Right onwards and upwards...
Morning Chef..how are you this morning?Still getting the left and right voices?Not so sure our Irish contingent would be too happy with the fact that they are leprechauns ..but yep know what you mean.All I can suggest is when it starts getting to you,take some time to think about the benefits of having a drink and not,what good it will do you, what will it solve then write it all down.In a nutshell write it all down.It works,while you are writing the craving will lessen. Worth a try
TDN ..and how are you today?..stopping for coffee or busy busy time?How did you get on with your work yesterday? Hope all went well.
And good morning to you ppq..owner of the spare "p".How are you today? Have all the aches and pains gone now?hope so .What have you got planned for today.anything special?Have you written your report up?
Morning KY..see how easily that slipped on to paper???Its the Mick geezer how are you today then?Im sure with a handle like that we will gel nicely..oh yes there will be sticky patches, but you will do fine!! ok ok ..who started this?

Morning Lav..in your lovely cool temp!Here we dont do such things as nice in weatherland..over here the weather scale consists of the following descriptive phraseology:
Its bloody roasting
Too hot for me
Hot today considering its ..........(fill in with any 1 of 12 months)
Bit cooler today
Bit nippy now
Its bloody freezing
Any way here is a coffee for you..pretty sure that you are going to need it today
Dobro utro Shue..kak si? Nice one with the "no I m tired "when offered a drink..pretty scary really when you think of all those parents picking up their cherubs and the cars outside.So this is your last week of no travel? You will be fine shue..pretty sure you will be focussed before you hit the road.Have a coffee with me....as for the slugs and lettuce nah you will beat them..pretty good analogy, but I have got loads of lettuce left..so they can be beat..think positive..
Illegitimi non carborundrum !!
Sunflower ..lovely to see you..good for you working out.Think positive about it..like you say its like quiet kids in the background..so plan your strategy round it...what will you do etc..plan how you are goint stay on that ladder and not go down the snake!!

Cantoo..good morning to you,how are thing with you ?What plans are in store for you today? So by whose definition are we normal? believe me I know a few dodgy normals!!:H
Little bit of "past dwelling" there cantoo.. you have certainly moved on,..that was yesterday..today is different again, and yes you are a big part in this family so dont you forget it

As for the weekend ..dont know what I will be doing, but I will be definitely out early doors on Sunday...says he lining up a thread starter for Sunday!!so come on everyone..who will start Sunday off??Dont know where I will be but I will pop in on the phone.
I am out for dinner today with 2 friends that I knew in my last job..One is an imam the other a minister...hows that for hedging your bets for a seat in the big upstairs?

Take care all..big shout to all not here in name have a great day