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Simply Sober September

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    Simply Sober September

    ALMOST Vegan Star :H :H

    I do feel a whole lot better totally eliminating dairy & red meat!
    I rarely have one of those fresh backyard eggs but I do use them in baking.
    I limit myself to a wee bit of chicken or turkey a couple of times/week. Mostly I am a bean girl these days :H And yes, if you transition yourself slowly....your body will adjust. I keep a bottle of Bean Aid on hand, just in case

    OK, I'm heading back outside while it's still nice!!!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Simply Sober September

      Lavande;1375626 wrote:
      FreeFly, stick around for a while, glad you are here!
      Thank you Lav :l
      You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



        Simply Sober September

        Happy Sunday, all -

        FreeFly, welcome, and thanks for the heads up about Susan Cain and TED - I had no idea that was there, I'll check it out. Hope to hear more from you!

        Dill, I meant to say on my last post that Tessa is a dear - what an expressive face! Do you know her lineage; looks like a little boxer or Dane or something (I grew up with boxers, love those faces). She is lucky to have found you...

        RE: food. I got all in a knot from monkey mind this morning, so I told myself to stop thinking and DO something. The result is a bunch of crab grass pulled (not that it made a dent), and finally I baked a recipe that I've had for a long time, "Vegan Health Bar Cookies". They are gluten and sugar free, so that was the attraction for me. We'll see, at this point they seem like a mouth full of raisiny sawdust, but I probably shouldn't have tried the dough expecting much. Yesterday I thought I would make a big pot of quinoa as a starter for the week's meals...I wandered off and got involved in something else...grrr, do you know what burned quinoa smells like? Or maybe someone can tell me how to get burned quinoa residue out of my pot? aaaargh...

        Anyway, chalk up one cautionary tale for not multi-tasking, and for staying present (as in staying in the same room where the cooking is going on)...

        Hope everyone has had a good day -

        Take care all -
        to the light


          Simply Sober September

          Not all vegan recipes are as awesome as they claim, right cyn? :H

          Some I've made once & dumped, others have become favorites. I made a pot of black bean corn soup today & it was awesome. I baked up some Harvest Grain buns ~ yum
          Try putting water & dish detergent in your burned pot & out it back on the stove for a bit......I've done that to loosen up burned rice

          Hi FreeFly!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Simply Sober September

            LOL, Cyn! Being present while cooking is always a good plan! I haven't made quinoa in a while and when I did, I did not leave the room, so I can't help you there, but I bet it's not much different than the rice i scorched while multitasking a while back! Tessa is a lab/cane corso mix. I've never had a dog like her and in the short time she's been with us I've come to love her to death! she'll be between 80-90 lbs when full grown.

            :welcome:Freefly, come by whenever you want! Glad to have you.

            Lav, I'm glad you like the weather I sent your way~ special delivery just for you!

            Regarding retirement, I wonder whether you do in retirement is what you did all along...if you were busy and active while working, you continue. Same with drinking. Time has to be filled with something to do. That's a very good point, Star. I need to make sure I have positive, healthy activities planned for retirement so I don't fall back to my default mode. AF just feels so much better.

            It is good that you are doing this now as I think retirement is among the other myths that I told myself would make it easier to control or quit my drinking. At some point we each just have to do it, there is never a perfect time that stretches on forever.
            I have told myself that too, but I know I am lying to myself on that one. I also know that in spite of the challenges and stresses of work, the structure it brings to my days/weeks is beneficial to my being able to quit. As you say, there is never a perfect time. By the same token then, NOW is the perfect time!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Simply Sober September

              You are absolutely right Dill ~ no time like the present, huh?

              I meant to mention earlier -
              You can find lots of good recipes in '1000 Vegan Recipes' by Robin Robertson and 'The Joy of Vegan Baking' by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau
              I downloaded both of those books from Amazon on to the Kindle app on my iPad - pretty inexpensive.
              The longer I stay away from meat & dairy the happier my gut is
              I think my allergy symptoms are less severe & that's a good thing as well.

              Dill - I think you should get some retirement chickens!!!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

