go girl been close at times but its there........ 1440 hours alcohol free..onwards and upwards..your next target is???
Tea and coffee anyone?for a change I am having kiwi fruit tea.
Ok yet again ,the issue of modding has come up..I seriously cannot see what the issues are.For me it is quite simple...all a matter of choices, and the choice is.to drink or not to drink end of, you cannot do both.If you choose to drink the outcome is cut and dried..dont drink.period.If you choose to drink then you work out when how many etc,etc.The other thing is all this about being abs on modding posts,and modding on abs posts blah blah...fine, everyone is entitled to an opinion, but compare this site to a supermarket..you go in, have a look round, and if you want to buy veg, you dont browse around the clothing section, or hang about in the cake aisle looking for bacon!!
Nuff said...........
Lilly how are you?have a great day you desrve it. $120 for a haircut??? for that dosh they would need to be able to turn me into a blond, bottomed, spray-tanned Sydney princess!!!
TDN welcome to you ..maybe you are awake just now??If so grab a brew...Been watching a bit about the politics over there...seem to be quite a few supporters deserting the Obama camp..or that is how it is portrayed in the media.. interesting though some of the comments.
Morning chef how are you today?Yep you will get past 90 this time..just you stick around and keep the food coming!!!

Morning mom of 3 how are you?busy keeping fit? sounds good.
Morning to you Lav..peace n luv

Yah morning to you..how are things with your good self today?? yep sometimes it is boring, but reckon it would still have been boring with al...if not you were probably too pissed to remember

AFM..congratulations on the job well done and a worthwhile job too.Strange how deven after this time you wanted a drink...but thats the way it is.Main thing is you didnt .those animals need you.. the whole you.BTW..I did French at school and I can never remember my French teacher reciting that...or maybe she did and I wasnt listening!!
Hi Kradle ..you ok nice to see you
Turn ..morning to you how is Alaska today sounds weird that ok how is wherever yuo are in Alaska?By all means celebrate now..I intend to celebrate forever..Next goal..reckon the big 90 with Lilly if she will have me..oops that doesnt sound right!!!!Reckon at 60 days I will have saved at least ?350 that would have been peed up the wall so going to get tv/dvd combi on the wall ..then can watch it on the treadmill.
As for the owl..last week the centre took in an American Kestrel.. didnt realise there was a difference but there is.This one is a little female.they are smaller than our ones ,both sexes are but the plumage is really vibrant.The male has got a gorgeous slate blue colour..I will post a pic.
PPQ..how are you today?ace idea to start walking gives you head clearing time, exercise and more importantly you time.When you are out, just look around you..bet you see things that you have just not looked at or didnt know were there. Let me know how you get on.
Sunflower ...yessss lovely to see you again welcome glad to see you posting again.Have read your post several times..summed up in your own words
I can drink anytime I want....I choose not to. ...Choices thats it in a nutshell
Anyway it sure is nice to see you back.
Right peeps off now..have a great day all..once again Lilly E ..Onya