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Simply Sober September - week 2

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    Simply Sober September - week 2

    Good Morning Guys
    Happy Monday - I thought I'd get us started on week 2

    Dill - Tessa is a dear and deserved to be posted in full size.

    Lav - I'm your across the pond food mirror, I haven't eaten meat in 15 years and rarely touch dairy, it clogs up my throat. Beans or fish are the basis for most of my meals. We had stunning weather at the weekend and BBQ'd salmon and veggie skewers with mushrooms, pear and red onions served with red bean couscous & sundried tomatoes. It was yum!

    Well over morning coffee yesterday morning on the deck the subject came up of me not drinking (before I'd glazed over it as part of my health & fitness lifestyle) I found myself pouring out the truth to Mr S on still a slightly scaled down version. He went very quiet and I was a bit disappointed by his lack of response. Anyway awhile later I came right out and asked him what he was made of it all as it was a huge deal to me to tell him, he said he was so proud of me and that it just reinforced to him what an incredibly strong person I am. Phew, it feels good to have that out there, I realized that I haven't really confessed to anyone since I told a couple of close friends way back in the beginning and it felt really good to verbalize it. I have a feeling Mr S went quiet because he would like to drink less himself, (he drinks a few glasses of wine every night) I certainly won't be bringing it up but if he does I will be delighted to encourage him.

    Have an amazing Monday everyone.
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996

    Simply Sober September - week 2

    Good morning friends,

    Chill, I never even gave the second week a thought :H
    Glad someone is paying attention!

    Interesting about Mr S's response to your confession. Do you think he's really revealed everything about himself to you? I only ask because being married to a mystery man all of my life has made me realize that we can never really know what's going on in someone's head. We put our faith & trust in them based on their words. But in YB's case, his words were/are deceiving. Sorry to bring that up.....again.

    I have a weird week lined up for myself which is probably a good thing as I was starting to feel a bit bored. The weather has changed for the better, I hope it sticks around

    Have a terrific AF Monday everyone!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Simply Sober September - week 2

      Good morning to all on this bright cool Monday morning...

      Lav, loved your ideas about not being rigid about diet, but most of the time eating plant based foods. I am trying to do the same as I again have swelling in the face. I took an Allegra and it immediately helped. I know it is diet.

      Chill, it is great that you were able to share your AF journey with your man. He sounds thoughtful and kind, it has to be a step forward in intimacy, communication and trust, the building blocks of a relationship. We had gorgeous weather here too, we are so lucky, what a beautiful time of year.

      Cyn, I thought I bought Quinoa, but bought the flakes instead, so what do I do with those I wonder? I often get monkey brain in the morning until I leave the is anxiety provoking and control needs to be taken, so any activity helps me out.

      Dill, I need the structure of work, although now that it is Monday, I would love to stay home...I have been focusing on how good I feel in the mornings and how much I get done.

      To all, have a great Monday.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        Simply Sober September - week 2

        Hi everyone

        Thanks for starting us off Chill. It feels sooooo good to have my house back to myself this morning. At long last everyone is back doing what they should be doing. Good for you Chill being able to share and I have no doubt you will be a good influence on him. My hubby has stopped having wine Monday-Friday since the start of September and I would like to think that it is my good example

        Dill -Tessa is adorable, must post some of Miss Layla soon, she's not very big but full of attitude!!

        Everyone else big hello and have a great week.



          Simply Sober September - week 2

          I'm sure you've probably seen this but maybe it will help:
          WHFoods: Allergy Avoidance Diet

          It can be a pain to find out what you are reacting to but it's still better than going through allergy testing IMHO

          rustop, can I come to your house now that you have room? Just kidding :H
          Glad you are back to normal again & your husband is seeing the light!
          I wish my good personality example would rub off on my spouse but he has some sort of sef-defense shield in place.

          I am actually spending most of the day with him tomorrow (long story) but will also get to see our daughter & Grandaughter

          Hope everyone has a great night!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Simply Sober September - week 2

            Good morning all,
            Chill that is great news that you were able to talk with Mr. S openly and honestly. He may follow Mr. Rustop's lead and start cutting back on his consumption. Thanks for starting us off this week and with such a great post.

            Lav, spending a good part of the day with YB? Is it a family get-together of some sort?

            Star, I am a morning person too. I really love my mornings and look forward to being able to enjoy each and every one when I retire. I hope you get your food allergies straightened out soon. It sounds like you put a great deal of effort into eating right. I was wondering if Mr. Star shares your desire to be vegan/vegetarian. Mr. D would not cooperate with me if I chose to do that. He is a meat and potatoes guy!

            Rustop, I'm glad you are back to your normal routine. It feels good, doesn't it?

            Happy AF Tuesday everyone.

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Simply Sober September - week 2

              Good morning...

              Lav, thanks for the website, I am not sure what I am allergic to, but it is not going away as quickly as I would like. It definitely has to be a food allergy as not only so I have eye and face swelling, but finger swelling and pain, too. I don't want to go back to the doctor and be treated poorly, but I may have to. I will try the elimination diet, but am confused as to what to did you figure out what to avoid?

              Dill, another lovely morning, only it is DARK, fall is coming quickly. My husband loves to eat vegetarian, he says he feels lighter with no meat or animal products. I have to do all the cooking and find the new recipes though, he has his limits.

              Rustop, how lovely to have your house back and to have peace. Enjoy.

              Anyone reading any good books? Looking for something to catch my attention.

              To all, have a great day.
              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                Simply Sober September - week 2

                Good morning friends

                Just doing a fly-by for now - will be back tonight!
                Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Simply Sober September - week 2

                  Happy second week of September all -

                  Chill, my thanks too for such a great opening post - it's good to share your journey, and if this is a real relationship, the sooner the better, I would think. Good for you for your bravery.

                  Lav - hope you have a good start to your 'weird' week. I had to laugh at your recommendation to Dill for 'retirement chickens', sounds like a special breed.

                  Rustop - so glad your ship is righted and sailing calmly again, I truly understand.

                  Dill, glad that you are OK with the start of the school year again. Enjoy that big bundle Tessa.

                  Star - I think a great resource for how to do a step-wise elimination diet (giving up one thing at a time) is the work of Mark Hyman ( I have been following him for years, and I think his approach is really sound. I have his UltraMind book, which describes an elimination diet, plus detox baths, how to use daily deep breathing, etc. Probably his UltraWellness series does the same. My advice is to plan ahead with recipes that will get you over the giving up wheat and other gluten; that's one of the trickiest parts. Good luck - it's hard to do it, but it's better than being miserable!

                  Hello to Rusty, PMom, LBH, all new people (sorry I'm not up on everyone yet) and anyone I missed...
                  to the light


                    Simply Sober September - week 2

                    Good Evening Sober September Friends,

                    Today has truly been a sobering day, as it is the anniversary of the bombing of the World Trade Center 9/11/2001. I remember exactly where I was that day....I was with a client north of Milwaukee, and all of a sudden, my client's wife dragged in a portable TV set into the conference room. The horror we felt was inexplicable.

                    Star-you asked about a good book, and I have just started to read "Thunder Dog," which is a true story about a blind man who was at the WTC and his guide dog who lead the man to safety.

                    Cyn-thanks for checking in with us. I just love your avatar. Were you AF when that picture was taken?

                    Dill- I loved your quote on last week's thread. How I could relate to the procastination part of AL. Yes, any tasks or projects I had planned for a day dissolved with that first drink on many occasions. And to think I thought if I just "calmed down" with a glass of something, that it would resolve the problem.

                    Papmom-please check in and I hope you're ok.

                    Lav-I hope the day went well with YB.

                    Rustop-how great that your husband has stopped drinking in front of you! Yes, you are a wonderful influence.:goodjob:

                    I love the morning, too. I am asleep by 10:00 p.m. usually.

                    I am home for the next 3 days. I will enjoy this lovely autumn weather AF....clear headed, simple, serene, safe, and spectacular.

                    Big hello to everyone I missed. Have a sweet AF sober Tuesday night.


                      Simply Sober September - week 2

                      Good evening September friends!

                      Woke up to an amazing, cool 45 degrees this morning. It was AWESOME

                      Had a full day including a ride back to our former home town with YB. He had a meeting to attend & I got to spend time with my girls. We went to the mall, did a little shopping, had lunch

                      I just finished up some work that was waiting for me & now I need to wind down so I can get some sleep. I'll be putting in a near 10 hr day tomorrow with the two EB grandsons!

                      I am so grateful to be addiction free. I can't even imagine how shitty my life would be now if I was still hugging the wine bottle every night.

                      I flew my flag today in remembrance of the victims of 9-11. Doesn't seem like much but it's something I've done on every anniversary. The world has changed so much since that day.

                      Greetings & good night to one & all:l
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Simply Sober September - week 2

                        Good morning my SSS Friends

                        No one will ever forget where they were 11 years ago yesterday. Lav you say the world has changed so much since then, do you see that as a positive? I would like to think we are a more compassionate world.

                        Dill - I adore the mornings and feeling well rested and clear headed, I love embracing the new day. Like Star I'm dreading the darkness and it's already barely light when it's time to get up.

                        Rusty - I would love to be asleep by 10pm. I always head to bed about then but it's usually 11pm before I finally put out the light. Im usually waking at 5.30am which I know is not enough sleep. I swear by at least 7 hours to feel at our best.

                        Star - I hope you get to the bottom of your allergy. It could be you need large doses of the foods known for their anti inflammatory effects to reduce the swellings. I have used elimination methods with great sucess. I usually have an idea of what I've had more than usual of. Recently we have gone mad for sundried tomatoes and I was getting an upset tummy. Within a day of stopping them I was back to normal. I will be able to reintroduce them again in time but just limit my intake. It's great Mr Star is happy with a healthy diet, it makes life easier.

                        Rustop - Good to hear Mr R cutting back on the vino. I really want Mr Suffolk to do the same but it has to come from him. I'm already delighted at the changes he has been making to his diet to fit in with me as I know I'm fanatical and can be over the top in keeping it healthy.

                        Cyn - have you thought anymore about your animal reiki? I'm not practising as much as I was as life is too busy at the moment but when I take some me time I still self reiki and I have also been working on Mr S's knee pain.

                        Much cooler here too but it's clear and dry and I know I'm heading back to rain in Scotland this weekend so I wont complain. It's going to be a real flying visit with not much time, I will see family on Friday then the conference is all day Sat/Sun and I fly back here Sunday night. One of the things I'm most excited about is that I'm meeting up with my angel Mags and staying over with her Sat. I'm hoping she is in good health as usually she can only carry enough oxygen for a few hours and the conference is a long day for her. I can't think of a more inspirational person to experience the weekend with.

                        I'm looking for some advice from you guys, Lav especially. Mags was an artist before having to give up work because of her lung disease and has recently started a home business doing logos and stuff for t shirts, hats etc. she has made a FB page promoting it and I wondered what else she could do to promote herself? Lav do you find eBay your best source?

                        I have also been looking at the marketing job for my friends Hypnosis Gastric Band program. She has asked me to put forward what I would expect by way of payment for promoting it and hopefully securing listings on places like Groupon. I was thinking that a percentage of the packages sold is the fairest way to go and was thinking of 15% as my cut. Does this seem reasonable? She will 1st have to recoup her costs and outlays and I need to see how much this is to know how many I need to sell before getting paid. Any advice you guys have would be appreciated.

                        Wishing you all a very happy humpback day
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          Simply Sober September - week 2

                          Good morning September friends

                          Another cool & clear morning here ~ nice

                          Chill, wow, you do have a lot on your plate!
                          About your friend Mags - I have found ebay to be a good marketing tool. You just have to remember that buyers are looking for 'deals' there, they won't pay a penny more for an original work of art! If you offer custom items though that really helps. Hats & shirts personalized with the buyers name or other info are big sellers especially for kids stuff & organizations.

                          I have absolutely no idea about the marketing job though - I'll run that by my daughter & SIL because they have done that sort of work. One of these days I am actually going to get around to making a FB page for my business....I've just been too lazy. I really should get it done because my website has been in limbo for years & there's little hope in getting that back up online.

                          Hope you have a great weekend! I am off to Curves now then go straight to my son's house where I will be watching my grandsons ALL DAY LONG :H

                          Wishing everyone a terrific AF Hump Day!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Simply Sober September - week 2

                            Hi everyone,
                            quick check in on lunch, I haven't been able to post these past couple of days but I am still AF and hanging in there with the PAWS. It is getting weaker and I know won't be as intense once the huge party I am throwing this weekend is over. I really think the stress of it - whether good or bad, triggers the PAWS symptoms.

                            Tomorrow Day 60!! And I am not tempted to drink at all, I really cannot handle it anymore and have come to terms with that. It's getting back to living without the crutch of AL under any stressful times. that is the adjustment Life happens, we have to ride out all emotions and not try to drown them.

                            new beginnings July 16, 2012


                              Simply Sober September - week 2

                              IMT - wow congratulations for tomorrow! 60 days AF is awesome :yougo:

                              I understand your stress over the party and when you wake up AF on Sunday morning not only will there be great relief but you will have accomplished a huge hurdle of your journey and will be stronger for it.

                              Lav - I appreciate you asking your daughter re the marketing, I did look online and 15% seems to be at the low end but I don't want to be greedy as its new territory for me and I am grateful for the experience it will give me.

                              Where is everyone today?
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996

