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Simply Sober September - week 2

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    Simply Sober September - week 2

    Good Morning everyone,

    What a beautiful Sunday morning here.

    My party was a huge success, it was fantastic!! We had around 75 ppl here and everyone had a great time. Lots of booze flowing and I was doing lots of the pouring and did not once wish I could have a drink. I feel amazing, and seeing how everyone else was drinking it was proof that I cannot drink. I would have been so much more drunk than everyone else.

    I am tired today, but tired is good - I am not hungover and riddled with anxiety, guilt and shame. Those days are truly over.

    Now that the stress of throwing a party is over, I am concentrating on getting my workout schedule back on track.

    Freedom from AL is the way!!
    new beginnings July 16, 2012


      Simply Sober September - week 2

      Great news, IMT! I'm glad your party was a success! WOW, 75 ppl? It's interesting to watch others drink while one is abstaining. I'm glad you were not tempted and you enjoyed the evening.

      Star, the parade here was simply called a "Community Festival". It used to be called "Old-Fashioned Days" but I think they broke off with the groups that held exhibits of how things were harvested, etc in the old days. So now it is just simply a community festival, no particular theme. IMO it needs a theme!

      Lav, cool and crisp here as well. I went looking for my electric blanket and put it on the bed today. We keep the temp in the house pretty low at night around here to save $$. We heat with fuel oil and that's going to be very expensive this year! The electric blanket helps a lot!

      Lovely day here. I'll roast some chicken and brussel sprouts for dinner and we'll be watching the Browns/Bengals game. Go Browns!!!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Simply Sober September - week 2

        Good morning,

        Lav, I would love the sight for the black bean burgers! I bought some Morning Star black bean burgers, but would love to make them from scratch. Hope your lawn was mowed. Ours has been mowed weekly since the drought ended.

        Dill, your dinner sounded great. Yes, it is supposed to rain later today and get down in the 50s and 60s, so an electric blanket sounds good.

        IMT, you did it!! Seventy-five people, fed and entertained is quite a job. You see over and over again how much better life is AF. So happy you are feeling better and better.

        I am so tired, slept almost 10 hours after the outside day, but it was fun. Back to work today, you have to love Mondays.

        To all, have a great start to your week. ")
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          Simply Sober September - week 2

          Hi everyone

          Sounds like you all had nice weekends, lots of nice food, walks etc. :goodjob:IMT, 75 people that's a lot of catering.

          Dill -I used to have an electric blanket years ago, with the price of oil I too could be going back to it.

          Busy weekend as usual, did a long hike with friends Sat and with hubby Sunday so kind of tired. I was also chauffering late on Saturday night so that did not help.

          Just back from the dentist, I broke the edge of one of my back teeth during the summer and only getting around to getting it fixed now.

          Have a great week everyone.


