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AF day Monday 9th Sept

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    AF day Monday 9th Sept

    Morning all .. well here we are start of a new af week...few new faces been on here since I was last on,so welcome all.
    Right back to business on the agenda...item 1..tea and coffee,now on the go, my first cup already half devoured.
    Weather over here has been great this weekend,nice and back to normal, lovely rain!!

    Good morning ppq..and how are you this morning my little thread starter??See you have got a lot more confidence than you give yourself credit for.Glad the open day went well..get those tents back and have a chill day if you can.Heres your first coffee of the day.

    Morning Lav and how are you ?early brew for you ,as no doubt you are up and running around after your little gang.What you up to today then?bet it doesnt involve sitting around doing nowt!!

    Morning chef..what culinary delights are you putting together after your sun drenched weekend on the beach (he says without the slightest tinge of jealousy)how is the no al going for you??

    TDN... welcome are you?thanks for the thoughts how are things with you... back on track? good for you..yep you were missed,so lets get on with it and increase those days :goodjob:

    Good morning/afternoon/evening Kuya..(score out the ones that dont apply!!)and how are you today?So your mood is weather dependant is it??big tip..close the curtains, pretend its sunny and hey presto mood changes!!ok ok ..its worth a try!

    Lilly E...happy haircut to it head turning time??you will need to let us see it.So you have been a busy bee this weekend have you?more details required!!Well done on your 10 weeks..done really well..just a wee note though...dont lets get complacent..Mr al is just as devious now as day 1..if not more, but I am sure you already know that!!
    Yep its quite impressive to say nope I dont drink..isnt it strange how attitudes change?you can feel proud of it now, and yet in the early days it was "what will I say, or what will I do if someone offers me a drink."
    Strangely enough ..since I binned al.its amazing the number of people that have said, wish I could do that..You feel like saying you can.. it aint no magic trick..all it takes is wait.. wrong word that :H:H all it takes is courage!! little star ggod morning to you for you???then afraid you will need to shift that butt Glad to see you are doing so well..I remember once someone joining this forum say that they couldnt do it and that reality was pretty rubbish.........hmmmm wonder who that was??certainly not the determined and positive lady I am posting to now!even though you are all pooped out ..literally and tyred :H.. Sniff Sniff...whats that smell

    Morning Kas..and how are you this fine day??have you read up yet?thank you for the comments..we have all got a wealth of experience in one way or another ..guess its about picking what part to use and when.Thats interesting what you said about excessive al consumption in subarctic city..didnt think that would be the case, bearing in mind the effects of al on the bodys systems

    Morning det..jeez is there anything you didnt do yesterday???didnt see bungee jumping but apart from that everything else was there..mind you nice meal for afters!

    Right peeps thats me now..

    . fingers are back in stiff mode, so luv you and leave you now.. take care all..big shout to those not here..whatever you do ..enjoy it without the demon drink..he aint required!!!

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    AF day Monday 9th Sept

    Yeeeyyy, Mick is back ( and so is TND). I am very happy to see you both.

    Lilly and Mick ? 10 weeks is amazing !!!!

    I?ll have to be brief ? my son started school this morning and I spent a lot of time yesterday getting him ready ( also tiding up his room ? not my favorite activity) ? for the record, I only have 1 kid ( the other in the pic belongs to a friend).

    Anyway, I am full of beans again today (bouldering gave me a serious case of sore muscles in the upper body ? that part I don?t normally train).

    I had a wobble yesterday as I was putting things away ? it resulted in pouring down the drain the remains of pear schnapps that my parents brought. I realize that I can now smell wine or AL from a great distance and I can definitely make out AL in people?s breath, whether they had too much or even just had one glass. Why is that? Actually overall my sense of smell has improved tremendously. Must be the lack of AL induced histamine reactions. This weekend we had no guests so I put all AL away, it is so much easier not to have that temptation.

    I have a ton of work and I am so happy to be so clear headed.

    Have a super week, fabbies!!!
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


      AF day Monday 9th Sept

      Morning all.

      Weather here better today, so was my day Mick I tried the curtain trick for years, except I was hungover. Managed to turn night into day a lot of the time too LOL. You know what I love about being sober? Going to bed early. I used to have to stay up till midnight to scull my vodka to the point that sleep was guaranteed then get to bed before my very efficient liver detoxed enough to have me awake again and wanting more booze. Now I go to bed, play and post on my iPad, read and often lie there just thinking. I actually sleep less but it is good sleep. I know you old affers know all this but it still makes my heart sing to write it down.

      Anyhoo have a great AF day y'all, might check in again before shut eye


        AF day Monday 9th Sept

        Morning All,
        AL free is going great...only have trouble on Fridays and sometimes on a Saturday right around happy hour. I usually go for a long walk or hit the treadmill and that usually takes care of it. Day 22 and feelin' GREAT!! Today I get to show the crew a couple of foie gras recipes, and then I get to recertify for my sanitation certificate in a long 3 hour snoozer....fall is in the wide open, and an awesome nights sleep was had. Have a stellar AF day everybody....welcome back Mick, et al!
        Chef Robaire
        Nicotine Free: 02/02/2008
        Alcohol Free: 04/01/2014

        "It's a Good Feeling to Know Somebody Loves You"....Poco


          AF day Monday 9th Sept

          Hi All
          Good AM all. A good weekend. Some projects finished around the house balanced with some bike riding. It was also the women's final at the US Open Tennis match. The men's being played today. I am still on the mend from a partial knee replacement so doing more watching of tennis then playing. That will change!!!
          Chef it was the weekend that used to do me in especially the witching hour in the evening.
          Way to go changing your routine.
          10 weeks Mick and Lilly congrats. I am sure its a big difference from when you started.
          The problems from al has really presented itself in the relationship of a couple I know. Its hard watching one partner destroy the lives of others around them. All those that are here should be so happy with themselves for the fact we see a problem and are dealing with it. Enjoy each sober day and make sure you do something FUN.

          Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
          AF 5-16-08
          Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
          AF 5-16-08


            AF day Monday 9th Sept

            Good morning, Mick, Shue, Kuya and Chef--and all to come today!

            Mick, it's great to wake up to your cheery post and coffee, of course! Having my first cup of French Roast, and it is great! Very cool here this a.m., but will be warming back up to summery temps mid-week. So beautiful with the sun coming up.

            Shue, your son is very cute! Hope all goes well with his first day of school. And good for you for dumping out the AL.

            Kuya, I love getting into bed early and reading, watching TV and playing on my laptop. And I have always loved getting up early--today was "late" for me at 6:15. So nice to wake up and not fear the day or worry about yesterday! You sound really good!

            Chef, I haven't had any pate for a while, but I do love it. Have never made it. Once made rillettes, but don't think I was too impressed. Hubby has a tendency toward gout, and pate will set it off pronto:upset: Is the restaurant you work in high end? Sounds like it. Sanitation class doesn't sound so great, though! Congrats on 22 days!!!

            Has anybody else besides Lilly read DRY by Augustens Burroughs? It is one of the most vivid and "sobering" accounts of alcoholism I have ever read. I think I'll try to get his HOW TO DO IT (not sure that is the exact title.) Saw a short clip of him discusssing it and speaking to an audience about it.

            Lilly, hope we can somehow see a pic of your haircut At one point, some of us sent PMs to each other with our FB pages and friended each other. This way we were able to see what we look like--and also read each other's posts. Kind of nice!

            Okay--doing the regular walk at 7:30, counseling session later in the a.m. and doing a little per diem work by phone later. Started last week and it is not too interesting, but not bad, either.

            Wishing everyone a great AF day!
            "One day at a time."


              AF day Monday 9th Sept

              Cross post, Caysea! Nice to see you here. Yes, AL can cause huge problems in a relationship.
              "One day at a time."


                AF day Monday 9th Sept

                All's right in my world again, Mick is back, Good Morning and thanks for the coffee. I hurt in places I didn't know I had. Physical activity does feel good though.

                Good Morning Sue, KY, ChefR, Caysea, TDN and all to come...

                I too found I could sniff out AL quite easily after I quit Shue.

                KY your mood sounds like it's improved, has the weather changed?

                Congrats on Day 22 ChefR. I'm on Day 26 myself today.

                Caysea take care of that mending knee. Know a few people who have had the surgery, I know what you're going through.

                TDN enjoy your walk and hope the counseling session is a positive one. I've heard a few people talking about DRY on here, might have to check it out.

                Time for cup #2. Having a slow start this morning. Too sore.

                Have a great AF Monday everyone. PPQ


                  AF day Monday 9th Sept

                  Good morning Abbers,

                  Nice to be having coffee with you again Mick
                  Congrats on your AF time!!!

                  Greetings shue, kuya & Chef!
                  I also need to start working on my 30 CEUs to renew my now unused nursing license in the Spring. At this point it really is boring for me but I'm just not ready to give up my license either.

                  TDN, good to see you back in good form & posting here again
                  See ya around FB!!!

                  Gretings caysea, PQ & everyone!
                  I need to go take care of my chickens - they said I could have coffee first today!

                  Wishing everyone a terrific AF Monday!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF day Monday 9th Sept

                    kuya;1376181 wrote: Morning all.

                    Weather here better today, so was my day Mick I tried the curtain trick for years, except I was hungover. Managed to turn night into day a lot of the time too LOL. You know what I love about being sober? Going to bed early. I used to have to stay up till midnight to scull my vodka to the point that sleep was guaranteed then get to bed before my very efficient liver detoxed enough to have me awake again and wanting more booze. Now I go to bed, play and post on my iPad, read and often lie there just thinking. I actually sleep less but it is good sleep. I know you old affers know all this but it still makes my heart sing to write it down.

                    Anyhoo have a great AF day y'all, might check in again before shut eye
                    That is a lovely post. Made me shed a tear - it is ALL about the small things isn't it !
                    Over the weekend I thought : God am I becoming boring ?
                    I was out to lunch and drank water while hubby & other drank.
                    I am soooooooooooo happy this morning & there was none of that waking middle of night as liver worked.
                    I am truly happy AF - I have to say :h


                      AF day Monday 9th Sept

                      Hi everyone

                      Life has been hectic recently. Been absent from MWO for a few days, but still AF and today is day 200!!

                      Had visitors staying this weekend, and believe it or not, but Mr Sausage bought me a bottle of sparkling AF wine / grape juice for Sat night with dinner and it was very pleasant. He and our guests had lots to drink; proseco. Sparkling red and normal red. To be honest it didn't bother me at all, I didn't even think about it, no one said anything - not sure if the guests realised I wasnt drinking alcohol - I probably seemed to drink at a faster rate than them so maybe they think I was drinking to excess!! It was great to catch up with our friends whom we havent seem for a year and being Af certainly didn't spoil my enjoyment of the weekend.

                      Must go and change the water in the fish tank.... I do lead an exciting life !!

                      Will check in tomorrow xx


                        AF day Monday 9th Sept

                        CONGRATS on 200 AF days Sausage
                        An AF life really rocks. When you finish with your fish tank I have a small tank with frogs that could use freshening up :H
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF day Monday 9th Sept

                          well done sausage:goodjob:
                          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                            AF day Monday 9th Sept

                            Happy un-hung Monday Aberooos!

                            yay Snawsage for 200+ and off into the sunset!

                            I made the most yummy dinner last night just being creative since I had too many oranges.

                            Rosemary/Orange Chicken! I'm eating the leftovers now.

                            wishing you all a tasty day
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              AF day Monday 9th Sept

                              Just a quick drop in to post a picture of the buffalo. And no there was no fence between them and us.

                              The trail was actually one of those narrow trails that animals create as they walk in single file from eating to resting zones. Well-worn and layered with? well you know.

                              I?ve been told I hit every one of the piles on the path. :H

                              See you later on tonight. Going for a run if the weather holds.

                              CanToo Attached files [img]/converted_files/1936646=7003-attachment.jpg[/img]
                              AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                              "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."


