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AF Daily - Sunday Sep 9

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    AF Daily - Sunday Sep 9

    Good Morning All

    Well the open house was a success. At least people showed up...I definetly got my workout in! Got home and slept like a log. Only thing to do today is take the tents back.

    Haven't had a chance to read through yesterday's posts, but will get to it with morning coffee.

    Have a great AF Sunday. PPQ

    AF Daily - Sunday Sep 9

    Good morning PQ & everyone!

    Glad your event went well yesterday PQ

    Nice weather has finally moved in & I hope it sticks around for a good long time.
    Not sure yet what I am doing today but I know it will be AF

    Have a great day one & all!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily - Sunday Sep 9

      Hey All,
      Nice peaceful AF weekend here in NC. The beach was awesome yesterday, but I'm afraid I over did it. Gonna chllax in the hot tub with some scooby snacks and watch some football. Have an AWESOME AF Sunday everyone, ..Chef
      Chef Robaire
      Nicotine Free: 02/02/2008
      Alcohol Free: 04/01/2014

      "It's a Good Feeling to Know Somebody Loves You"....Poco


        AF Daily - Sunday Sep 9

        Haven't been here all week, but read daily. Does anybody know if all is okay with Mick? And hope you post, Lilly. Have appreciated the PMs. And am AF. Read DRY in two days, and the relapse story hit hard.
        Have a good AF day, all.
        "One day at a time."


          AF Daily - Sunday Sep 9

          Sunday night here ......going to bed ...... Weather was awful here in NZ today and my mood is very weather dependant ...... So tetchy as hell today and looking forward to work tomorrow.

          Have a lovely restful AF sunday xxx



            AF Daily - Sunday Sep 9

            Hi all,

            ThreeDog, I'm really glad to see you back and posting! And very glad you are still AF - good stuff. Yep, that relapse story in Dry certainly was thought provoking - he talks a little bit more about that in This is How. That and other stories I've read here help me remember; we might think if we have a 'slip' it'll be just that but there's no guaranteeing it won't be a months-years-long relapse, as some here have experience with. That scares me.

            It's after midnight here and I'm completely exhausted. It's been a busy weekend but in some really lovely ways. I had a really awesome day today and a lovely experience that was borne of things I've been doing since being AF that I just don't think would have happened at all had I been drinking. Will try and explain another time but it's all good.

            Today is 10 weeks AF for me This makes me both very happy and a bit amazed. Also, TWICE this weekend I had friends say to me 'but you don't drink now' in a casual passing way. Kind of amazing that it's taken them less than 3 months to adjust to thinking of me as someone who drinks a lot to not at all. It's another motivator to STAY AF too because if I started again I think it would become 'are you drinking at the moment or not'. I like that they're getting used to just thinking of me not drinking being the status quo - it helps in social situations a lot.

            MICK WHERE THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU??? I think we're all getting worried. Please report in.

            Sunflower, WELL DONE on your 30 days! I sensed from your post that the whole recent Abstinence stuff got under your skin. I don't know what to say as I don't want to stir things up again nor do I feel in a place to define what this thread is all about precisely except that if you are really trying to be abstinent, even just for now, and you get strength and support here, well, then I hope you'll keep posting. Great job 'tricking' yourself into at least another 5 days AF.

            Hi Kuya
            ! HI Porquoi! Hi Shue! Hi Chef! Lav! Det! Everyone! Sorry I haven't much to contribute at the moment - I'm exhausted. Bedtime.

            Hope you all had/have/are having a lovely weekend.



              AF Daily - Sunday Sep 9

              Happy AF Sunday everyone!

              Lilly - congrats on another week and the your awesome Sunday. I love the fact that your friends see you as a non drinker now too. I am worried about Mick. There was something off on his last post...

              KY - I hear you on the weather thing, winters here are long and dark. Not looking forward to it At All.

              Hi Lav, TDN, Chef and PPQ . Glad to see you all here today. And SunFlower I hope you have a good week.

              Having a slow lazy Sunday morning. Both kids were home and wondering around all night. Can't sleep when I'm wondering what they're doing.

              Paddling later tonight. I think I should get that bike out this morning and get moving now.

              PQ thanks for starting us off.

              CanToo get my butt out of bed today. inkele:
              AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

              "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                AF Daily - Sunday Sep 9



                Congrats on 10 weeks AF.

                AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                  AF Daily - Sunday Sep 9

                  Hi everyone, thanks PQ for starting. And TDN I am very glad to see you posting here. Ive heard from Mick, he is fine, but hes collecting himself I guess, and I urged him to post as people here are worried for him. He is a great person, with a huge amount of experience with people in crisis, and we could sure benefit from his presence.

                  I want to apologies to all of you who were upset by what happened back there. I had good intentions, and I was doing what was done for me by others here. Many of the people who helped me dont post on this thread any more.

                  If you were not upset, well thats good too.

                  I am up here in a subarctic city, where there is a lot of alcohol consumption but I am going to be meeting with first nations people, and I am supposed to be advising them. And I havent finished reading all I am supposed to read.


                  Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                  Status: Happy:h


                    AF Daily - Sunday Sep 9

                    Right people..well here I am...the bad penny is lets get a smile on!!.Firstly a big thank you to all who pm d me and asked about me..dont think you need to be a brain surgeon why I did one and disappeared into the background..but on reflection that helps no one.I too will apologise..maybe I took things out of there we go..lets get on with kicking the sh** out of al not each other.Been out on the Yorkshire moors today, so pretty tired.PPQ..yep still got that "p" of yours,cantoo well done you little star,Kas thanks for the life reference , Lilly we are still on the road,Shue...been watching your footwear with you didnt go bouldering in them!!!TDN welcome back to where belong..By the way some good thread starters too...ppq think we will go into business!! no seriously could do with a hand some mornings.
                    Right folks....decision time for me..x factor is on..should I watch it or shower???? shower wins hands down !!!Big :l to you all ..see you all in the morning

                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      AF Daily - Sunday Sep 9

                      Mick Mick Mick What can I say. :yay::yay::yay: Glad you're back. PPQ


                        AF Daily - Sunday Sep 9

                        hidy ho peeps! Mick glad your popped back in. Nice bouldering pics Shue! I had a wonderful day of hiking/shooting/training/land navigation yesterday, was out ALL day and then a super paleo meal of salmon, roasted squash and a huge Greek salad. fabu! things don'g get much better. love to all
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          AF Daily - Sunday Sep 9

                          Just want to say how happy I am to "see" you, Mick! You are such an inspiration!
                          "One day at a time."


                            AF Daily - Sunday Sep 9

                            Lilly and Mick---:goodjob: on the ten weeks!!!!
                            "One day at a time."


                              AF Daily - Sunday Sep 9

                              ThreeDogNight;1376083 wrote: Lilly and Mick---:goodjob: on the ten weeks!!!!
                              I thought you were going to say SITTING IN A TREE :H

                              Big, Big, Congrats as well. PPQ

