CanToo Congrats on the silver. You've sure got the right attitude to this AF living.
My emotions seem to be in a bit of a roller coaster state right now. I'm sure it all has to do with the court case and the inevitable family deterioration which will follow. All I can tell myself is I'm doing the right thing, and have many family members who agree and are behind me. It's all just tough.
Disappoint with my visit with my sister. Her comment that "I figured you'd have a drink" is still bugging me. Does she think this is just a game to me? Very disappointed that she just doesn't get it. Mind you she is in denial about her drinking. Just frustrating.
Sorry for the bummer start this morning, will do better next time I'm in the thread start position. Home Group meeting for me this morning. Boy do I need it.
Have a great AF Sunday (Monday to whom it applies) PPQ