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Simply Sober September

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    Simply Sober September

    Oh Dill, I'm so sorry for what is happening to your grandkids and their mom. I hope that by being with your son full time they will start to feel safe and stable again. I can't remember how close in distance you are if at all. Where ever you are I know you will give your son the support he needs right now. I pray that your DIL will finally overcome her addictions so that she can still have a relationship with her kids before it is too late.
    Please know that we are here for you whenever you need us.
    :l :h
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      Simply Sober September

      Ah Dill,
      I am so sorry to hear this, I would be worried too.
      My DIL can be a goofball but nowhere near that extent. Does your son have a good sitter lined up so he can get to work OK?
      We are all here if you need anything :l

      Good night to all!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Simply Sober September

        Good Evening Sober September Friends,

        Dill:l I am so sorry for you and your son and grandchildren. I can't imagine the stress you are must weigh so heavily on your mind when you're at work. It's probably a blessing that your DIL was arrested. Like Lav said, I hope your grandchildren are in the hands of a good babysitter so can go to work. Hopefully, she will get some treatment for her addictions while she is in jail.

        Welcome CanToo! Please stay with us.

        Pap-dying to was the sail with your dad? I am so envious!

        LBH-I chuckled when you talked about your post ending up on Craig's List. Better Craig's List than a porn website.:H

        Star-thank you for the recipes. I am trying to convert from a carnivore to more of a herbivore.

        Mick-I saw your post on the Daily Thread about the Monthly Abs Thread and the AF Daily Thread, and I'm glad you brought it up Good Afternoon Sober September Friends,

        Welcome, CanToo! It's great to see you here.

        Mick-I saw your post on the Daily Thread, and you have raised a very good question,
        Monthly abstinence this thread is called....does that mean that to get on you must be af for a month,or striving towards abstinence. Monthly Abs Support Group: Join in as MWO'ers give up the sauce
        . I don't know what the "rules" are for posting on the Daily Thread. Are you supposed to say you're going to abstain Daily.....and then once you reach 30 days AF, you can post on our thread? I have no clue. It would be really good to have some clarification. Also I thought your post was very thoughtful as there were a few people who drank on the Daily Thread.

        To all, have a peaceful evening....especially those of us who are worried, feel the shame of drinking, or are dreading going to work tomorrow.:l I'll see you in the morning.


          Simply Sober September

          Good Morning Everyone another stunning autumnal morning here as I watch the sunrise from my bed.

          Dill - I can feel your heartache for your Grandchildren. Maybe this will be the catalyst for your daughter in law to get help, I pray it will be. You mention a baby, how old are they and has your Son got help in caring for them? like Papmom I'm unsure how close they live to you. Please stay close and let us know what's happening. We can't physically be there but be assured we will be in any other way possible :l

          Lav - I keep saying I'm going to dig Colin Tipping out of my archives and today I will! Thanks for the reminder, I remember how wonderful I found Radical Forgiveness the 1st time round.
          I too am a strong believer we can reprogram our brains and our biology and love the work of Bruce Lipton.

          On the subject of great teachers I'm excitedly awaiting the 1st I CAN DO IT conference HayHouse are holding in Scotland (I booked the ticket when I was living there and will go back for the weekend) its Sept 14th/15th and as well as Wayne Dyer and Louise Hay there is an amazing line up of speakers.

          Rusty - I think I found this thread pretty early in my sobriety, from memory in my 2nd month. There are no hard and fast rules that I know of but to me it was a for those with continued commitment to longterm sobriety. When I look back at the girl I was back then, I realize how far I have come, wow how far all of us have come! I hope we can offer the same support to anyone who joins us.

          Wishing you all an amazing day.
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            Simply Sober September

            Good morning to all...

            Wow Dill, what a difficult and scary situation for the entire family. Thank goodness she was arrested, now external controls will be in place. Still, it is so tragic. Thanks for telling us what is going on, I was worried about you. Your son has been through so much, he is lucky you are close by.

            Chill, what an amazing conference to look forward to. I wish I could afford more retreats and conferences myself. Lovely morning here, but I have to go to work, so no walk today.

            Rusty, I am looking into finding more vegatarian dishes, so will let you know when I find a few good ones.

            LBH, good to hear from you.

            Lav, it is so hard to hear that others are unable to remain AF, but how brave of them to share there issues and try again. I know you spend significant time welcoming and encouraging others. I will have to sign up for the compassionate brain series. I believe that with daily practice, the brain, feelings and behaviors can be influences and changed.

            Welcome to all and have a great Tuesday. Fall is coming.
            Formerly known as redhibiscus


              Simply Sober September

              Good morning friends,

              My marathon day begins in about 45 minutes & I still need to jump in the shower so I'll be brief for a change

              Woke up thinking about your Dill, please let us know how you are doing

              About the Daily thread..........
              The general concensus there is ABSTINENCE
              not I'm going to drink for a few days or a week then return.

              I started the frenzy because I was shocked to read the confessions of 3 people right in a row. That coming on top of another from the week before. These were not newbies just starting out! These were people who had some significant AF time & all have a very real need to remain sober but chose to drink anyway. It's frustrating & a bit disheartening, IMHO to those who battle to remain abstinent

              Must go now. Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Simply Sober September

                Hi everyone

                Thought I would get back into normal routine this week but it is still crazy. Getting oldest daughter settled into university accommodation, other daughters books etc. I have been reading and am thinking of those facing challenging times, big hugs to Dill and Pap in particular. Delighted to read the good news stories too, Chill and your wonderful new relationship, Miss Rusty and her modeling career

                Glad summer is over, over 2 weeks of family staying, neeeeeever again! The guest house sign has been taken down, I will either have to get a lot blunter or devious in future. On a happier note cruise was amazing. Spent a day and night in Malaga, lovely, so colorful. Boarded the ship next day, it was one of the most relaxing weeks I have ever had. Nearly had to be rolled off because of all the eating. It stopped off at Valencia, Rome, Pisa, Corsica. The day trips were optional and extra. We had been to Rome before, I got off at Pisa and went to see the famous tower and Corsica was beautiful. We had guests again the night we came back!

                Got to dash again, will check in when I can, :welcome: all the new people.



                  Simply Sober September

                  Thank you Rustop, Lav, Star, Rusty, Chill, Pmom, for your support and encouragement. It was felt and appreciated. To answer your questions, my son lives nearby and we help him with the children as needed. Currently he finds himself unemployed and now due to the stress of the situation he even dropped out of school (paid for by the GI bill) for this quarter. Priority one is for him to find a job. Child care will be arranged once he does. His son is 6 and in 1st grade and his daughter is 1 yr, 1 month old. Her mother will miss nearly half of her second year of life.

                  I hope for my DIL's sake that she uses this to pull herself together. She is being given the opportunity to go to a 3 month in house rehab in lieu of a 6 month jail term. However, there are no beds available and her PO thought it too much of a risk to let her go home to wait for the bed to open up so she is remaining in jail until that time. Everyone close to her is relieved by this.

                  I thought of you today Chill as I drove to work. At this time of year the feed corn is still standing and on the country roads I drive on the way to work, it grows on either side. I feel like I am driving through a corn tunnel with a blue dome ceiling. You'd love it!

                  Glad you're back, Rustop.

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    Simply Sober September

                    Dill I am very sorry for all that you are going through. I hope that your DIL uses this time wisely and is able to be a good mother to your grandchildren when she is done with her sentence. I'll keep the family in my prayers.


                      Simply Sober September

                      The same corn tunnel grows right here on my road as well Dill

                      You know, my oldest friend has a son who has dual addictions, multiple brushes with the law, etc & ended up jailed D/T lack of child support payments. BUT, that time sitting in jail apparently didn't hurt him, he did a lot of thinking & pulled his head out of his A$$. He is no perfect person by any means but he is much better & functional. I hope your DIL uses her time wisely.

                      Well, I survived my 13 hr day with two rambunctious little boys. I am rightly tired as hell :H
                      Unfortunately we had to spend the majority of the day inside - the weather here is yucky, hot & humid. Now I just need to get Matilda wound down a wonder she ends up dancing on tables :H

                      Welcome back Rustop, glad you enjoyed yourself (I am supremely jealous)!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Simply Sober September

                        Good morning SSSers

                        Rustop - :welcome: back! I haven't been to Corsica but have heard it is amazingly beautiful with a wealth of flowers. Glad you survived the guests, I really can't do visitors and equally am never comfortable being a guest. We have Mr S's best friend coming to stay one night this weekend so I can meet him and one night will be just do-able.

                        Dill - what a sad situation this is for everyone, it must have been bad for the authorities to be keeping your DIL in jail and to look for the blessings, thank God no harm came to the Children before this intervention. I'm glad your Son has you nearby.

                        Lav - I trust you slept well!

                        Another beautiful morning here, this is the driest part of the Uk and although it will be cold in winter it will be completely different from the constant rain and severe winds I experience in Scotland.
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          Simply Sober September

                          Hey everyone,
                          Up early today as my husband has leave early for work. I am slowing down at work so slightly worried, but still not feeling quite right. It is really hot and muggy here, I guess rain is in the forecast and then 70s for a while, finally.

                          Dill, good to hear rehab will be an option for your DIL, it is now up to her. We all know that part of being abstinent is a choice, using tools and coping skills. She can do it. What a tough time for your son, soooo good you are nearby to be a part of your grandchildren's lives. How wonderful you are in a good place with your AFness, too so you have strength and clarity of mind.

                          Lav, what a long crazy day. I love little kid energy, they always cheer me up and bring out the joy in any situation. Matilda is lucky to have such fun playmates. I have not followed the Daily thread,it is so hard at times to stay AF....but so worth it. Actually the prognosis is poor for alcohol dependence and drug matter what the treatment. I think the fact that people continue to post after a relapse shows how much they want to be free. Do you think the premise for MWO is deceiving....after all, RJ for whatever reason, decided abstinence rather than moderation. I never got the complete story on that, but I wonder if the ability to go from out of control drinker to normal drinker is possible. Would love to hear you views and everyone's perception of this. After all, most of us are all trying for abstinence, as moderation did not work.

                          Rustop, welcome back. What a tour for you, entertaining and being entertained for weeks. The cruise sounded lovely, what a great experience. Glad to have you back.

                          Chill, I too have a low tolerance for visiting, one night is plenty for me, I love my routine. You are in the driest part of the UK and in the country so yes, this winter looks to be totally different than you tough winter last year. That weather was unbelievable. You sound positive and in a good place, it is great to have you on the thread daily.

                          Pap, hope your week started out well. Is fall starting to come to New England yet? I'm ready for sweater weather!!

                          LBH, do you get a lovely fall in the West?

                          To all, have a wonderful Wednesday.
                          Formerly known as redhibiscus


                            Simply Sober September

                            Star - I have very strong views on the subject you raise, I do not believe that moderation is possible for anyone who has truly had an alcohol dependency. I have also seem the proof right here repeatedly when members slip off the wagon, at 1st they are starring eyed at how wonderfully disciplined they can be at limiting their intake but bit by bit it is always the slippery slope back into the clutches of AL which is soon controlling them again instead of the other way around. And why when sobriety brings such freedom would we want to tempt fate.

                            One of the things I love most about my life is that it is totally about my choices, there is no nicotine, alcohol or sugar clouding my judgements on how I treat my body, it's so wonderfully liberating!

                            I am honestly one of the most self controlled disciplined people I know and yet when I watch my new partner sit with his wine glass and I allow the thought of what if I could join him, my mind very quickly skips to the part where I know beyond any doubt that I can't stop after one or two. No matter how strong willed I am I know the truth is that having had that addiction I could never hope to control it and if I can't I don't believe others can.

                            We also have to ask ourselves if those who can stop to 3 or 4 drinks really have total control or whether even in smaller amounts AL dictates our choices. It is a very powerful mind altering substance and because it is legal we often forget how addictive and damaging it is. It's reach epidemic levels with average housewives now consuming up to a bottle of wine a night and not even considering it may be a problem. In social circles this is just considered the norm. I wish we could rid the planet of the dreadful poison!

                            Ok , I will climb bak off my soapbox for now but I would beg anyone who considers moderation to have a very very honest discussion with themselves and see just who they are trying to kid.
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Simply Sober September

                              Good morning kids!

                              Oh yes I did sleep like a dead granny last night :H
                              I was physically & mentally beat up, that's for sure!

                              Greetings chill, Star & everyone & happy humpday!

                              I have wondered if RJ's attempt to moderate after a 20 year long serious drinking problem was just a pipe dream. Maybe she wasn't being completely honest with herself, not really ready to let go?
                              I haven't seen any definitive results showing that taking those meds makes any long lasting difference.

                              All I know for sure is that years of attempting to moderate before coming to MWO just did NOT work for me. Getting 30 AF days under my belt & in turn clearing the BS out of my head is what finally convinced me that I just had to remain AF. Once I came to that conclusion & accepted it the battle was over

                              OK, I'm going to drag my granny butt to Curves (mostly because they expect me to bring eggs today :H)

                              Wishing everyone a terrific AF Wednesday!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Simply Sober September

                                Hello dear friends - I've just read this week's postings, and I see what a lot of life I've been missing.

                                I spent July trying to simultaneously move into our new house and get ready to be gone for 3 weeks, it put me in a bit of a snarl. I'm still trying to figure out health things, but I do feel better after finishing the Lyme's course of medication. The 3 weeks away for Mr Tree's festival was an exciting time, but felt like 24/7 energy out the door, so I was depleted on return. Step-daughter arrived for a long weekend just after we returned, which was lovely, but too much for me at that moment. I spent last week getting Mr Tree ready to leave for a long work engagement in Germany; he's off now, so I feel like the dogs and I are going to be able to put life together again, and I can draw a deep breath.

                                Chill - wow, Mr Suffolk? PMom hope you are OK. Dill, what a stress, hope you are coping. Rusty, modeling, fantastic! Star, thanks for the wok reminder, and I too am switching between drenched and frozen, aaargh. Lav - our rock; love that Matilda party girl, thx for the Hanson link. LBH - new office? Rustop - too much company, don't know how you've done it. Sorry for anyone missed, I'll catch up with you. Welcome all new people (ahem, I have been around a long time, but spiral out to the edges once in a while...)

                                It's a dark rainy day here, but I feel that some part of me is stretching it's sunflower self toward a different light, thanks to everyone.
                                to the light

