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AF day Tuesday 18th Sept

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    AF day Tuesday 18th Sept

    Good morning all...looks like Im first up this morning! how are we all today? tea and coffee on the go..also a few nibbles for the hungry amongst us

    Morning are you today?Busy busy? Well tv/dvd combi now fitted on wall in front of treadmill it's ace..was on it last night... dont think anyone is ever going to see me again..did you see Downton Abbey, or is it the last series where you are?I know that there's been loads of repeats..they reckon 9 million people in Britain on Sunday watched it..Scuse my manners..tea or coffee

    Lifechange... yes nice to see are things with you?take it the garden has taken a back seat with you being so busy? hows the al? no cravings?Dont know if its any good to you ..but I use my fitness can get an app to download on to your phone too

    Good morning you go flying past!!..hope all is well in the af camp for you

    Morning o the morning to ye..everywhere I go I see that penguin avatar...doesnt matter which part of the forum..swear you can get where water cant!!! Think its either a rockhopper or a crested............hows that for being a saddo :H:

    Morning Ronnie how are you today? Dog taking you for a walk today then?Are you at work today with the Witches of Eastwick?..just ignore them.

    good morning txbird..well done you on day 8.. what's on your busy schedule today?looks like yesterday was a grueller for you..trying to confirm that you could see the room ceiling ok from the horizontal position on your bed!!

    Hi ppq how are yuo today?course ICAN T Ype and rrrrrun a t t he sam e time its easy :H

    Anyway what you up to then?..any more on the legal front? keep that big smile going!! and heres a brew for you the noo Cantoo..yes folks..we re all normal here?????

    Morning Lav..and how are you this fine morning?Coffee for you? and who,why what are you looking after today then?

    YAH how are you? ok?....and the angoras? take it theres a few sweaters getting knitted up?

    Lilly E of the eightieth day..well done you wouldnt believe that its now on 80..dont let complacency kick in or I know something else that ll be getting kicked

    Morning ok? what you up to today then? Cmon give us the goss :H: less sugar I think?

    Right you merry band of booze busters thats me per big shout to all missing

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    AF day Tuesday 18th Sept

    Arvo all,
    Thanks for the coffee & snacks Mick
    I am so glad i am home, work was a nightmare, im sure one of the witches thinks that she is my boss, well i have news for her!! She only ran into the financial directors office to squeel when i told her that i am going to finish one job before i start another, needless to say the director did not say a word to me, which is a good thing really cause i dont know if i would of been able to keep my mouth shut.
    Well thats my moan for the day:H
    How are we all this morning?
    Remember keep thinking positive thoughts & stay strong, dont let that voice over your shoulder beat you, just shout at it. I actualy shouted at that voice out loud today:H luckly i was in my car.
    Well think i might let my dog take me for a quick walk before it rains.
    Catch you all later xxxxx
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over


      AF day Tuesday 18th Sept

      Morning 30...moving on to 60...but let's get today done first, shall we! Have a GREAT af day
      Chef Robaire
      Nicotine Free: 02/02/2008
      Alcohol Free: 04/01/2014

      "It's a Good Feeling to Know Somebody Loves You"....Poco


        AF day Tuesday 18th Sept

        Good morning, Abbers.

        Huge congrats on day 30, Chef:goodjob:
        Thanks for the coffee, Mick. I watched Downton Abbey last season-not sure if it has started up again here, but will check it out. Can also get it through Netflix. Great series! Years ago I used to watch Masterpiece Theatre and loved all the series!
        Lilly, you are so busy! Good luck with the supps. I do take the Amoryn, one a day, but may up it to two. I have lots of supplements, but don't take all of them. Have amino acids and need to take those more often. Used to have Gaba, but may have finished it or thrown it out I do take vitamins B and C, fish oil and milk thistle and/or Liv 52 for liver health.
        Getting ready to head out for my walk before the showers come, then heavier rain tonight. Weather has been beautiful, and is supposed to clear after tonight's rain.
        Okay--wishing all a great AF day!!!
        "One day at a time."


          AF day Tuesday 18th Sept

          Well done Chef......[SIZE=7]., the big 30[/

          BIG HELLO TO KY .............Just thought I would slip that one in didn't think you would miss that one mate
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            AF day Tuesday 18th Sept

            Chef...well done on 30 mate..keep it up

            KY............hello mate...sorry I missed you out this morning
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              AF day Tuesday 18th Sept

              Jeez it's quiet in here this morning

              Wonder where everyone is?


                AF day Tuesday 18th Sept

                Morning Ronnie, ChefR, TDN and Mick, thanks for the coffee and the start up.

                Out - roller coaster road. In - Lawyer wait mode. Took the day off work to suppositly meet with the lawyer sometime today. Last email yesterday suggested Wednesday. Won't work for all involved so am still waiting on her reply. I gotta say though, this is not bugging me. Everyone is busy and I'll just wait my turn, without tipping the elbow.

                Ronnie be careful yelling at that little voice. Other drivers might think you're on the verge of "Road Rage" :H Sounds like you've got a good handle on things. Good for you. See what a couple of "me" days can do for you.

                Morning ChefR CONGRATS on 30 and :rockon:

                enjoy your pre-rain walk. You sound so calm and content.

                Well pouring my first cuppa and going to check on a few posters around here before starting my day. Have a great AF Tuesday everyone. PPQ


                  AF day Tuesday 18th Sept

                  KY slipped in there again!! Good Morning and have a great day. PPQ


                    AF day Tuesday 18th Sept


                    Morning everyone, and the forecast for tomorrow is pretty bloody awesome.

                    Strong AF winds blowing in from the east carrying essence of sheep dropping and hobbit.

                    There may be a chance of a light drizzle if I get lucky.

                    Y'all have a great day now



                      AF day Tuesday 18th Sept

                      And to Chef......well done on your thirty days ........ Can't wait to be you


                      And one for you PPQ for stopping me from slip sliding away.
                      See ya all tomorrow



                        AF day Tuesday 18th Sept

                        Good morning Abbers!

                        Got that dark, damp rain, wind thing going on here now TDN ~ it will reach you later

                        Thanks for the coffee Mick! It's nice to be part of the boozer busters group I'm on my own today, will be watching the grandsons th next two days - oh boy!

                        Chef, CONGRATS on 30 AF days - be proud today & keep going!!!!

                        Ronnie, please keep your mind occupied, ignore the idiot coworker. Don't let her take your focus off your goals.

                        Greetingsm PQ, kuya & everyone stopping in today.
                        Let's all have a terrific AF Tuesday!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF day Tuesday 18th Sept

                          WELL DONE CHEF ON YOUR 30 DAYS YOU ARE DOING GREAT
                          :goodjob: :groupluv: :goodjob:
                          :dancin: enguin:
                          starting over


                            AF day Tuesday 18th Sept

                            Thanks Lav for your support, there is no way I am going to let her break me, this is the longest i have been A/F in a while and I feel in a really good place at the moment, although i find myself getting stressed out quite a bit but i am taking my vits and they seem to help, the work issue will end soon as i am not paying any attention to her so hopefully she will get bored and move on. I just need to rant when i get home so i dont bottle it up and turn to booze.
                            Well another day done & dusted for me, the dog gave me a lovely walk and it did not rain.
                            Is anyone doing anything exciting today?
                            Lav enjoy the peace while you can honey
                            Mick can i have a go on your treadmill, it sounds like you have it all sorted there with your TV/DVD, how many miles have you done on it?
                            A big hello to everyone else hope you all have a great day xxx
                            :dancin: enguin:
                            starting over


                              AF day Tuesday 18th Sept

                              Good morning, fabbies!

                              YAY! CHEF, ON YOUR 30 DAYS! :yay::clapclap:

                              Thanks again for the coffee, Mick. It's a nice wake up gift.

                              TDN and Lav, looks like we are all going to get a lot of rain today and maybe even some more severe weather. What do your chickies do in the rain, Lav? Hide out in the henhouse? Enjoy your walk, TDN. It's already getting very windy, rainy, and threatening looking around here.

                              I'm glad to hear that you are taking everything in stride, PPQ. Keep up the good work!

                              I hope you find some time to post, Lilly, busy lady. Either way, take care of yourself.

                              I like your weather forecast, KY! You'll get to your 30 days quickly enough, and then it will be 60, then 90, and so on!

                              Hi ronnie! You seem to have your head screwed on pretty well regarding work. You are taking good care of yourself.

                              Everything is going okay here. May pop over to the fair for a bit where a friend is exhibing her sheep before I have to go to work.

                              Have a good day, all!

                              Hugs, :l
                              AF as of August 5th, 2012

