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af day Saturday 15 Sept

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    af day Saturday 15 Sept

    Morning all..dont belive it..just written the thread clicked the button and it goes to nowhere aargh! Oh well start again.

    Firstly well done Kaslo on 19 months :goodjob: Reading your post,I thought I would look up Dene people as I had never heard of them..some interesting things in the article I read, how they were classed in the same sort of category as the Native North American Indians, and the Australian aborigines as the first settlers in Northern Canada,their way of life,beliefs, folklore etc, the fight between the giants,Thanaldelthur and her capture by the Cree.See so you have increased my knowledge base!.Dont know what you are doing , but whatever it is its clear to see you are putting heart and soul into it..just remember though..yuou still need Kas time
    Once again well done

    Right all that and not even a coffee on the go ..there is now..who is for one, tea too.

    Here we go ..How are we this morning then..the cleverly quippy conversationalist Cantoo?Prettily paraphrasing peoples posts providing scintillating sentences smartly strung treating together us all to your mirth making methods!..ok ok I give up!!How are you today any plans?I am out early doors tomorrow..down Lincoln way so we shall need a thread starter..could be your chance to get your name in lights

    Good morning KY......Well done you 14 days in excellent..forget your last time you're going for not 9 weeks this time but ad infinitum!!Seriously though, on a scale from 1 to 10 how hard would you say it has been for you?Secondly, is there any one thing that you would say has made you say to yourself when you have been tempted to drink no??Only reason I am asking is to try and get a view for anyone else starting out on the af road just to quickly browse over. anyway well done keep going.. dont SLIP (couldnt resist it..had to do it!)

    Bonjour Chef..whats in the culinary cooking pot today..or is this beach day?Whatever it is enjoy yourself.

    Morning ppq..I know you said no celebrations but heres a coffee and a :l Well done you in fact a double well done.....not only for that but for having the guts to come back and say ok lets go for it when it went a bit pear shaped.You have done your positive approach too to the courts..kind of "right lets get on with it... throw me another lion I'm done with this one!"

    Morning ..afternoon Ronnie how are you? wow nice beach in the did your Friday night go? after a bit you will get used to the change..its great to find that there is more to Saturday than a nipping head and feeling totally rubbish.It sure cheeses people off when you are jotting about all chirpy, whist those you bump into are all nursing serious head jobs!!!

    Morning Shue...a ton of work??You must have been told a million times about exagerration :H How are you?Dont arent the only one with the munchies..Im going through that too.Do you know what I think it might be? not a craving for alcohol, but to replace the sugar content that would have been in al if you had been drinking?
    не си ми мръсно подсъзнание...!!!hope thats right!
    Keep strong can do have already identified something is wrong, that could be a trigger we are here for you.

    Morning YAH..well done for tackling your sister about the al issues.Who knows she may join you..but bare basics she wont hinder you!! Glad you are enjoying the break.

    Morning Lav..cuppa for you? See nothing is simple and mundane in your world is it?Was going to say have a quiet day...bit pointless have a nice day!

    Hi Sunflower good for a bar and not drinking well done Tell you there cant be a better place to people watch!!

    Thats me then going now..have a great day everyone..will check in tomorrow but it will be later on.thanks to everyone who got me to where I am now here and elsewhere..including Flossie, Byrdlady JC and others.. and of course each and every one of you.Doesnt do you any harm every now and again to ponder...

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af day Saturday 15 Sept

    Good morning, Mick and all to come!

    Thanks for the usual coffee, Mick! And thanks for strating us up again.

    Have to go and read the posts from yesterday. I was busy working from home, then had a glorious boat ride for a couple of hours. Felt like mid-summer with the weather and sunshine, but very little boat traffic, which is a sure signal that summer is on the way out!

    Working later this a.m. after my walk--if it isn't raining too hard. Supposed to get rain before it clears--we'll see! Right now it is still very dark and very quiet. Nice way to start off the day!

    Glad to see a few new faces here. Am going to read their posts now as I listen to some of the meditations/music on the holistic healing thread.

    Have a wonderful AF day!

    "One day at a time."


      af day Saturday 15 Sept

      Hi TDN..apologies missed you by name..:bow have a great day
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        af day Saturday 15 Sept

        No problem, Mick
        Just wanted to congratulate Kas on 19 months!! Great job! And with all the long days and stress of the job--fantastic!
        And PPQ--3o days!!! Can't wait for the 60 day party!
        Sunflower--great job at the bar!
        Welcome to Ronnie.
        That's it for now!
        "One day at a time."


          af day Saturday 15 Sept

          I is here too Mick :cheering. Chasing your AF tail. Won't catch up again. For me to catch you means you'd have to have a drink. Not gonna wish that on you :goodjob:


            af day Saturday 15 Sept

            Evening/morning/afternoon everyone
            Thanks for your post Mick, i dont know how you can remember all our names, let alone what we have posted about, wish my memory was that good :H
            My avatar is of my local beach which is about 5 min walk away, im very lucky to live so close to the beach but we never go there :H, my boys prefer thier pool.
            Well i have had a lovely day just pottering about the house then we bought a pitching machine for baseball practise & hubby & the boys has great fun using it, even I had a go which would not normally happen as i would of been flopped out on the sofa.
            Day 4 here for me which is usually one of the days that i normally cave in on, but i feel great and i know that being here with all you wonderful people watching my back I can do this Thankyou for all your lovely posts and I look forward to reading many more.
            Now a film has just started so I am going to get my pj's on and relax
            Hope you all have a great day :l
            :dancin: enguin:
            starting over


              af day Saturday 15 Sept

              Good morning Abbers!

              Thanks for the coffee Mick ~ really needed it this morning

              Kaslo, CONGRATS to you for your 19 AF months = awesome!!!!!
              I hope you get to rest up soon!

              Greetings TDN, satz, ronnie & to everyone checking in here today. I actually have no plans for the day which is nice but these usually, somehow end up being the busiest days for me :H
              I have no need to control or manage my drinking/smoking time anymore so that opens up a lot of free time for me. That was an unexpected but welcome gift thanks to my quits

              Hope everyone has a fantastic AF Saturday!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                af day Saturday 15 Sept

                Good morning everyone, thanks Mick for taking the time to repost a message to all of us, and thanks to everyone for the congratulations on 19 Months. I honestly know for an absolute fact that I would have been back drinking too much every couple of nights to almost every night if it had not been for people here bringing me around in my thinking.

                Thanks so much Mick, for mentioning you looked up the Dene. As they might say to you. Masi cho. Which I THINK means thank you, but I wonder if it doesnt also mean thank you my relative. They have a very beautiful language, especially in prayer and song, which I was so priveledge to hear. You have also awoken me to the fact that they are the original North Americans. Essentionally what I was doing was trying to shed some light on the technicalities of a proposed project. You have given me even more evidence. And if I had still been drinking as much as I was, to the point where I was thinking more about alcohol than I wsa about just about everything else, I would not have caught on to what I heard during the hearings as much. Again. Masi cho.

                Back to the Big Smoke, its a long trip from near the Nunavit border, and I do want to get out and take a few more photographs of this exquisitely beautiiful land. I wish I had time to mention you all by name, to encourage you to stick with it... Every hard day and challenge.... its worth it.

                Love to all

                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  af day Saturday 15 Sept

                  Good morning all! I'm still here and I'm still sober. I went to see a movie last night with a friend and had a great time. Didn't sleep all that well and have to go to work today. No more movie dates on a school night for me!
                  Today is day 5 and even with little sleep, I feel amazing compared to how I was feeling a week ago. I had urges yesterday, especially last night. I talked about it with my friend, I surfed the urge but it came back, so I surfed again. See, if I had a Smart Phone, I would have been able to jump on here but alas, my phone is dumb.
                  Have a great day everyone!


                    af day Saturday 15 Sept

                    Good morning all! So many new faces since I've popped in. I'm happy to report I'm moving in on the 7th month of sobriety. It feels great! I'd be a liar if I said I haven't occasionally had cravings but never want to have to start over. I've been busy with getting our home decorated and with work. I'm not good about checking in but since I always wonder if peeps leave and go back to drinking, I wanted to leave no doubt.

                    Kas- 19 months is fantastic. Great job!!!
                    Shue- keep your eye on the prize. What ever weirdness is happening will pass. My hubby liked the book "Too big to fail."
                    Lav- enjoy your day, whatever you choose to do. So much better to be out from the claws of booze!

                    Hi to everyone else. Have a fantastic booze free weekend!
                    AF since 2/22/2012


                      af day Saturday 15 Sept

                      Good morning, all!

                      Thanks for the coffee, Mick! As usual, it is great to wake up to your terrific posts, and I'll miss yours tomorrow. Thank you for keeping up with us all.

                      Yes, congrats to Kas on 19 months! It is a great accomplishment. :goodjob:

                      Enjoy your walk, TDN. I hope you have a good walk and your work isn't too taxing! You must be getting a few days under your belt now.

                      Good morning, PPQ. Have a good day.

                      Good job facing down AL, Sunflower! I am so glad that you felt more indifference than anything else toward AL.

                      Morning, Satz and Lavande.

                      :goodjob: Ronnie. I'm glad you found day 4 to be easier than in the past. I hope you enjoyed your movie!

                      Yesterday was a lot easier, and my sister hasn't had a drink since we got home. Today, my daughter is coming up, and we will go to the county fair, where my biggest temptation will be whether or not to eat a funnel cake! Whether or not I eat one will not matter one whit! Being sober is the most important thing. I'm looking forward to seeing all the livestock. I love sheep and goats and hope to own a few one of these days.

                      Anyway, that's all for now. I hope everyone to come has a wonderful AF day.

                      Hugs, :l
                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        af day Saturday 15 Sept

                        Cross-posted, Kas, Almost Famous and TB.

                        Good for getting through the cravings, TB.

                        I'm glad you're doing so well, AF. Sweet that the acronym for your screen name also stands for alcohol-free. Keep popping in periodically to let us know how you are doing!

                        Okay, onward and upward!

                        AF as of August 5th, 2012


                          af day Saturday 15 Sept

                          Way to go Texas , you sound so so so much better than your first night on MWO.

                          It's amazing how even in a few days your written words show how much your head has cleared. So hold fast and soon you will be at day 7 and trucking. Don't let a bad day knock you, bad days are just a sign that you are doing a lot of detoxing and I promise the next day you will feel so much better.

                          And hi to y'all from merry old NZ, posting late tonight as have been busy with me memoirs LOL

                          Y'all have a lovely Saturday, I'm heading to bed and a good old Sunday lie in and easy peasy day with the kids tomorrow. Looking forward to a big breakfast of bacon eggs hash browns baked beans mushrooms avocado ( no sausage cos New Zealand sausages are shite) toast and honey with a big mug of coffee ..... That should all slip down a treat !........... Don't know why me arse is spreading !



                            af day Saturday 15 Sept

                            Morning TDN, Satz, Ronnie, Lav, Kaslo and Mick...thanks for the coffee and the congrats, I remember our first 30.

                            The lawyer meeting went great, picked up another "P" while I was there. Looks like court is going to be Sep 24th. and I can't wait. Bring on the next "Lion" I'm ready. My twin siste is in town for a couple of weeks so after my visit with my Dad it's off to catch her up on the lawyer meeting.

                            ChefR Sorry to hear you had a rough go last night but glad to see you worked your way through it. Have a great hike today.

                            TDN Your invitation is already in the mail.

                            Satz Guess that's one race you're just going to have to admit defeat to as Mick is too dear to us to let you win.

                            Ronnie Wow Day 4 and look at you. Keep up the good work.

                            Lav "I have no need to control or manage my drinking/smoking time anymore so that opens up a lot of free time for me. That was an unexpected but welcome gift thanks to my quits" If anyone's thinking of presents for my 60th, I'd like this one please.

                            Not only learning how to control/manage my drinking, I'm also learning new languages. Not that I'd ever be able to pronounce that.

                            And to the rest of you who have snuck in since I started this post Good Morning....

                            Congrats on Day 5 and surfing that urge away.

                            Thanks for checkng in on us.

                            Glad things are going better with your sister. My sister is just like yours so there may be some sibling venting for me too before her visit is over. I'll be thinking of you.

                            One more cuppa and then off to start my day. Have a great AF Saturday everyone. PPQ


                              af day Saturday 15 Sept

                              KY you just slipped on past me. Good Morning. I'm looking forward to getting to my "easy peasy" days. Have a lovely lazy Sunday. PPQ

