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AF day Tuesday Sept 11

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    AF day Tuesday Sept 11

    Good morning all......rain for sale here...anybody need some?not stopped all night and still going.Oh well it was a lovely summer last weekend!!So how is everyone today ?Good? ok lets go..tea and coffee on the go
    My daughter came home last all sense of normality and rationale now go out the window in this house till she goes back!!

    Morning Shue..and how was your sons first day at school?Wen I wus at skool i didnt pay attenshun :H:H
    Seriously though..well done you for lashing the booze down the sink..I used to make peach and pear schnapps when I was abroad and developed a grand taste for apfelkornIs it busy in Shueland again??

    Morning Ky.. notice no one else has carried that one on!! tea/coffee?how are you today?Dont know why but you mentioning Ipad reminded me of a here goes...............

    I was visiting my son and daughter-in-law last night when I asked if I could borrow a newspaper.

    "This is the 21st century, old man," he said. "We don't waste money on newspapers. Here, you can borrow my iPad.

    I can tell you, that fly never knew what hit it. . . .

    Morning 23 for you ..well done.. you feeling any different for it..taste of food etc?

    Hi are you today?nice avatar..where is that about??Thanks for the congrats..was reading on the news about Andy Murray in New York getting interviewed when Sir Alex Ferguson and Sean Connery hijacked the interview,somewhat the worse for wear and proceeded to tell all how Scotland had invented the world!!Hope the knee gets better soon ..but don't go mad with it take it easy to start with ma'am? and how are you today??Still not tempted by the wee man ? good for you.keep it up you are doing well.

    Yo PPQ...and how are you today? still as sore or is it easing off?Was out yesterday,and some nice kind lady stood on my toe..yep the one I had all the hassle with!!Glad she couldnt read my mind .After the obligatory "Im sorry"..I just smiled back sickeningly.. cest la vie..Glad you are doing day you'll get that p back!!

    Morning Lav..yep had a bit of a lie in this morning, so no doubt by now you will have done oodles of work, so sit yourself down and have a brew.Has the weather broken for you there yet?Keep going at that nursing licence.. may need your assistance someday

    Morning Satz...hows things in the Emerald Isle?Nah you aint boring..and besides who would know even if you were? they'd all be pissed!!:H

    morning Sausage ..well done on 200 At a quick guess I reckon your camping season is over now!!Glad you are enjoying life without a bevvy, good on you

    Morning are you today?hows the creative cookery going...maybe you and Chef can go into business?

    was looking for you,
    But all I could see
    Was piles of poo.

    How are you today? obviously recovered from your ordeal if you have just done 6ks.Good luck for the regatta on for the beer tent.. thats a breeze for you now,you will be fine.66 degrees? Jeez thats our summer!!

    YAH..morning to you .next cup on the go would you care to join me?re the booze filled drinks,I think you are right..its some sort of ritual that goes on in our head..situation assimilation, where in certain scenarios the brain says aha I get alcohol in this one, so when you can turn that mindset around you are quids in.After all when we are born,in the main we are not born into situations where al plays a major part excluding parental dependency issues..we make what's to stop us as individuals "unmaking them"
    Wow hows that for a 7.12 am start!

    Right peeps going now..nice to "see" you all..take care have a great day
    Keep smiling..means you are either happy or mad..your choice

    Lastly...our thoughts go out to all those who lost loved ones this day 11 years ago in the attacks and the rescue ops..give them a minute of your time

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    AF day Tuesday Sept 11

    Mornin' All,
    No change in taste buds, Mick...just a voracious appetite...I have also lost 8 pounds. By far the best decision I have made in my life....still very tricky though, as I have the temptation leprechaun on one shoulder, and the AF leprechaun on the other...I'm sure y'all know what I'm talkin' about...any inspirational words of wisdom need to be inserted here....have a marvy AF day...touch back later...Chef
    Chef Robaire
    Nicotine Free: 02/02/2008
    Alcohol Free: 04/01/2014

    "It's a Good Feeling to Know Somebody Loves You"....Poco


      AF day Tuesday Sept 11

      Good morning, Mick and Chef--and all to come today!

      Sad day remembering the horrible tragedy of 11 years ago. I was in Chicago for a business meeting and we were stranded for the whole week. Three of us had to finally rent a car and drive home. And it was impossible to carry on a meeting with all the horror and sadness.
      Have a busy day of doing my per diem calling job today, so wanted to check in early and just wish everyone a great AF day!
      Will be back later.
      "One day at a time."


        AF day Tuesday Sept 11

        Morning Mick, ChefR, TDN and all to come...

        Soreness almost gone. Don't think it would have been so bad if I wasn't so lackadaisical about exercise. I'm going to start following CanToo around for awhile. Maybe some of her energy will rub off! Mick I think you should pass the P forward.

        ChefR No great words of wisdom but I definetly know what you're talking about with the leprechauns.

        Have fun with your per diem calls, somethings got to pay the bills.

        Seems there's a lot of newcomers who weren't around for the KY
        designation. I'm sticking with it. Makes me smile everytime I "say" it.

        Have to write a report on the good, the bad, and the ugly of the open house. At least there is no ugly to report. Have a great AF Tuesday. PQ


          AF day Tuesday Sept 11


          Seems there's a lot of newcomers who weren't around for the [b]KY[/b] designation. I'm sticking with it. Makes me smile everytime I "say" it.

          Have to write a report on the good, the bad, and the ugly of the open house. At least there is no ugly to report. Have a great AF Tuesday. PQ
          Oiiiiiiiiiiiiii who's messing with KY?

          It's that Mick fella ain't it?

          Anyone touches KY will come to a sticky end. Slippery customer, that one, and make no mistake!

          Truth is even when she was lubricated ya' couldn't put one past her but now she's dry it 'd take a lot of bottle mateys.

          Innuendo? Not her, at least not for some time!

          Morning mates, and goodnight xxxxx



            AF day Tuesday Sept 11

            Good morning Abbers,

            Am on my way out for the day but wanted to send greetings for a good AF day

            Remembering the victims of 9-11 today as well TDN.
            Such a shocking & eye opening day that was!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF day Tuesday Sept 11

              kuya;1376602 wrote: Oiiiiiiiiiiiiii who's messing with KY?

              It's that Mick fella ain't it?

              Nope, Mick was the one who was wondering where the KY went. I think there's a song in there somewhere.

              Have a good night KY see you in the morning. PPQ

              p.s. Just saw your post Lav
              Good Morning and have a great day.


                AF day Tuesday Sept 11

                ok pq.......heres the other p back :l thats for lending me it
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  AF day Tuesday Sept 11

                  NO NO....that's paying it back...but glad you don't need it anymore. I'll just keep it here till you or someone else needs it.

                  BTW, Mick and I are talking about the "Positive P". If anyone is in need I have one to pass on now.

                  Have a great day Mick. So glad you're back. PPQ


                    AF day Tuesday Sept 11

                    a rather late hello from me, I think I'll get another dose of caffeine.

                    ohh, Mick , I used to make "home brew" with my granny - our speciality was apricot schnapps ... anyway, those days are gone and I have forgotten all about the pear poison. Down the drain where it belongs.

                    Yesterday evening I went to pick up my son from a kid's party after school. When offered the usual glass of wine to toast the birthday girl (aged 8) I knew better than to say " No, thanks, I am driving ..." just there - there was a table full of parents clutching wine glasses, fleet of cars parked outside. Instead I told another truth ... " No thanks, I am sooooo tired". Easy peasy!!!

                    Work is very demanding and I am enjoying my last week of no travel. Come next week I hit the road again. I am lacking enthusiasm and inspiration. (read "I need new shoes") Dealing with distressed real estate assets feels like I am constantly in the vicinity of a black hole. I do have another peach of a project - another office building in the works, I am saving all my "beans" for this one, good odds to turn out great. There is so little positivite action in work that I am sometimes thinking "are the slugs eating my lettuce in the garden rights now ?" wink at Mick.

                    Lav, my heart goes out to those who lost loved ones on 9/11. I worked with 2 people who died that day. Both left behind shocked families in UK. What happened has changed the world ... and it pains me to think that the terrorists have achieved their goal: spreading terror. Every time I get through yet another airport security check I am still living the consequences of that day. And I damn them to seven hells all over again.

                    Kas ... how are you holding up there, up North?

                    Turn - how did the party go with you not really on both feet?

                    Cantoo of ElkIsland - OMG, that is awesome !!!

                    Det - orange you glad you had that chicken? You are a culinary / diet inspiration.

                    - how's Bud holding up these days?

                    - so your sister caved ... but you stayed strong, good for you. I have enjoyed many AF mojitos this summer. You can still go through the drinking "ritual", it does not always have to be soda & lime. Don't let your guard down on hols.

                    - how was the foie gras cook out? My all time fave is bloc de foie gras, but never did it myself. I am using foie gras sparingly in my home made beef burgers - yum!

                    mais Pourquoi
                    pas passer le temp avec KY
                    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                      AF day Tuesday Sept 11

                      mais Pourquoi pas passer le temp avec KY

                      Thanks Shue.....had to plug that into a "French/English" translation program to find out what you said :H

                      I and others are going with KY it's just some weren't here when we came up with it.

                      Instead I told another truth ... " No thanks, I am sooooo tired". Easy peasy!!!

                      I LOVE IT! Going to borrow that one Shue. Easy peasy!!! :H


                        AF day Tuesday Sept 11

                        Shue~ Foie was Fab...thanks for askin'...all is well, enjoying an AF night...YIPPEE!!
                        Chef Robaire
                        Nicotine Free: 02/02/2008
                        Alcohol Free: 04/01/2014

                        "It's a Good Feeling to Know Somebody Loves You"....Poco


                          AF day Tuesday Sept 11

                          Back home after a long but very nice day

                          Glad to see everyone doing well!
                          Mick, it was 45 AWESOME degrees here this morning - made me a happy granny :H
                          I know it will warm up again but it's nice to actually have the windows open & the AC off for a change

                          Gearing up for a long day tomorrow watching my EB grandsons - oh boy......

                          Wishing everyone a comfy AF night!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF day Tuesday Sept 11

                            Just sticking my head in to say "hi". The drink nazi in my head has seemed to have quieted down for a bit. Not sure what he is planning....all quiet back there. Just like when you don't hear your know they are up to something.

                            I have been working maybe endorphins ward him off. Who knows. I am on a journey.....not on a war or even a battle. I have other things to do today


                              AF day Tuesday Sept 11

                              :H: KY too funny

                              Mick, what are you up to this coming weekend? A hike perhaps?

                              Mon Dieu Shue. How many languages to you speak?

                              PPQ - come to the other side.... The more I move the more energy I have and the more I want to eat right. Funny how it all fits together and how opposite it is to my AL life.

                              Something I have been noticing here is that everyone is intelligent, funny and seemly normal. Hmmm, how did we end up with an AL problem?

                              I just realized that 11 years ago today was the start of a depression that I could not escape for many years. I was alone with 2 children and could not process what had happened to our society. I have not allowed myself to go back to that day until this year.

                              I'm glad you were all here today. Thank you for letting me type my thoughts and fears. Makes me feel like I'm a part of something.

                              Sunflower keep those endorphins bubbling!


                              September 11, 2012
                              AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                              "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."


