Nope,havent reached the 60 days yet.I had to sit down and work it out...not been keeping that close an eye on it, but it is the big 60 on Saturday.
Tea and coffee on the go now for anyone that needs it.just dropped a cup and spilt coffee all over the kitchen floor...just as well its tiles and not carpet.
Morning ok? has your mood shifted on?hope so.Seem to have some strange laws re dui over there..does it vary from state to state?Keep least it will make you feell worst everyone will think youre nuts
Good morning Lilly E..purveyor of the purple pants prominently are you today?Not feeling grumpy today??ok then which one of the dwarves is it :H
Seem to have ot over my mad need a drink phase..think that is something I will have to deal with throughout time which aint that big a deal.Its like smoking.My my calculations your 60 days is tomorrow...unlike your good self the hairdresser does not beckon me..just be throwing my money away.So you have different teas have you?just looked in our we go..Chinese Black, Chinese green,Hibiscus, peppermint, Kiwi fruit, green apple, Apple,Lemon Strawberry,Yorkshire,Lancashire!!..
At a wedding on Sunday so no doubt I will see my fair share of alcohol fuelled beauts..volunteered to drive so thats an ace get out anyway
Morning Lav..and how are you today?Up early again I presume? Coffee for you? Black bean burgers mm sounds nice..will you be wearing your Kaftan too??
Hi ppq.. how are you ?thanks for your comment..appreciated.Glad the dog duties are over sounds like not half as glad as you are!!Anything planned for today,or take it as it comes.Pleased that you are happy.
YAH..morning .coffee? got over your dream? Strange how things come on isnt it?Same year for us ..56, though sometimes it feels like 1856!!That road trip with your sis sounds for a little un?
AFM..good morning,never met but how are you?hope you get the job..fully agree its a worthwhile cause..after all we humans have a t least a bit of a say..animals dont!!Dont know what the thoughts are but best of in ditching them!!
Momof3..good morning and welcome think I remember seeing some of your posts.You really have done well so all credit to you.
Lifechange good morning ..enjoy your retreat...empty your mind? that would be a no brainer for me !! are you? thanks for the comments.MBH prefer to drink cream soda or Irn Bru rather than al..just the little shit in my head doesnt always agree!!
Cantoo..hiya and how are you today?onwards and upwards for you now my girl!!
thats me done folks..lot of names and faces missing..hope you are all ok..take care