Thank you for all the kind words yesterday..I know Flossie started a 60 day thread, to which a lot of people contributed,so thank you.If I can help as I was in any way,then thats job done..and besides after a while it kind of becomes part of life.Going to a wedding later today...a friend I used to work with..phoned him on Friday as last chance..told him that he didnt have to go through with it,and if he wanted to he could will his pension to me when he died!!!:HStrangely enough never took my offer up!!
Tea and coffee on the go now..on cup number 1
Hi Sausage..good morning to are things up north? You are doing brill...over 6 months.When is your daughter back at school?think its next week down this way.
Hi Satz...welcome back..long time no see.Glad you are back,and even more so that your resolve is stronger..rather you had kept the lead but hey thats life.what are you up to anything?
Chef..many thanks..and how are you today?:goodjob:for not going getting booze from the offy..have you made up a strategy for dealing with it when it starts?think it was Byrdlady said write a strategy up,so I works.If you go back to my earlier posts its in yourself if its any good to you.
And good morning to you are you this Sunday cup of latte coming up..sounds like a quiet weekend for you how are the dogs?did a lot of work in the garden yesterday,which I enjoyed, got a 22" flat screen tv/dvd combi for the spare room wall when I am on the treadmill..never be of it now .thanks for your comments very thoughtful
Morning boozefree..heres to an af season for you!:welcome:
Good mornig are you?Letting your hair down? ha would love to see that happening on my head!!!!:H Any plans for today?You back on track or getting there? you know where I am.
Lav good morning one cup of coffee to wake you up...doubtful..probably beenup for hours.When I was young, on the 1st of every month it was considered good luck to say white rabbit first thing.Anything happening in Lavland today??ok, ok rephrase that..whats happening in Lavland today?
YAH...good morning to you ..thank you for your return here is a big coffee
Hi Turn..thank you for your is your part of the world today?any plans.or just taking it all in as it ll comes.You seem so not because of where you are!!!!
Hi are you?take Lillys advice..get some goodies inside you..better still heres some lemon tea loaded with ginger!!
Lilly are you feeling today??any better?shall we go for 90 together?got myself its your turn..want to see that hairdo turn heads so go get it.Like you,getting concerned with show for a while now,so if you are there Shue let us know how you are.
ok folks thats me done..happy af Sunday to you all the way the owl in the pic is a South African one she has the loveliest eyes ever.
Take care,