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Simply Sober September - week 2

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    Simply Sober September - week 2

    I just saw papmom on FB a few minutes ago......
    isn't she supposed to be working? Aren't I supposed to be doing something? :H :H

    I had a great lunch out with my friends & former coworkers - we are a great little group
    Now I am awaiting my daughter & Ms Lily's arrival. They are coming for dinner & will be spemding the night - I'm happy

    Hi Rusty, star, IMT, kuya, Chill & everyone! Love your new neighbors Chill ~ OINK :H
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Simply Sober September - week 2

      Good morning to all...

      Dill, your story of your friend drinking too much and crying, how sad for her and embarrassing. Alcohol turns all of us into something we're not...changes our mood, our personalities and makes everything worse. Thanks for sharing, I can tell the experience affected you and reinforced your determination in your own AF journey.

      Rusty, what a delightful week you are having...and all because of the great choices you are making. It feels so good to take care of our bodies with good food, exercise and people who love us. It is great you are enjoying the early fall weather. Me too.

      Chill, have fun at your conference this weekend. Sounds like you are settling into your new home and relationship. Thanks for the book recommendations, I am going to the library latter today and will look those books up.

      Lav, this weather is just heavenly, the best. It is raining here now but will clear up later with high in the 70s and sunny. It just doesn't get better than this weatherwise, in my opinion. I am going to be painting a shed this weekend, and it will be a pleasure. I love to paint.

      My food allergies are getting under control, I am eating vegan and taking antihistimines and they are really helping. Plus, really keeping the stress under control. Like everyone else, taking it one day at a time.

      To all, have a great day and determination on your journey.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        Simply Sober September - week 2

        Good morning everyone!
        It's day 4 and I feel great! Slept like a log and looking forward to the day. Really, I am! I am so, so happy that I have made this decision. I know there will be times, probably even today after work, where an urge will hit. But it's always my choice and as long as I use the tools, I can surf the urge, change my thoughts or eat (eating works for me immediately) and stay sober another day.
        I LOVE mornings. I always have. I'm always the first one up. On those days of the either leftover drunk or hangover, I didn't want to wake up - ever. I wanted more to die, quickly. The depression I was left with after a binge was becoming so overwhelming that I did honestly think about suicide many times. I don't ever have to feel that again. Oh sure, if I want to be depressed and feel like my life is absolute HELL, then all I have to do is drink about 8 beers, act completely out of character, black out then finally pass out. It's a guarantee that I will wake up with the worst major depression no matter where I am, who I'm with, or what I have. I am the one in control of my life and I will not allow that today. I want to never allow that but I'm doing this one day at a time.
        Thank you everyone, for everything! I'll be checking in after work today, it's become a part of my "program" for living.


          Simply Sober September - week 2

          Happy Friday All,

          Thanks for all the kind words :l

          Well, let me say Day 60 presented a bit of a challenge, I am taking it as a positive reinforcement to never touch a drop of AL again. A fleeting moment of having a drink crossed my mind, but it quickly disappeared as I know it's poison to me.

          Without going into too much detail, I went into a full, blown panic attack which I haven't had in years.

          I dealt with it and meditated. I feel stronger today and ready to handle whatever life throughs my way. It's like a boulder has been lifted and I can now continue on my journey one day at a time and get my head out of the past.

          Acceptance is wonderful
          new beginnings July 16, 2012


            Simply Sober September - week 2

            Hi Sober Ones,
            IMT thanks so much for your reflections on 60 days. That was very inspiring and uplifting. I truly find your attitude amazing and as I have said before, infectious. Have fun at your party Saturday and let us know how it went.

            Rusty, Your attitude is also amazing and infectious. I have seen such a transformation in you over these past couple of years. As a matter of fact I think that statement applies to all of us who have been on this thread, including myself now that I think about it.
            Alcohol made me procrastinate, and then the resulting anxiety came when I realized that I had fallen behind in my work commitments and/or personal tasks. Then I would panic just thinking about how I would get caught up. Did anyone else feel that way? Also, I think as we get older (into our 40s, 50s and 60s), that we don't have really the tolerance for AL like we did when we were younger, and the depressant characteristic of AL just hits us so much harder.
            Yes! I did have the same experience with al, procrastination, etc. My solution was to grab a bottle of wine and make all the worries go away! Of course that compounded the problems. I compleletly agree with you about the affects of al being worse somehow as we age. I found that I had to drink more to get the pleasurable feelings, but my judgement, thinking and coordination was affected much more quickly than when I was younger....way before the pleasurable buzz hit.

            txbird, welcome!:welcome: Your post was a blast from the past (substitute wine for beer). Congrats on day 4 and I look forward to hearing more from you!

            :welcome: Kuya! Glad to have you.

            Chill, Star, Lav, LBH, Rustop, warm hellos to you all. I'm running late so must fly for now. Happy AF Friday!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Simply Sober September - week 2

              Good morning September friends,

              Enjoying a lovely morning with Ms Lily, doesn't get better than this

              Star, glad you are getting some allergy relief! I wouldn't be surprised if you find dairy to be the culprit, it was for me

              Congrats on your 4 AF days Tx!
              It keeps getting better & better so please stick around.

              IMT, sorry to hear anout the panic attack, they do suck!!!!!
              I rarely ever experience any of that anymore & I am most grateful. I do keep a bottle of an herbal remedy called Seredyn on hand, works quicks quickly with no side effects. I hope this weekend goes smoothely for you.

              Dill, hope you have a great day!
              I think I'll be having a tea party or two here today

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Simply Sober September - week 2

                Happy Sober Saturday all,

                Feeling great today, stress has left and it's like a switch clicked in my mind. I have a feeling of calm and ready to tackle whatever comes my way.

                Lav - thanks to your recommendation I am on week 4 of Amoryn and Seredyn and the Seredyn does help me tremendously - unfortunately I didn't have any on me when the panic attack happened but keep it in my purse at all times now I am starting to feel the positve effects of the Amoryn as it can take up to 8 weeks for full effect. The daily anxiety had subsided a lot.

                Have a wonderful day!!

                new beginnings July 16, 2012


                  Simply Sober September - week 2

                  Good morning kids!

                  IMT, I am happy to hear you are getting some relief from the herbals. They really helped me out tremendously & still do

                  The sun is finally starting to show it's face at 7:30 am. I've never liked getting up in the dark, seems unatural to me. I am not sure what I am doing today & I'm not in a big hurry to figure it out either :H

                  Grateful to be unhung & ready for just about anything
                  Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Saturday!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Simply Sober September - week 2

                    Good morning all,
                    I agree with you Lav that it is not feeling right getting up in the dark. I am having to give up my morning walk with Tessa because it doesn't get light soon enough before I have to leave for work. I guess I'll have to switch my walk to after school. That will work as long as the temps remain cooler.

                    IMT, have a good time at your party!

                    Off I go to my morning routine. Have a happy AF Saturday.

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Simply Sober September - week 2

                      Good Morning Sober Saturday Friends,

                      Welcome, Txbird! Congratulations on your 4 AF days.:goodjob:

                      IMT, I am glad the herbals are helping you. I suffer from severe anxiety and Baclofen really helps me. If I forget a dose, I can feel it within a few hours. Thank you for the recommendation of Seredyn. I think my dear friend could really use it.

                      Dill-thank you for your comments about more positive mood. I'm sure my previous life in the automotive field exacerbated things. I am much more relaxed now. Maybe it's because I actually have time to do fun things. I hope I wasn't too dour or disheartening earlier in my journey. I would hate to think I dragged you down with my ever-changing moods.

                      Lav-enjoy your visit with Lily.

                      Star-you had a profound effect on me when you mentioned your vegetarian dishes. I have decided to give up my carnivorous habits of red meat, (mainly hamburgers, of course, accompanied by a generous helping of french fries). I've been eating lots of vegetables, and taking my herbal supps, and wow, what a difference. I feel so much better!

                      It's beautiful here today. Later this afternoon, I will take a long walk with my sister at one of the state parks near my mom's house before joining my mom for dinner and an evening of Notre Dame football.

                      Big hellos to everyone I missed. Have a fabulous sober Saturday.


                        Simply Sober September - week 2

                        Funny Saturday going on here. Had my usual routine of breakfast at "my" ancient diner (as Dill had hers) and then off to Costco, but today there is also an enormous State Fair parade right through the middle of the inner city, hundreds of horses, countless tractors, floats, marching bands, clowns, displays, all very old fashioned and wild. Lots of odd moving contraptions straying off through the little neighborhoods, lots of people lost, lots of traffic in impossible places trying to get away. I saw streets I have never seen before, and it was quite an adventure coming home. There are also, however, an usual number of small parks in my old area of the city, and, in contrast to the cacophony of the nearby parade, in the largest of the lot, the local philharmonic was playing a concert of the sweetest music. I walked over there with the dogs and stretched out under a huge tree, came back into myself. So good to now read what everybody is up to. Hi Rusty! Hi Dill, Lav, IMT, Star, Cyn, Rustop, Chill, Pappy, G., et. al. Love, Ladybird.
                        may we be well


                          Simply Sober September - week 2

                          :HLBH, we are living in parallel universes to be sure. Our little diner was overly-busy and parking was at a premium because the main roads thru town were blocked off for a parade. The diner was packed with people coming in to fortify themselves with a hearty breakfast before the parade was to start. Mr. D and I managed to get a table and have our regular fare, then took the roads-less-travelled to get around the parade and festival going on in the center of town. Ours was a scaled-down version of yours being a small, rural town, but still, a parade is a parade! What a coincidence.

                          I wish we had a Costco around here.

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Simply Sober September - week 2

                            Wish there was a parade & a Costco around here :H :H
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Simply Sober September - week 2

                              Good morning to all...

                              Lav, it is hard getting up in the dark, not knowing what time it is. But, this is just the beginning. I love having a delicious candle to light up, Bath and Body Works has some really wonderful smelling fall candles!! I am ready for the time to change, I think it may be soon. I have cut out dairy from my eating, and notice that I don't miss it.

                              Rusty, it is amazing how we don't need meat and once we eat it less, feel so much better. Lighter, maybe? I have had no stomach upsets since eating vegan. I have even cut out oils, cooking my veggies in broth or water. You just don't need it. Your day sounded great, healthy, and satisfying. I was thinking how much better your life is with the new direction your job has taken. It is good to hear.

                              LBH and Dill, I wonder what the parades were about? Harvest or something? The last parade around here was for Labor Day. It is good to be able to get out and enjoy the weather.

                              I was busy yesterday, we got to paint our shed. It was fun because it was outside and if paint spilled or splashed, it didn't matter. Perfect weather, and a lovely day. Today, I want to go for a bike ride, I am already making soup, and want to read. It will be a quiet but great Sunday. It is so good to wake up and feel healthy and well rested. I am very thankful.

                              To all, have a great Sunday.
                              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                                Simply Sober September - week 2

                                Good morning Star & everyone!

                                Cool & clear this morning ~ nice
                                Glad you had a good outside day yesterday Star.

                                I am grateful for the clear head & quiet gut as well Changing up our eating habits makes a huge difference. The only thing I really miss is cheese beacuse I like cheese more than the average person :H Milk, ice cream, etc I don't even thiink about. I've tried many alternative cheese products but the best I have found is Daiya which you can get in cheddar & mozarella flavors so I can make mac & cheese (which even the grandkids love) & pizza
                                I find I really prefer making black bean burgers from scratch. If anyone wants the link for the recipe just let me know. A turkey or chicken burger once in a while is OK too.

                                Well I know YB is coming to cut grass later but other than that nothing on the radar so far for today. Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

