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AF Daily - Friday Sep 7th

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    AF Daily - Friday Sep 7th

    Ok let's see if I can do this....

    Good Morning all...and how are we on this Fabulous Friday? Tea and coffee on the go...

    Shue. Another Full French Press for you. Big plans for the long weekend?

    Lilly I'll keep an eye out for "this space" :H In regards to CHAT, every time I click on it my Internet Explorer crashes It and drinktracker on the back burner.

    Lav Good Morning. How am I doing so far?

    FreeFly Us chickens have to stick together.

    It just keeps going up and up....

    Sure you're not a fast food cook? No offense you're just so quick.

    Morning. Does this mean your posts will be fewer and far between for awhile???

    Post (different thread) You'll decide to quit "When drinking is harder than not drinking is"

    That is exactly where I was. Hope she doesn't mind when I make my millions off the PUMPER STICKER's I'm going to sell.

    No time for a second coffee, final days of preparation before my big Open House on Saturday.

    Have a great AF (whatever) Day it is. PPQ

    AF Daily - Friday Sep 7th

    Now I am just hurt PPQ!


      AF Daily - Friday Sep 7th

      kuya;1374957 wrote: Now I am just hurt PPQ!

      OH NO KY
      I knew I'd screw that up. :sorry:

      Umm let's see, my laptop crashed and I lost your Good Morning...I hit Post and it just left.....It's in the mail...

      I'll do better tomorrow if Mick's not back.

      Have a good one. PPQ


        AF Daily - Friday Sep 7th

        I am just yanking your chain PPQ,
        Honestly I haven't figured out how you folk keep track of every bugger that has posted, and at the moment I am finding it hard to remember my own name! LOL


          AF Daily - Friday Sep 7th

          Morning, fabbies!

          Thanks for starting the thread, PPQ.

          You're a good chain-yanker, Kuya, I couldn't tell if you were joking or really hurt.

          I can't say hello to everyone, since I have to be to work at 9am, so I don't have the time for peronal hellos this morning. :sorry:

          I have to pick up my sister at the airport this afternoon and finish packing, throwing in a couple of errands after work. Tomorrow morning early, we start our ROADTRIP. :yay: I may be hit or miss posting, but I will be bringing my computer. You all have made staying sober much easier, and I don't want to get too far away from you. :l

          Anyway, I'm off to fold some laundry....

          Have a great AF day, everyone!

          Hugs, :l
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            AF Daily - Friday Sep 7th

            Hi All
            Such a strong positive vibe around here. Feels good being with so many doing the hard work in recovering there lives. Enjoy the weekend and be on the alert for that beast. There is always a lot of time between the thought and the actually action. The glass just doesn't appear in your hand.

            Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
            AF 5-16-08
            Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
            AF 5-16-08


              AF Daily - Friday Sep 7th

              Yey PQ ... I love the French press, here today is still a bank holiday, I did a bit of work in the morning, my boyz went to golf so I am gonna do like my cats ...

              Awesome posts yesterday by KY, FreeFly and Gman on the other thread.

              Have a superweekend, fabbies!
              workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                AF Daily - Friday Sep 7th

                Morning All,
                PPQ...high energy is the terminology you were looking for...and I can do that too..
                Chef Robaire
                Nicotine Free: 02/02/2008
                Alcohol Free: 04/01/2014

                "It's a Good Feeling to Know Somebody Loves You"....Poco


                  AF Daily - Friday Sep 7th

                  Happy Friday to all AbFab’ers

                  PPQ – well done on starting the thread – yes it does feel like a fabulous Friday.

                  Have a great trip Yah – nice of your sister to be AF too

                  Shue – your kitties look sooo happy. Think I might get me some of that this weekend!

                  – well done on your 7 days (that maybe 8 now)

                  Caysea – I like that, there’s a lot of time between thought and action. I shall bear that in mind this weekend if my thoughts begin going astray.

                  Lilly & Lav
                  – how you both doing today?

                  – I’m glad your wife’s back. I did notice your lonely mood and assumed she was away as you’re always in love (aw nice!).

                  Wishing everyone dropping by a happy sober day
                  You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                    AF Daily - Friday Sep 7th

                    Good mid-morning Abbers!

                    Good job PQ
                    I had too much granny induced brain fog this morning to even think about starting a thread :H
                    But, I have had a ton of coffee, showered, fed animals, been to Curves, fed myself, etc so at 10:30 I finally can say hello

                    YahYah, wishing you a wonderful & safe roadtrip
                    I am just a bit jealous!

                    Greetings kuya & caysea!

                    shue, your cats don't dance on the coffee table like Matilda? :H

                    Greetings Chef, I've had my porridge - yum!

                    My grandson EB (energizer bunny) is on the way over to spend the day with me - here I go!!
                    This wouldn't be happening if I was still hugging the wine bottle
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily - Friday Sep 7th

                      Greetings FABbers....up real early this far north. Nice to catch the cross-continentals while they're awake!

                      Last night, I sprained my ankle! Wah!!!!! I twisted it while walking on tree debris. The good news is that it doesn't seem too bad. There's a lot of swelling but little bruising which leads me to hope it will be a quick recovery. I can actually hobble around without crutches. I will try to stay off of it today as much as possible...but REALLY? I am supposed to be chopping apart the tree missile, preparing for 3 weeks of final construction around here and I have a dinner party to host Sunday night. Okay...okay...I can hear you all the way from the east coast, nurse LAV...I promise the ankle is elevated and the ice is on for now. Shue, my pugs look like your cats, luxuriously draped on a comfy cushion. I am joining you in couch potato world today.

                      If I don't catch you before you leave YAH....have a marvelous AF adventure! I'd love to hear where you're heading and what you're planning to do but know you're VERY busy right no problem as satisfying my curiosity is not a priority. Will you be taking a puter? If so, I hope you can drop us a post now and then to let us know what's up.

                      “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller

                      Nice start, PQ - you are a quick study! Hugs to all in FABland and beyond. Onward to a wonderful AF weekend.
                      Sober for the Revolution!
                      AF & NF July 23, 2011


                        AF Daily - Friday Sep 7th

                        Hi Folks
                        BTW Where is Mick ????
                        Did I miss something ?


                          AF Daily - Friday Sep 7th

                          Aww, Turn, I hope it is not too bad ... Last time I sprained my ankle, many years ago I got the best painkiller ... My hubby asked me to marry him, I swear I did not feel a thing after I said yes.

                          Big hugs, I hope it recovers before hockey season.

                          Apologies for the huge and grainy pic, Kas would not approve. This is what happens when I take pics and post with the blackberry .

                          Will go fire up the barbie, my golfers will be here soon and starving.
                          workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                            AF Daily - Friday Sep 7th

                            Aloha Friday Aberooooos!

                            Turn, heal up quick my gimpy friend!

                            Kuya, don't worry, I can't even recall my own name on most given days

                            Lav, wish you could join us tomorrow. our local chapter of the Weston A Price foundation is conducting a workshop on raising your own chickens on a very small-scale for backyard egg and poultry production. including segments on getting into composting etc. as well as illustrating the nutritional difference between free-pastured eggs and those poor things from the supermarket.

                            Shue, when you say fire up a barbie, you mean putting lighter fluid on a Barby doll right? just making sure

                            be well peeps
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              AF Daily - Friday Sep 7th

                              ps... for anyone truly interested in preventing and reversing coronary heart disease this is an excellent resource and progress management system:

                              Track Your Plaque Heart Disease Prevention and Reversal Online
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

