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AF day Friday 14th Sept

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    AF day Friday 14th Sept

    Well here we are...Friday...well it is here..dont know what it is down under..start of another af weekend..your chance to do what you want to do and chill without al..
    How is everyone today?severe dose of poets day?
    Tea and coffe on the boil now , cup no 1 already poured and on its way to the tummy people!!!

    morning Satz...hows about ye?Just bimbling around the other day being nosey so thought I would pop in..just like virtual lace curtains at the windows, peek your head through see whats happening!As for tea and cakes..nope fraid not..but to be fair wasnt there that long.

    Ronnie..nice to meet you and welcome..Yes, I had the same problem to start with.My wife is one of those people that an take it or leave it, hence she couldnt understand my issues .For her drinking was to chill out and relax, for me it was to get from A to pissed in the shortest time possible, so it does take time to that in baby steps...think my final one was something like",never thought I could do it but here I am not having a drink..much prefer it.Maybe I could have one..maybe I couldnt, but I do not and will not trust myself to take that chance..and besides I actually dont want one"
    The other thing is try and separate stress from the drink trigger..We all get stressed out, but try and think of ways around opposed to bottlesville as for the others that are getting up your nose... think of a word to put in here f... them!!

    Morning ok?nah we couldnt kick you out anyway... you'd easily slip back in!!!
    How many days is it now?must be well into double figures ..keep it up

    Shue, Shue what are you doing to me????thought I was reading a dodgy book when I read the start of your post..quote he blew me off unquote !!! :H
    Take it hubby now knows that you aint best pleased with him?I bet he does..women have got that strange way of getting that point across!!
    Must confess...I think most of tv is rubbish but I do like Downton series starts over here this Sunday.Time for coffee no2...would you like one too

    Morning are you today? must confess had to read your post twice..thought it said grilled elephant! Some big meal that.Well done on the af front keep going

    Txbird..good morning nice to see you are settling 4 now well done

    Morning Lav..hows the hay fever? any better today?did the meal go ok after your babysitting time?Was going to say today will be a chill day...but I doubt that..have a good one

    PPQ..thanks for the prize..and how are you today then ?Glad you met your deadlines and have done the Recs...and meeting the legal eagles this week ?Boy you sound so great my plus plus positive person

    TDN Morning..a picnic ?even to think about it here now you would need..wellies, coat , hat heater rain shelter umbrella..oh and some food!!.
    How are you today?

    Lilly..where have you been? how are you my antipodean friend?75 in..well done you.Read your post and the nickname Maw came into my head..ok how? your profile location..a land down under. big hitter for a group called Men at work, abbreviated to Maw ..and bingo there you are!Someone said we were normal in this group...very questionable!!!Glad to see you.. dont go overboard with work..enjoy some Lilly aint a rehearsal
    Oh notice you SLIPPED that in about KY!!

    Hi Sunflower, how are you today?Wow glad you are in a job that you like..pretty important considering the amount of time you spend at work.Good point you bring up..I think the more you concentrate on the al matter the more it comes to the forefront..just let life take its course and when the al subject pops into your head,then deal with it do one you aint required here! :H

    Folks thats the end of the speech..yipee I hear you say..big shout to those not here Cantoo and gang.. have a great af weekend

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    AF day Friday 14th Sept

    Morning/afternoon/evening to each and every one of you

    Friday was lovely you will be relieved to know, but then it is spring here and summer is on it's way ! :H you poor old northern hemisphere folk!

    Spending most of the weekend in the garden with my son and his girlfriend , planting veg and then they are cooking dinner.

    Tomorrow is day 14 Mick and all's well with me sobriety, just get a bit tired by mid afternoon. Funny thing is that it very different to my 9 week quit last year. Not sure why but much more relaxed this time. Think it is a mixture of using GABA, being on MWO, and being totally at ease with a future AF. I think the last time it was an experiment but this time is for real!

    Anyway may you all have the very best of days, can't do all the names yet as brain still too fuzzy especially in the evening so I will just slide on outta here.



      AF day Friday 14th Sept

      Hello all hemisphere's...Happy Friday....enjoy the of al!!! Chef...
      Chef Robaire
      Nicotine Free: 02/02/2008
      Alcohol Free: 04/01/2014

      "It's a Good Feeling to Know Somebody Loves You"....Poco


        AF day Friday 14th Sept

        Morning KY, ChefR and Mick...thanks for the kick off and the coffee. Your welcome for the prize hope you like it. :H

        Tried my melatonin last night. Managed to get to sleep fairly soon and stayed asleep longer this time. (4:30 instead of 3:30) It's a start. Yup feeling pretty positive these days. Just to let you know, it's day AF 30 again for me today. Not celebrating till I pass Day 47 and get to Day 60, then the parties on me.

        It was good to touch base with a lot of the original's yesterday. Like I said, I'm keeping my triage team close.

        All prepared for the lawyers today. Actually can't wait to get this into court and over with. I am very interested to see what the Judge has to say about all of it.

        Morning to all who come...have a great AF Friday. PPQ


          AF day Friday 14th Sept

          Morning/evening everyone,
          Well its Friday night here and instead of knocking back the booze and boring people on the telephone i am instead relaxing on the sofa with my pj's on. ..yipeeeeee Friday nights use to be a well i had a busy week, no work tomorrow so lets get totally smashed night, so i am really pleased with myself.
          Loved your comment on how to deal with the women at work Mick :H that is what i am going to do.
          Positive thinking is the way to go and it is helping, i also bought some vitimins (sp) so they should help me as i am quite run down at the moment, but feeling better each a/f day
          Just had a lazy day today, done a bit of food shopping and thats about it. Think i might tackle my cleaning in the morning
          Well i hope you all have a great day/evening :l
          :dancin: enguin:
          starting over


            AF day Friday 14th Sept

            PPQ, i know your not celebrating but just wanted to say Great Job on you 30 days a/f cant wait for your 60th party :h
            :dancin: enguin:
            starting over


              AF day Friday 14th Sept

              hi there fabbies,

              Under a ton of work today ... and the weather is definitely changing ( from summer to rainy autumn). I feel slow and tired and I need my energy and wits about me for work. I am not drinking but I definitely got the munchies ... I ate icecream ( never do that) for an afternoon snack just to get an energy boost. Yesterday's meetings ran late - they served us beer and nuts - I had a diet coke ( again, I NEVER drink coke, except when I am sick).

              Mick, you have a dirty mind. Or maybe it's just my dodgy English.

              I am looking forward to my bed tonight, cup of tea and reading "Too Big to fail" for more M&A action (normally stands for Merger and Acquisitions but Murders & Acquittals would be more fitting).

              Something is up with me, I cannot put my finger on it and sure enough, thought of fixing it with drinking popped in. Just thoughts, just thoughts. Amazing how they creep in sometimes. But I am aware of it and will try to redirect my thoughts to finding what is actually troubling me and dealing with that, instead of numbing it AL like in the old days.

              workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                AF day Friday 14th Sept

                Morning, fabbies! I am back at home after an 11 hour drive yesterday. I made it through! Felt a bit wobbly on Wednesday night. I fell in love with Savannah. It was the same feeling I felt when I went to New Orleans at 23 and decided to go to grad school there. It's hard to imagine living there and staying sober, however. I had a heart to heart with my sister, and she knows she is in some danger with her own drinking, and I'm not feeling aggravated anymore. I am happy to be home here on ABs too. I felt like I was white knuckling it the last two days.

                KY, happy day 14!

                Shue and Lilly, thanks for being aggravated for me. It made me feel very cared about! :l

                Since you won't be celebrating until day 60, PPQ, congrats on day 30 anyway! Nope you didn't hear nuttin'! Good work though. You won't reach day 60 without getting through day 30, so you still deserve a cheer.

                Welcome Ronnie! Good for you for taking an extra day to get your head in shape for sobriety!

                Whatever you were cooking yesterday sounded good, Chef!

                Congrats on Day 4, txbird!

                Thanks yet again about getting the coffee going, Mick! It is always good to know that you are there cheering us all on.

                TDN, I'm glad to see you back here!

                Lavande, Satz, Cantoo, Turn, Sausage, and Kas, hope you have a good day today.

                I'm not sure whether to believe my scale; it says I am down 1 1/2 lbs. I'll take that though. We did a lot of walking, though, and for the most part I ate healthily, so I hope I don't get an unpleasant surprise tomorrow!

                Have a good day, all! It's good to be home!


                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  AF day Friday 14th Sept

                  Good almost afternoon Abbers!

                  Having a fun time with my grandaughter, lots of tea parties

                  Unfortunately my DIL just called & is on her way over to drop off the grandsons for a few hours. She may have broken her handbin karate class last night, needs to get it xrayed.

                  Pray for me :H

                  Welcome home YahYah, glad you are OK

                  Hope everyone has a terrific AF Friday.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF day Friday 14th Sept

                    Happy Friday (almost) Afternoon (here).

                    Hello Lav, YaH, Shue, PPQ, Mick and KY. Howdy ronnie - welcome home.

                    Thought I'd KY in here while on my lunch to see all the Positive people and their Shoes. I walked past the flowers in the store today and it smelt like Lavender - oh how I'm going to miss summer and being outdoors. Winter around here sure can take the Mick out of a person.

                    I've managed to loose 9.9lbs since I went AF. YAH baby!

                    Well I've got to Ron - should be working.

                    Have a great weekend everyone to come!

                    AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                    "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                      AF day Friday 14th Sept

                      CanToo;1378119 wrote:

                      Thought I'd KY in here while on my lunch.....
                      :H :H :H :H PPQ


                        AF day Friday 14th Sept

                        I always post so late.....but, I am just back from the bar

                        Today was moving at such a fast pace....I did not give it much thought. I needed to be there. So many people not drinking! Sure there were some....but, for the most part people were there for a reason and it wasn't to drink.

                        I have said before I think my mind made a much bigger deal than it was. 50 people and maybe 10 had 1-2 drinks. Before I would have focused on the 10.....instead I used the restroom and washed my hands of it.

                        Best Veggie Burger in town. And I had a great night!


                          AF day Friday 14th Sept

                          Hi everyone, congratulations to all of you in your quest. I have been in an intense difficult hearing for 5 days, and several evening meetings, and I am now in the bar because its the only restaurant open at this hour. I have an orange juice and gingerale and a steak and I am happy its over. Very interesting, but frequently trying. But I loved being with the Dene people, especially the visit to their settlement. I am sorry not to acknowlege you all by name, I am pretty tired. But thought I should log in cause its my 19 month anniversary. What have I noticed? I am still likely to pound down what ever non-AL drink I have ordered, when others are drinking wine or what ever, and my rate of consumption is almost always faster than theirs. I really notice that most people dont obsess about AL or drink to excess. They may get a bit louder and sillier, but then they slow down or stop, and in an hour or so they are back to normal. As for changes in ME, I think I am much calmer, my ability to bring up a word that I need is better (Im dystonic, believe it or not), I have good short term memory, I can memorize facts better, they stick longer. And of course there are all the other things like just feeling a whole lot better all round. I have put in some seriously long 18 - 20 hour days, working constantly, even during meals, and after three of those in a row, I realized I was ok, tired, but not a friggin mess. So there ya go.

                          I hope this finds everyone well. I realize I am at the end of the day, and likely nobody will read it but 19 months for me... never thought I would ever get this far.

                          Love to all


                          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                          Status: Happy:h


                            AF day Friday 14th Sept

                            :wd: WAY TO GO KAS :wd:............19 MONTHS AND GOING STRONG!!! :happy:

                            Glad you're done with the hecktic schedule, but man you came out on top. PPQ


                              AF day Friday 14th Sept

                              thanks PQ

                              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                              Status: Happy:h

