person in the world

            I do have a tendency to 'tune in' to people at times
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              af day Saturday 25 Aug

              Hi all,

              Once again I feel a bit lost trying to catch up with the whole weekend at once. So much awesomeness going on!

              So the big stuff first…

              SAUSAGE!!!! WELL DONE ON 6 MONTHS!!!!!!!!! :yay: Your story and your thoughtful and intelligent posts have helped me a lot here and, I'm quite sure, many others. I am so happy you've made it this far and I'm looking forward to you announcing you've passed that point you slipped last time so you can just look forward to a year. I believe you are pretty close now, right? Six months is fantastic and you should be really proud. I'm going to go look for your story update - hope there is one. Very happy for you.

              GUITARISTA - HOORAY FOR 30 DAYS!!!!!! :kissyface: I could say the first sentence of the above to you, too. Your positivity is so admired and appreciated here. I'm not sure what happened 30 days ago to lead you back to the drink but I'm really happy you came back here and are carrying on your grateful AF journey.

              You are Life are inspiring me re AA. Life, I'm so glad your sponsor is working out so well and that you're enjoying the program. Both your posts make me think I will go check out a meeting soon. That is fantastic. Keep it going.

              I have big reservations about the whole AA program -- Namely, 1) Why is a medially recognized disease primarily treated in our society by a one-size-fits-all program based on ambiguous supernatural components? What if cancer patients were told that in order to recover from cancer they'd have to admit they were powerless over it (forever) and turn their life over to some arbitrary higher power? That would seem like outrageous quackery, no? So why is this acceptable when it comes to alcoholism? And 2) I personally think that getting control over any addiction is an extremely powerFUL act. But, nonetheless, I think the face-to-face support from people who really 'get it' could be invaluable. Much like the support I find at MWO is amazing and valuable. (And honestly, I'm a bit sick of not having anyone IRL I can really talk to about all this completely openly.)

              , yes, being told if I don't do the program I'm doomed to relapse is one of the things I fear about going and would drive me nuts too. I think AA is a tool, much like MWO, and giving it all the credit for success - or failure - is inherently faulty thinking, IMHO. If you get free YOU did it. WE did it. But AA can clearly help - that's all.

              BTW, I am really happy to see you checking in here. :l I hope you will post from time to time at least and let us know you're doing ok.

              I had a weird experience last night. I went to dinner with a friend and beforehand we had to go make an appearance at her friend's birthday party at a bar. Everyone had been drinking for four hours when we got there. Trying to talk to people in that state when you're stone cold sober certainly makes you realize just how stupid, boring and repetitive otherwise lovely people can be when they're pissed. And yet, despite that, being in that full bar on a Saturday night made me deeply twitchy all night long. The brainwashing is so intense. But, I didn't drink. And Thursday is 60 days. I am booking that haircut tomorrow!

              , thank you so much for your lovely compliment and Shue too. Given that I often fear I just babble on too much here in my novella-length posts that was really nice to hear. I was also happy to hear the nice biking story update with Mr K. And, you know, the couples I admire the most are the ones that just seem to still genuinely like each other and enjoy each other's company. That's a lovely thing to be able to say still after 28 years of marriage. It sounds like you still have both but you just haven't been enjoying each other's company so much lately as he's been disconnected. Maybe that can continue to change? It sounds like you've more exploring to do but that you'll ultimately be ok either way.

              , I am looking forward to seeing the SHOES No pressure. Also, you are doing fantastically. Please keep it going. A relapse won't cause you anything but regret. Go read that relapse thread (Going out but coming back in') if you need a reminder.

              Ok, night all! It's been a full weekend and I'm going to collapse on the couch with Season Two of Episodes. Has anyone else seen this show. It is SOOOO funny!



                af day Saturday 25 Aug

                I think you've gotten some great advice here Raven. I was pretty nervous about answering your post initially, as the issue of moderation here is, as you may have gathered, indeed pretty contentious. I wanted to get the thread started though in case people were afraid to jump into the fray for that reason.

                To be perfectly honest, I do think that, by definition, most people who find their way here have a real drinking problem - whether you want to call that problem drinking, alcohol addiction, or alcoholism. If you didn't you probably wouldn't seek out a quit drinking forum, right? And because alcoholism is, more often than not, progressive in nature, encouraging an alcoholic to think they can 'moderate' could potentially be EXTREMELY dangerous. As you'll see if you read around here more, many people here who hoped they could moderate ended up having shocking, horrible, hard-to-recover-from relapses. Ask Supercrew - his ended with a trip to ER. (Read his awesome story in the 'My Story' thread'.)

                So, who could blame them for not wanting to encourage anyone else to 'moderate'? Not when it's been a life or death matter for them. At the same time, personally at least I'd hate to scare anyone off here by telling them they can't as you do have to come to that conclusion for yourself if that is the case for you. It may be possible for problem drinkers to go on to moderate long-term and successfully but it's not common. And the alternative is pretty frightening.

                I hope you work out which is the best path for you. Don't let the moderation issue scare you off coming here - you're welcome here whatever path you're trying to take. But don't completely close your brain to the idea of abstinence either. You might, as Sober Visitor said, find out it's the best thing that's ever happened to you.

