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af day Thurs 13th Sept

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    af day Thurs 13th Sept

    Thanks for the welcome,
    I have decided to throw an extra days sicky so no work for me untill naughty am I :H
    I am feeling really happy at the moment and i really feel like i need to stay in this mood and going to work at the moment will totaly change my mood as i am having a few issues with a couple of people or rather they have issues with me as i deal with the directors and get on really well with them and its not going down too well with these other women, i just wish they would get on with thier own jobs instead of trying to find fault in mine, but never mind they will soon get bored with me and move on to someone else :H:
    Nearly bed time for me and i am actualy looking forward to doing more cleaning ( I know i can be abit
    Well once again thankyou for all your kind words and i hope you all have a great day xx
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over


      af day Thurs 13th Sept

      ronnie;1377514 wrote: Thanks for the welcome,
      I have decided to throw an extra days sicky so no work for me untill naughty am I :H
      I am feeling really happy at the moment and i really feel like i need to stay in this mood and going to work at the moment will totaly change my mood as i am having a few issues with a couple of people or rather they have issues with me as i deal with the directors and get on really well with them and its not going down too well with these other women, i just wish they would get on with thier own jobs instead of trying to find fault in mine, but never mind they will soon get bored with me and move on to someone else :H:
      Nearly bed time for me and i am actualy looking forward to doing more cleaning ( I know i can be abit
      Well once again thankyou for all your kind words and i hope you all have a great day xx
      Night Ronnie - don't let those women get to you - they are not worth it ! And certainly not worth going down a drinking road that you do not want to go !


        af day Thurs 13th Sept

        Good morning, everyone!

        Just a qucik check in on everybody before I leave for work. Been up since the wee hours, but had to do some cooking and prepping of a couple things I'm bringing to a picnic. Nothing healthy, Chef:H Last picnic of the season.
        Beautiful day here, and walk is done!
        Hey--where is Lilly???? Pap3????
        "One day at a time."


          af day Thurs 13th Sept

          Thanks Satz
          I was so angry with them on Tuesday and i got really stressed and i did let them get to me, but no more, that why i am having a few days off so that i get a few a/f days under my belt then i will be able to handle these people a bit better
          Night night xx
          :dancin: enguin:
          starting over


            af day Thurs 13th Sept

            Hi ALL!

            Thanks TDN for checking on me Soooo much I'd like to say about everyone's goings on but I have just been flat out with deadlines up the yin yang. Like Shue though, I need to start blocking out a half hour a day. I am on Day 75 and feeling good but still niggled by worries about complacency creeping in. Also started freaking out a little about summer/holidays approaching and how I will handle that - so need to work on it.

            Gotta run but I just wanted to say I'm fine and thinking of you all and will post properly soon I hope.

            Also, welcome to our newcomers Ronnie and T-Bird (?) ... this is indeed a lovely, supportive group. Glad to have you hear. And anyone else I might have missed. I'm a bit out of the loop!

            Except YahYah
            , if you're reading, I'm most annoyed with your sister on your behalf after she said she wouldn't drink on the trip. I could see a night or two but every night is really annoying. I hope you keep hanging tough.

            Oh and KY
            - what kind of MP are you? If you don't mind my asking? Are you a gyno per chance? Boom boom...

            Loves to you all,



              af day Thurs 13th Sept

              Also, Shue, when you described yourself to Ronnie before it felt like me to a tee aside from the kid/hubby part. We can do this together sister.


                af day Thurs 13th Sept

                Glad you posted Lilly....I too was wondering where you were.

                If I'd known all it took was as "Yooouuu Hooooo" I would have done that earlier.

                Congrats on Day 75....and yes life does happen doesn't it.

                Yup, keep an eye open for that complacency. At least you're aware of the beast and can make a plan.

                I'm off my little high of the last 2 weeks but still very positive with everything.

                Picked up some Melatonin today, hopefully it will help with my sleep.

                Looking forward to your posts when the time is right. PPQ


                  af day Thurs 13th Sept

                  porqoui;1377746 wrote:
                  Picked up some Melatonin today, hopefully it will help with PPQ
                  Have you got tryptophan as well, or 5http at least?


                    af day Thurs 13th Sept

                    porqoui;1377746 wrote: Glad you posted Lilly....I too was wondering where you were.

                    If I'd known all it took was as "Yooouuu Hooooo" I would have done that earlier.

                    Congrats on Day 75....and yes life does happen doesn't it.

                    Yup, keep an eye open for that complacency. At least you're aware of the beast and can make a plan.

                    I'm off my little high of the last 2 weeks but still very positive with everything.

                    Picked up some Melatonin today, hopefully it will help with my sleep.

                    Looking forward to your posts when the time is right. PPQ
                    Awh, thanks PPQ. Actually, I just happened to pop in to say hello when I saw Three Dog's post. I haven't been reading along religiously so I feel a bit out of the loop and apologise if I've missed big news for anyone.

                    I'm glad you've still got your P! And good idea re the Melatonin. I keep meaning to try that too.

                    Kuya, I'll ask quickly here, in case anyone else is interested. You said GABA is good for anxiety. How do you take it? Capsules, powders, daily, just when anxiety hits etc?

                    Ok, now i am running off again. I have SO much work to do it's freaking me out. But I hope to be back soon.


                      af day Thurs 13th Sept

                      kuya;1377763 wrote: Have you got tryptophan as well, or 5http at least?

                      It has L-Theanine and 5htp and it's in a chewable form. Would have prefered a capsul but was looking for the 5htp (as recommended by everyone) and this was the only one they had.

                      I'm not expecting miracles, maybe the fact that I went out and got it will be enough to trick myself into sleeping better. Anything's better than the all too easy AL to help fall asleep.

                      Your welcome Lilly
                      and easy on the "FREAK OUT" I just like having my triage team on hand. :H

                      Good night, going to try catch Mick in the morning.....PPQ


                        af day Thurs 13th Sept

                        porqoui;1377791 wrote: It has L-Theanine and 5htp and it's in a chewable form. Would have prefered a capsul but was looking for the 5htp (as recommended by everyone) and this was the only one they had.

                        I'm not expecting miracles, maybe the fact that I went out and got it will be enough to trick myself into sleeping better. Anything's better than the all too easy AL to help fall asleep.

                        You can order tryptophan from biorecovery in the states, I take one capsule an hour before I wanna sleep then a melatonin rapid release, also from biorecovery, half hour later.

                        5http is the precursor of tryptophan and IMHO nowhere near as good.

                        I have suffered insomnia ALL my life, even before Al and this stuff works like a charm with no hangover or anything. The two combine to produce serotonin and it stops that mouse on a wheel thinking that stops us sleeping.



                          af day Thurs 13th Sept


                          I recently have been thinking about past jobs and how they influenced my drinking. One I was at for 10 was normal to have a hangover and go to the bar at 4pm everyday. Except I never went with them. Funny part was after 10 years of not being their drinking buddy....nearly cost me my job (when jobs were going down fast, they were saving their drinking buddies) that time I would have been better off to go an get drunk with them. But....I was always scared of drunk driving. My next job was so horrible.....there was just no way I was getting sober on that one. My next job was as miserable as the prior and I walked out after 8 weeks there.

                          Now...I work at a place I truly love to be at. I still have vacation days to take off before the end of the year. I mention this only because....because I would ususally run out of days to use.

                          Why did I not leave job number 1.....I was making SOOOO much money it kept you tied to it. The 2nd....I was learning alot....and needed the health insurance. Job 3....wasn't a lot of $$, it sucked and even the great benefits could not win me over.

                          Now I work at a place I truly love to be at. Because of that I work way harder than any of my prior jobs......and is a big reason I am sober. When you spend so much time at a place you do not like....self medication at the end of the day....seems like the only way to deal with all their nonsense.

                          Just my 2 cents.....I don't think about drinking that much anymore. For so long it consumed me....drinking for relief....or consumed me in thinking about not drinking and being abs. I was tired of both.

                          And finally, my brain seems to be giving me some relief. And my body and mind loves me for it.

                          Overthinking "not drinking" was taking a toll on me.....but, well worth it in the end.

