Tea and coffee on the go...any special requests?
Morning Cantoo how are you today?Good I hope.Yes it is brilliant getting so close to the birds,though they all have their own temperament and likes and dislikes including people,and in some cases make that pretty obvious!!
Morning Lilly E..well how does it feel to be 60+.......................days that is before I get a slap!!Apart from a couple of times would agree with you, the last 30 were easier,and I agree,need to watch complacency doesnt creep in.So tomorrow..happy haircut day for you??well deserved :l
Morning chef..how are you this morning then?be careful..may be picking your brains along the road for tips!!
Morning TDN,how are you?Did you get out for that boat ride and dinner with your friends?and did that guy turn up reference the work? how did you get on?Chef can probably explain it better,but slow food is food that is good to eat,good for your health and good for the environment, so I guess his farm to table motto encompasses all of that.Am I right chef?So how did the rep. speeches go??
Watched some more of the para olympics last night..brilliant
Morning pq................get that other p on there.......positive!Yep patience is a virtue..love to say I have got it...I have for the first 10 minutes..after that, nope.Keep smiling pq you are doing well, dont be shooting those little ducks yet!
Morning Lav..bright and early I presume..take it kestrel pic wouldn't set your world on fire then??Any plans for today?2nd brew time..you want one too?
Morning YAH..holiday mode coming on I detect..how are you today?Anything planned for the weekend?
Sunflower good morning to you..how are you?apologies not required..........we are all here for each other.What you up to today? anything special?Keep cool
Turn..how are you?love the av did you take the pic?anything happening up your way?Seems to be pretty quiet all round at the moment. says he before the storm erupts!!!!
Quick, quiet post so I will go get ready......wherever you are have a great weekend..and remember when the little drinking voice in your head tries to entice you...just say "no"..or any other way that you wish to put it
Take care all