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Simply Sober September ~ Week 3

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    Simply Sober September ~ Week 3

    Good morning friends

    If I haven't mentioned it lately just let me say how totally grateful I am to be AF & commited!
    Apparently the layers of YB's complulsive lying & deceptive behavior are still unraveling. I am fairly certain there will be no end to this, he is much more fearful than I ever could have imagined
    I am sad but not feeling defeated ~ screw him

    I hope everyone has a great AF Monday, I know I will
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    Simply Sober September ~ Week 3

    Hi Lav

    Good for you, just posted on week 2 thread, had not seen this.

    Here's to another AF week



      Simply Sober September ~ Week 3

      Hi Rustop, just looked back on last week's thread.
      Hope your tooth is OK now

      Star, the grass was not cut yetserday because my chicken-assed husband ran off, once again when I confronted him (Calmly) about more lying & deceptive behavior that has recently come to light.
      This habit he picked up in childhood & I know it was his way of dealing with his narcissistic mother. But I am not his mother & I don't deserve to be treated as such

      Sorry, I just had to get that out :H

      My favorite black bean burger is here:
      Black Bean Burgers | Annie's Eats

      I don't buy the frozen store bought burgers because of all the preservatives, etc.
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Simply Sober September ~ Week 3

        Hi Lav, thanks for starting us out on week 3! I'm sorry you had a bad weekend with YB but I am glad you are AF and taking care of yourself!

        HI Rustop and Star, I went back and read your posts on week 2's thread. Here we go for another AF week!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Simply Sober September ~ Week 3

          Good morning friends!

          Dark & damp here this morning, heavy rains & wind forecasted, oh well!
          Well the weirdo YB showed up after work yesterday with a smile & no explanation for his ?? behavior, cut the grass, had a bite to eat & was gone. Why do I wonder why it was so hard to hang onto my sanity all these years? :H His behavior would drive anyone nutz :H :H

          I have an eye doc appointment at noon & some work to tend to today. Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Simply Sober September ~ Week 3

            Good morning to all...

            Lav, it just never ends for you with an AF life with honesty and integrity is a gift you give to yourself, everyday. It is impossible to have relationships with people who are not honest, there is no trust, the basis for any relationship. Thanks for the recipe link.

            Rustop, sounds like a lovely weekend for you with lots of exercise. I am really enjoying the outdoors, too.

            Dill, have a great week. Hello to everyone!!
            Formerly known as redhibiscus


              Simply Sober September ~ Week 3

              Good morning sweet friends,

              Got a little 'lost' in the end of last week - nothing major, but a series of things (my health, dog health, house health) that were very taxing mentally and physically for me. But I stayed with finding solutions, so at least I feel that the dogs and I are inching forward. Mr Tree remains in Germany working, but we are doing a good job of staying in touch via calls and Skype.

              Not much else going on here - no parades, although I could have gone to the Fire Department pancake breakfast on Sunday, (instead taking an hour expedition to the nearest Costco). Heavy rains and high winds here today as well, Lav. Sorry that you've had such a trying time with LB, but as always your strength is a model for us all.

              Great to hear all the inspiring stories from everyone - congrats IMT on 60 days and the party - GMan, great to see you check in. Big greetings to everyone...
              to the light


                Simply Sober September ~ Week 3

                Cross-post Star! I join you in thanking Lav for the recipe; and BTW you've inspired me to make soups this last week - they are so comforting -- thanks!
                to the light


                  Simply Sober September ~ Week 3

                  Hey cyn, I sure hope you & your doggies are feeling OK!

                  Lost power here 2 1/2 hrs ago. My generator is powering up my wi-fi for mow
                  These storms are being pushed thru by a cold front so i hope it's decent out tomorrow! I can deal with this nonsense tonight
                  Tomorrow & Thurdays Im on Mimom duty, oh boy.......
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Simply Sober September ~ Week 3

                    I hope this link works - thought star & cyn would like it:
                    Pros and Cons of a Vegan Diet -

                    I'm betting Chill already saw this article on FB like I did

                    Power is back on & I was able to get my work caught up.
                    My DIL just called to say she doesn't need me to watch the kids tomorrow afterall, just Thursday ~ OK with me!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Simply Sober September ~ Week 3

                      Good morning everyone

                      Just wanted to wish you all a happy hump day. Has anyone heard from Sooty lately? Last time she was on her hubby was facing some medical procedure. Hi to Papmom too, have been thinking of you, check in if you have time.

                      Lav glad you have power back. I guess in any long, long relationship we have to deal with all sorts of baggage/history that keeps coming to the forefront. You seem to have it nailed and even though it is as frustrating as hell at times you have your priorities right.

                      Busy day ahead as usual, catch you all later.



                        Simply Sober September ~ Week 3

                        Early good morning to all...

                        It is really getting to be fall, dark out and cooler, I had to drive home in the dark last night. I didn't like it! I realize I better get used to it.

                        Lav, loved the article about vegan versus meat and dairy. I just know I feel so much better when I limit or cut out meat and dairy. I do think the government and Weight Watchers recommends way to much protein. However, I wonder if one eating plan is good for everyone. With age, dietary needs may change. My kids never liked milk much and I only pushed one glass a day on them. They have strong teeth and bones so far. One thing is for sure, whole grains and whole foods are a lot less inexpensive way to eat than lots of meat, dairy, and processed foods.

                        Cyn, are you dreading or looking forward to another winter in New England? I am loving the cooler weather and fall clothes, but the really cold weather can go away. I know it won't though. Good to hear from you, wondered if your health has iimproved as I know it has been an issue recently.

                        Rustop, you are so right, there are always issues when you live with someone for a long time. I have been talking to a younger person who moved in with their significant other and they are struggling with the everyday stuff. It is an advantage to be in a relationship where you are used to each other and have figured things out. Boring maybe, but comfortable.

                        I have been feeling that I am in a rut recently. Anyone else feel like that? I think I need a project or to take an interesting class or something. I work in a small office and there is limited opportunity to meet new people or make new friends. I need a tribe. Feedback people.

                        Hey papmom, hope you are feeling ok and know that we miss your input. You are a valuable member of this thread. Would love to hear from you.

                        Hey Chill, how was your weekend?

                        To all, have a great productive day.
                        Formerly known as redhibiscus


                          Simply Sober September ~ Week 3

                          Good morning all,

                          The rain seems to be over, good. Not looking forward to all the mud around here but oh well.

                          Hi Rustop!
                          I don't think we have heard from Sooty. Maybe I'll try to PM her again.

                          star, I totally agree with you about the American diet. Too much protein can damage aging kidneys & no one ever seems to think about that
                          I know I definitely feel better with no dairy & red meat. It is going to take people some time to change their thinking I guess. Meanwhile I am much happier with my much happier gut

                          I have been feeling in a rut myself lately. I take care of my small business, the house & animals, grandkids but feel pretty isolated. I meet with my former work friends for lunch once/month or so which is nice but not enough. I'm not sure what the answer is for this.....

                          OK, going to push myself to Curves. Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Hump day!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Simply Sober September ~ Week 3

                            Good morning all,

                            Quick check in on this beautiful Wednesday.

                            I am doing very good, no thoughts of drinking at all, I feel like I did years ago when I quit for 5 years. But this time, I truly feel done with it, now I am equipped with the knowledge that moderating is never going to work for me after these past 6 years of drinking after trying to mod. Well, it sure feels good. I don't miss it, don't have any cravings and have finally made peace with the fact that I cannot drink period. No romaticizing(sp) it, no feelings of deprivation only the wonderful feeling of freedom.

                            Have a wonderful day
                            new beginnings July 16, 2012


                              Simply Sober September ~ Week 3

                              O God, that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains! that we should, with joy, pleasance, revel, and applause, transform ourselves into beasts!
                              ~William Shakespeare, Othello

                              IMT, I'm glad you are enjoying your freedom. Keep on spreading your wings and soaring!

                              Star and Lav, I understand the feeling of being "in a rut". I get that feeling every now and then. Not today though. Today I am off work and experimenting with a black bean curry recipe, adapting it to my crock pot. It is smelling delicious! My granddaughter is here, keeping me hopping! Did I mention she's 14 months old and loves to climb?:H

                              Greetings Rustop and Cyn.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

