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Simply Sober September - week 2

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    Simply Sober September - week 2

    It's good to see everybody working through challenges and finding a way to enjoy things. Most things in my life are going well, sobriety, healthy garden, pets, me, Lord Bird Heart etc., gorgeous weather, but there is always something?yesterday my otherwise healthy cat threw up with great drama on the bed, I was flossing my teeth and heard a crack followed by the chiming of little dollar sign shaped pieces of tooth in the sink, and I couldn't sleep and found myself painfully worried about all sorts of things, most of them quite beyond my range of control and probably even none of my business. In any case the bedding is now pristine, I have a temporary crown (on my tooth, my queenliness is still in progress), and I have carved out time for a nap should I start to upend later in the day. I love each of you and all of your efforts to make life better every day. Ladybird.
    may we be well


      Simply Sober September - week 2

      Ah, seems we fall apart no matter what we do!
      Glad you were able to get a quick fix for the cracked tooth. Hope your cat is OK too. After a lifetime of cleaning up after kids, pets, patients, etc. I find I just don't have much patience for that stuff anymore

      IMT, CONGRATS to you on your 60 AF days! Great work
      It's a shame that you have this weekend to deal with but like Chill said - come Sunday morning you will be so proud of yourself for remaining AF

      Chill, I hope to talk to my daughter about your project soon but our schedules don't always mesh up. I'm just glad that she's been able to find more part time work that doesn't interrupt Ms Lily's schedule to much.

      I am pretty well spent after a full day with my grandsons.....they are not getting any easier to deal with :H
      All I can is I am so grateful to even be fit enough to deal with them at this point in my life!

      Have a comfy night everyone!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Simply Sober September - week 2

        Good morning guys

        LBH - you perfectly describe how we deal with our "stuff" and put our lives back in order on a daily basis. If it was up to me I'd definitely say you were worth of some Queenliness.

        Lav - I'm sure you can thank your Grandkids for improvements to your sleep patterns as well as keeping you young!

        Well I'm getting excited about seeing Wayne Dyer on Saturday! There are lots of other amazing speakers including Louise Hay, Dr David Hamilton, Brian Weiss and Robert Holden. I wrote to HayHouse about Mags explaining her circumstances re her health and being a single Mum on disability and guess what?! They have given me a complimentary ticket for her!! Thank you HayHouse
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          Simply Sober September - week 2

          Congratulations on 60 days, IMT!

          What an awesome achievement, and you have done it with such good grace!

          Lav, the grandkids do wear you out, but I agree with your statement of gratitude. We are fortunate to be fit enough to do it.

          The Lady has been elevated to "Queen". It should have happened long ago and under more pleasant circumstances.

          Chill, Saturday should be fabulous and I wish I could be there. I have a question. I probably should know this, but is Mags a member here or someone you know only in your virtual world?

          I hope nellie78 is doing well.
          Rusty, where are you?
          Hi Cyn, Rustop, Star, et al.

          I was invited to dinner last night at a friend's home with a group of old colleagues from a previous job. There were drinkers and non-drinkers alike. I was in the non-drinkers category of course. One of my dearest friends was getting drunk and having difficulty pronouncing her words. She started crying and feeling sorry for herself and I was sad and even a bit embarrassed for her. This is the second time this year that she behaved this way at one of our get togethers. I know she is depressed, but the behavior of crying at a party was definitely al induced. Very upsetting.

          Onward and upward. May today be celebrated with IMT in mind. Happy AF Thursday!

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Simply Sober September - week 2

            Hi everyone

            :goodjob: IMT, wonderful achievement.

            Lav and Dill, its wonderful to see you both enjoy your grandkids and be fully there for them, you are my shining examples.

            LBH glad you got your tooth sorted out. I know all about messes, yet our lives would be a lot emptier without our furry friends.

            Chill can't wait to hear all about your weekend.

            Big hello to everyone I did not mention.

            I thought Things would settle down once they went back to school etc but I seem to be busier than ever, trying to catch up on stuff that was neglected over the summer.



              Simply Sober September - week 2

              Hey Y'all!

              Congratulations on 60 days AF IMT! That is just sensational stuff friend.

              All good here, and nice to drop in and see everyone. (have the other fella's done a runner? :H)

              Have a safe, sober, and magical day folk's.

              G-bloke. :h

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Simply Sober September - week 2

                Good morning everyone.

                Day 60 reflections:

                The reasons for my bingeing these past years were from being in deep grief. I ended being 5 years sober and have been drinking for 6.

                I was numbing my pain and in turn was hurting myself tremendously. I made up my mind after a horrendous binge episode in June that this is it!! I set a date for after all our major summer holidays and plans Once that day came, my mind switched into AF mode and I am not looking back.

                There have been some real tough emotional days as I started this journey, but each day I get through and address the emotion I get stronger.

                I am enjoying being AF and my close friends all know and are very supportive and don't treat me any differently. I have been to concerts, a wedding, parties and dinners without drinking and I had more fun than if I were drinking.

                The one thing I have is I don't want ppl to be uncomfortable around me because I am not drinking. It really does not bother me and I am just as wild and fun, if not more because my self esteem is getting built up again. I so drink na beer and that helps to not have ppl ask, what are you drinking?? or why aren't you drinking?? I know some think na products are triggers, but for me they are very helpful.

                I am looking forward to making plans again, not worrying about - will I get wasted and make a fool of myself. I love real, authentic laughter. I have the party this Saturday and am so looking forward to it, there will be some ppl there that will question me not drinking and you know what, when I woke up this morning I thought "I really don't care about that anymore" It's not my problem if ppl have an issue with me not drinking. I am not "that" girl anymore.

                It is liberating to be AF, to wake up clear headed, no anxiety(well besides the early recovery anxiety), no headache, no eating junk, no dehydration and most of all not blacking out. Life is too precious to lose chunks of it to AL.

                Well, longer post than I thought lol very cathartic posting here and thank you my friends, your support is truly appreciated.

                Peace :l
                new beginnings July 16, 2012


                  Simply Sober September - week 2

                  Nice post IMT.

                  I like this Dr. Seuss line. 'Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter'.

                  Good on you. Have a great partay! :l

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Simply Sober September - week 2

                    Good morning everyone!

                    IMT, CONGRATS to you on your 60 AF days :yay:
                    I've come to realize that if someone is uncomfortable with you not drinking AL - it's their problem, not yours so don't own it
                    I hope your party is a huge success!

                    Chill, so nice to hear that your friend can go along this weekend! I hope you both have a great time!

                    Greeetings Dill, G, Rustop & everyone!
                    I am meeting friends for lunch & possibly squeezing in another Curves workout
                    Busy is a good thing!!!

                    Have a terrific AF Thursday one & all!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Simply Sober September - week 2

                      Hi y'all

                      Congrats IMT on your 60 days ...... Awesome , can't wait to be you :goodjob:


                        Simply Sober September - week 2

                        Good morning,

                        Everything good here, just busy. Have a good day.
                        Formerly known as redhibiscus


                          Simply Sober September - week 2

                          G - That is one of my favourite quotes - it brought a huge smile to my face when I read your post :thanks:
                          new beginnings July 16, 2012


                            Simply Sober September - week 2

                            Good Morning Sober September Friends,

                            CONGRATULATIONS ON 60 DAYS, AF, IMT!:yay::wd: I so enjoyed reading your reflections post. I'm glad you are in gratitude rather than deprivation mode, especially since you've managed weddings and parties AF. GOOD FOR YOU!

                            Dill-So sad to hear about your crying friend. I'm sure you were embarrassed, and she probably was, too. Any chance you might want to reach out to her. Ah, I smiled when you said you were in the non-drinking crowd. I have re-read your quote more than once since you posted it: ?I once heard a sober alcoholic say that drinking never made him happy, but it made him feel like he was going to be happy in about fifteen minutes. That was exactly it, and I couldn?t understand why the happiness never came, couldn?t see the flaw in my thinking, couldn?t see that alcohol kept me trapped in a world of illusion, procrastination, paralysis. That was definitely me in the last 2 years of my daily drinking life. Alcohol made me procrastinate, and then the resulting anxiety came when I realized that I had fallen behind in my work commitments and/or personal tasks. Then I would panic just thinking about how I would get caught up. Did anyone else feel that way? Also, I think as we get older (into our 40s, 50s and 60s), that we don't have really the tolerance for AL like we did when we were younger, and the depressant characteristic of AL just hits us so much harder.

                            Chill-you lucky get to see Wayne Dyer. Wow, how I wish I could go. Chill, what is your favorite book by Wayne? I want to get a Wayne Dyer book for my mom.

                            LBH-you're still a queen with or without teeth....whether they're white or black. It doesn't matter to us.:l Cat barf on the bed.....ewwww.......better you than me cleaning it up.:H

                            Mr.G-great to see you here!:h

                            Chef Robaire and Mick....please drop in and say hi.

                            Has anyone heard from Papmom?

                            Lav-enjoy lunch with your friends.

                            Well, I am doing just great here, still AF and really loving it. The weather has been fantastic and I had yesterday off and will be off the rest of the week. I enjoyed a wonderfully long walk yesterday with my neighbor and a great workout at the gym. Today, I have a dental appointment and then taking a walk with my sister, followed by an AF dinner with my family. As I haven't been traveling, I have been eating nutritiously, and I am sticking to my exercise program. I feel peaceful and grateful today. All in all, life's pretty good.

                            A cheery hello to Rustop, Cyn, SD, Nellie, and anyone I may have missed...have a terrific AF Thursday!


                              Simply Sober September - week 2

                              Kuya, sorry, cross post! :welcome:


                                Simply Sober September - week 2

                                Hi again guys

                                Its been busy in here this morning!

                                Rusty - oooh what a Q! So many favorites for so many different reasons, Wayne's Excuses Begone helped me so much when I quit drinking. A lovely easy read of his is one called "Being in Balance" which im sure your Mom would enjoy. Papmom is alive and hopefully well as I have seen her post on FB, lets hope she drops in here again soon.

                                IMT - What an inspiring post, thanks for sharing. I was nodding my head as i read it as can relate to so much you said. I planned out my AF date and never looked back. In the beginning I stressed over what people would think but as everyone has echoed here, it really is their problem not ours. Like you, my confidence grew and grew the longer I abstained and the real me who'd been hiding behind that glass emerged and even took me by surprise!

                                Now Im so proud that i dont drink I would happily tell the world, I dont discuss why but as im very into exercising, eating nutritiously and practising spirituality its all really just part of my way of life. I actually believe when most people meet me now and see the sparkle in my eye they are more likely to question why they drink rather than why I dont! :H

                                Mr G - just seeing you on this thread made me

                                Dill - I met my angel Mags last year when I was in a very depressed state, she appeared at my Positively Alive Group carrying her oxygen cannister and wearing the most beautiful smile. She has been told she needs a heart/lung transplant to prolong her life and her attitude and gratefulness for being alive put me to shame. Her enthusiasm for life is infectious and I feel truly blessed to know her. Your crying friend story made me shudder with the memory of my own behaviour one night at a party in my last weeks of drinking.
                                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                                NF - May 1996

