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af day wednesday 12th Sept

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    af day wednesday 12th Sept

    good morning all you happy bunnies..and how are we today then?Wednesday, middle of the week already.Over here strangely enough its raining...and I bet they still come up with a water shortage..the ground must be leaking!!
    Tea and coffee on the and other various types provided..latest edition to our cupboard is barista type coffee??
    Right onwards and upwards...

    Morning are you this morning?Still getting the left and right voices?Not so sure our Irish contingent would be too happy with the fact that they are leprechauns ..but yep know what you mean.All I can suggest is when it starts getting to you,take some time to think about the benefits of having a drink and not,what good it will do you, what will it solve then write it all down.In a nutshell write it all down.It works,while you are writing the craving will lessen. Worth a try

    TDN ..and how are you today?..stopping for coffee or busy busy time?How did you get on with your work yesterday? Hope all went well.

    And good morning to you ppq..owner of the spare "p".How are you today? Have all the aches and pains gone now?hope so .What have you got planned for today.anything special?Have you written your report up?

    Morning KY..see how easily that slipped on to paper???Its the Mick geezer how are you today then?Im sure with a handle like that we will gel nicely..oh yes there will be sticky patches, but you will do fine!! ok ok ..who started this? What are you up to today/tonight ? How many days now?

    Morning your lovely cool temp!Here we dont do such things as nice in weatherland..over here the weather scale consists of the following descriptive phraseology:
    Its bloody roasting
    Too hot for me
    Hot today considering its ..........(fill in with any 1 of 12 months)
    Bit cooler today
    Bit nippy now
    Its bloody freezing

    Any way here is a coffee for you..pretty sure that you are going to need it today

    Dobro utro Shue..kak si? Nice one with the "no I m tired "when offered a drink..pretty scary really when you think of all those parents picking up their cherubs and the cars outside.So this is your last week of no travel? You will be fine shue..pretty sure you will be focussed before you hit the road.Have a coffee with for the slugs and lettuce nah you will beat them..pretty good analogy, but I have got loads of lettuce they can be beat..think positive..
    Illegitimi non carborundrum !!

    Sunflower ..lovely to see you..good for you working out.Think positive about you say its like quiet kids in the plan your strategy round it...what will you do etc..plan how you are goint stay on that ladder and not go down the snake!! you will be fine.

    Cantoo..good morning to you,how are thing with you ?What plans are in store for you today? So by whose definition are we normal? believe me I know a few dodgy normals!!:H
    Little bit of "past dwelling" there cantoo.. you have certainly moved on,..that was is different again, and yes you are a big part in this family so dont you forget it
    As for the weekend ..dont know what I will be doing, but I will be definitely out early doors on Sunday...says he lining up a thread starter for Sunday!!so come on everyone..who will start Sunday off??Dont know where I will be but I will pop in on the phone.

    I am out for dinner today with 2 friends that I knew in my last job..One is an imam the other a minister...hows that for hedging your bets for a seat in the big upstairs?

    Take care all..big shout to all not here in name have a great day

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af day wednesday 12th Sept

    Morning Mick, and to those still to come! Tehee

    So I just gonna slip in a few snippets on my sober progress so far

    I am day twelve and about to roast me a partridge and put it in a pear tree!

    Feelin pretty pukka and remembering how good sober feels. Funny thing is I have quit at a terrible time in my life, might lose my business and home cos the recession here is going on and on. Odd thing is being sober makes it possible for me to work better and try to salvage the business and I am taking GABA which is awesome for managing anxiety.

    Eating well but me arse is spreading a bit ..... Whatever, I'm sober and when I'm well will go find me a chubby chaser, maybe a rich chubby chaser with a love of lube.

    Anyway me old affers....... Have a lovely wednesday, I've warmed it up for y'all !



      af day wednesday 12th Sept

      Zdrasti, Mick, super sum !!! My gosh ? I am impressed!!!

      Last night I had my yoga lesson at home with my girlfriends ? one of them stayed on and demanded company , food and wine. I gave her a glass, passed her the bottle and told her I am not joining her. We talked about how are eating less and less meat, also drinking less and less as a group ( even her hubby, who is definitely a problem drinker with alcoholic friends ). It did not bother me, I?ve been in these situations far too many times, I feel zero desire to drink socially.

      My demons are fought when I am on my own. Me, myself and I must make sure that none of us drinks when we are on our own. I am filling the Smart recovery sheets and actually I like structuring my thoughts like that.

      As to my new goals ( for ?personal growth? , beyond just staying sober).

      #1 fitness ? the early AM commitment is reinforced, I?ll do something more substantial on the weekend

      #2 diet / healthy eating ? I need to try something new ( I am already eating quite healthy, I think I need carb management to push me into losing some weight).

      #3 relaxation / hobby ? I am still stuck on reading + flowers

      #4 future financial security - it is something that worries me, I am taking baby steps into making some changes

      Gotta? go, have a fab hump day, fabbers!!!
      workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


        af day wednesday 12th Sept

        Good morning, Abbers!

        Thanks for the coffee, Mick--delish, as usual! I love having coffee when I get up nice and early! It's still really dark here, but the sun will start peeking out in about a half hour, and it is beautiful to watch it.

        Shue, you seem to have a good plan in place. Exercise and healthy eating are so important. I was reading one of my daily emails from Dr Mercola yesterday, and he talks about the importance of taking probiotics and avoiding sugar. Links it to psychological problems, especially in children. I have been taking probiotics (acidophilus) for years, and I do believe it helps to have a healthy gut. Can't say I am successful eliminating sugar, but am working on it

        KY--you are doing great! I love all the funny references to KY.

        Chef--wish we could all have sampled the foie gras. You sound great, too!

        CanToo posted something very wise yesterday. Mentioned that we sound like a very normal and intelligent bunch, and wonders how we ended up alcoholics. I have often wondered that myself, but I often think that the more intelligent or thoughtful we are, the harder it is to accept that we are indeed addicted. I know that this disease affects every socioeconomic group and everyone from the least to most "intelligent" is at risk, but when you think too much about it, it is harder. Does that make sense?

        Sunflower, saw you back yesterday, and glad the demon is quiet for the time being!

        Got quite a bit accomplished on my phone project yesterday. It's kind of boring and not so easy to reach people I need to speak with, but it's not bad and may lead to something in the future. Will finish up a little this a.m. and maybe even get in a few calls between my walk and the shop.

        Nice weather all week--sorry, Mick:upset:

        Have a great AF day, everybody!
        "One day at a time."


          af day wednesday 12th Sept

          Ahoy there fABBies and chubby chasers near and not so far,

          Spring hath sprung down this way, which puts an even cheerier slant on proceedings for the young fella from Oz, if that were indeed possible.

          Have a great week everyone.

          One thing's for sure...........

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            af day wednesday 12th Sept

            Morning KY, Shue, TDN, Gman and Mick, thanks for the coffee and starting us off...

            All the soreness is gone and no the report isn't written yet. I'm working on a bus trip to Banff for my seniors and thought I had another week before documentation deadlines. But it's today :wow: So you know what I'll be doing.

            Morning KY, thought you'd sneak that little TeHee in and see if anyone gets it. I got it. Sorry you're dealing with all that but it's great you're doing it sober.

            Shue "Me, myself and I must make sure that none of us drinks when we are on our own"...that's what my problem was. I would not drink but me & myself would keep going. :H

            Hi TDN
            Good luck with your phoning and future work.

            The warmer it gets there the cooler it's getting here. You can feel fall in the air.

            Well lots for me to accomplish today but a second cup before I get started. Have a great AF Wednesday all. PPQ


              af day wednesday 12th Sept

              Damn it PPQ , you see right through me ........ I am such a child LOL


                af day wednesday 12th Sept



                  af day wednesday 12th Sept

                  Good morning Abbers & Happy Hump Day!

                  Just time to say hello to Mick, KY, shue, TDN, Chef, G & PQ
                  I'm off to Curves then going straight into a long, long day of babysitting.

                  Certainly could not accomplish all this without a clear AF head
                  Have a terrific AF day everyone!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    af day wednesday 12th Sept

                    Good Morning Lave......have a great day. PPQ


                      af day wednesday 12th Sept

                      ThreeDogNight;1377018 wrote:

                      CanToo posted something very wise yesterday. Mentioned that we sound like a very normal and intelligent bunch, and wonders how we ended up alcoholics. I have often wondered that myself, but I often think that the more intelligent or thoughtful we are, the harder it is to accept that we are indeed addicted. I know that this disease affects every socioeconomic group and everyone from the least to most "intelligent" is at risk, but when you think too much about it, it is harder. Does that make sense?
                      Naw TDN, the dumb drunks just can't navigate the MWO site! LOL

                      First time I came here I was drunk and I thought I had been transported to another dimension. By the time I figured out how to post I had already completed day 1 AF :H


                        af day wednesday 12th Sept

                        I'm new here and this is day 2 of my journey. Seeing the Doctor today to discuss meds. My goal right now is one full week. I was a binge drinker, once every week or sometimes every 3 or 4 days. I've had sober time before but always went back to the drink. I'm tired of it and am determined to stop.
                        Thanks, K


                          af day wednesday 12th Sept

                          Txbird :welcome: to the AF - daily threads. Glad you found your way over here, it's easier to keep track of you as this is where I hang my hat. PPQ


                            af day wednesday 12th Sept

                            welcome txbird..stay close
                            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                              af day wednesday 12th Sept

                              Hi Abbers,

                              I used to post here quite often but don't much anymore. Not sure why.

                              However, it is good to see so many working on staying AF day-to-day.

                              Mick, your posts are fun. :-)

                              Love to all,
                              AF April 9, 2016

