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AF Daily - Monday, Sep 17th

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    AF Daily - Monday, Sep 17th

    Good Morning all and Shue thanks for the coffee and starting us off.

    Mick looks like it's Christmas at Mick's house today. Can you type and run at the same time?

    LC good to see you back. Good luck with the catch up reading.

    it's good to be busy but definetly stop in on "the" special day 60.

    congrats on getting through the craving and the 2 "B's".

    :wd: congrats on AF Day 7. Wow, one week. Another "milestone" under your belt.

    Going to have my mind on the lawyer today. Doing some schedule reshuffling so I can get in to sign the "2 trees" used to compile our case. The end is near....

    Mood swings have settle down and the calm has returned, but I will be aware that it's more than likely to happen again. I know where to turn instead of tipping the elbow.

    Have a great AF Monday everyone. PPQ


      AF Daily - Monday, Sep 17th

      Good morning Abbers!

      Thanks for the way too early coffee shue :H

      Mick, we call that place Mickey D's over here & stay the hell away from it :H
      No fast food has passed these lips in more years than I can remember.

      Lifechange, welcome back & busy is a good thing!

      Greetings Chef, Satz, Ronnie & Txbird! Congrats on your 7 AF days Tx

      PQ, I will be thinking about you today & hope that all goes well!

      One thing I know for sure is that AL will solve no problems - it doesn't even remove the sadness created by a compulsive lying & deceptive spouse. Trust me, I know
      Today I am more grateful than ever for my AF'ness & intend to remain that way!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - Monday, Sep 17th

        Good morning fabbies!

        Things will be busy for the rest of the week here, as well. It was a fun weekend though; my sister, daughter and I went to the county fair on Saturday, and yesterday, I helped a friend while her angora goats got sheared, about 50 of them. Yikes! I liked learning more about it, but boy was I an aching mess when we were done! The goats were very cute but not very happy about getting sheared.

        Thanks for the coffee, Shue! Good for you for being so diligent with the treadmill. Good luck with the low carb. I've found that cravings go away after several days on low carb; I hope the same is true for you.

        Hey Mick! I hope you have a great day.

        Welcome back, lifechange. I'm happy you have been well.

        Hope you can check in periodically, Chef. I'm glad you are doing well.

        Hi right back atchya, Satz!

        Congrats on your 7 days, txbird! I'm glad you are sleeping like a baby, isn't it great?

        Ronnie, you seem to be doing well, and those darn cravings do pop up periodically. You did a good job getting through yours. Keep up the good work!

        Good luck with the lawyers, PPQ.

        You sound so positive, Lavande, even though clearly you have been through much. You can be such an inspiration!

        Anyway, I've got a busy week here, so I'm going to sign off for now.

        Hugs to all! :l
        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          AF Daily - Monday, Sep 17th

          Pesto sauce, bread crumbs, parmesan cheese, blend well, top salmon, bake ...let me know if you have questions
          Chef Robaire
          Nicotine Free: 02/02/2008
          Alcohol Free: 04/01/2014

          "It's a Good Feeling to Know Somebody Loves You"....Poco


            AF Daily - Monday, Sep 17th

            Hi all,

            Sorry I've been so absent. It's feast season in the feast-famine cycle that is the life of a self-employed writer and might continue to be so for awhile. Obviously this is good but I'm busy and distracted. Haven't been reading as religiously as usual, but have been trying to check in where I can.

            Congratulations in order…

            TxBird - WELL DONE on 7 days. I think that first week is a huge milestone and, for me anyway, after around 10-14 days the fog really starts to lift and you feel better so keep it going. And congratulations for making it though a week, weekend and all.

            Kas, on 19 months, wow! We are going to have to have a huge party for your 2 year anniversary. I read your post about that on a day I was really having a tough time and it was inspirational. Thank you.

            Also, Sausage, this is a bit out of date now, but amazing on 200 days! That must mean you're up to your big goal to beat soon, no?

            LIFE! I am so happy to see you back. I was starting to worry and was going to PM you. How was the retreat? Did you really not talk at all for 10 days? How was it? Post more when you have time.

            Kuya, again I am sorry I didn't reply to your incredibly useful email re supplements but I have taken it all on board. I have been eating pretty healthily and taking a good multivitamin, B and fish oil but have been meaning to add more, including a good probiotic for gut repair. From your message I've started experimenting with Tyrosine and GABA and may add co-enzyme Q10 too. I'm not having alcohol cravings per se; what I'm concerned with is more anxiety and depression.

            Here's my experience so far in case it's interesting to anyone else too… I've taken 2 GABA pills (1500mg) the last few nights before bed. The first night, shortly after taken them I felt so relaxed and tired, just like I'd taken a sleeping pill. Last night, however, I had very disrupted sleep and crazy ass dreams. Of course this could be unrelated. The Tyrosine I've been taking as directed - 1 tsp in water 2-3 times a day 30 mins before food. Haven't noticed any effects but maybe it takes awhile to build up? I'm about to search the boards for more info on amino acid supplements
            but if anyone has thoughts please share. I know Lav takes the Amoryn, which has GABA in it. Turn
            and Kas
            , don't you both supplement too?

            Otherwise, I have been having a bit of a rough time, quite aside from being busy. I am now totally weaned off the AD I was on (Lexapro) and have had some spells of intense anxiety and, on Sunday, got smacked by a wave of depression the likes of which I haven't had since I quit. But, the good news is, instead of buying wine, as I once would have, I looked after myself. I cancelled on going to a social event I knew would be hard for me. Instead I ate something healthy, worked out at the gym, finished a novel and felt better by nightfall.

            Still, as I've mentioned before, I feel the niggles of complacency plaguing me still, and I need to find time to keep combating them. I will try and post here more often but I am a bit overwhelmed at the moment.

            , Day 79 here so, wow, we will be at 90 before you know it.

            Love and hugs to everyone else!!

            Lilly x


              AF Daily - Monday, Sep 17th

              Morning/evening all
              The bin men have just been and it was great not to hear the sound of broken bottles going in the truck:H
              I feel really good this morning with a clear head and ready for action, im even looking forward to going into work and getting lots done.
              All i have to do first is try and get my 3 boys out of bed, thats a challenge on its own :H
              Mick can i have a snack with my coffee please as it will be the afternoon when you start the coffee going :h
              Right i had better let all you lovely people get some sleep, sweet dreams and i will see you when you wake up :l
              :dancin: enguin:
              starting over


                AF Daily - Monday, Sep 17th

                Stopping in quickly.....Shue once I added weight lifting back into my schedule....the weight has been dropping off. I don't understand the whole complete mechanics of it....but, its been working. I usually follow Clean Eating and Oxygen Magazine. And since adding in the weights I have reduced my cardio.

                I actually was planning on gaining weight, since I quit smoking. Seeing the pounds melt away, keeps me motivated.

                Looks like everyone is doing glad to see it. Hard to check they have cut off our wireless at work.


                  AF Daily - Monday, Sep 17th

                  Good evening all,

                  Glad to see everyone doing well

                  I just wanted to mention something to Lilly about the supplements -
                  Amoryn does not contain GABA, it has 5-HTP.
                  I've never taken GABA, don't know all that much about it either but I do believe it can cause excitability so taking it at night is probably not a good idea.

                  I went off of Lexapro & started Amoryn with great results. I take one in the AM & one before dinner. At bedtime I use their other product called Mellodyn to help with sleep. There is also a product that specifically addresses anxiety called Seredyn. They all work for me

                  Must get to bed - good night all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily - Monday, Sep 17th

                    Hey Lilly ...... Saw your post re GABA. I take mine in the morning on an empty stomach. It stops excessive firing of excitory neurons.

                    Keeps me calm all day..... No matter what shit life throws my way...... Nothing and no one is making ME drink alcohol again!

                    I once forgot and took it late and it screwed with my sleep and dreams also. All the antidepressants lock on to the GABA receptors so they will interfere with uptake, but you could slowly reduce the ADs if you are on them.

                    Big hello to all my new friends here ....... Where is the Tuesday thread, or did I miss something.

                    MICK, my slippery fella, I PMed you ..... You not reading PMs ?

                    Texas ....... Way to go girl, way to go on 7 days :goodjob:


                      AF Daily - Monday, Sep 17th

                      Thanks for that KY and Lav.

                      KY, I just PMed you back but no, I am no longer on ADs. I have been weaning myself off Lexapro for the last month and finished altogether last week which, I assume, has accounted for some low mood and anxiety even though I was on a low dose and decreased it veeerrrrry gradually.

                      I guess with all this stuff it's a process of playing around with it and finding what works for you. I certainly like the idea of taking supplements much more than ADs though, as the Lex for me had some unwelcome side effects. Plus, I'm sick of medicating myself.

                      , how funny, someone else just told me this morning how much they love Oxygen magazine. Never heard of it before. I will have to check it out!


                        AF Daily - Monday, Sep 17th

                        Ok, work load just upped even more. I may disappear again briefly but I'll be baaaaccccccckkkkkkkkkk...

                        Have missed all you dear, crazy people.


                          AF Daily - Monday, Sep 17th

                          Late night due to extremely high sugar intake today. No workout but lots of working.

                          Crashing now but still AF.


                          Morning other side of the world..
                          AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                          "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."


