Morning are you today?Busy busy? Well tv/dvd combi now fitted on wall in front of treadmill it's ace..was on it last night... dont think anyone is ever going to see me again..did you see Downton Abbey, or is it the last series where you are?I know that there's been loads of repeats..they reckon 9 million people in Britain on Sunday watched it..Scuse my manners..tea or coffee
Lifechange... yes nice to see are things with you?take it the garden has taken a back seat with you being so busy? hows the al? no cravings?Dont know if its any good to you ..but I use my fitness can get an app to download on to your phone too
Good morning you go flying past!!..hope all is well in the af camp for you
Morning o the morning to ye..everywhere I go I see that penguin avatar...doesnt matter which part of the forum..swear you can get where water cant!!! Think its either a rockhopper or a crested............hows that for being a saddo :H:
Morning Ronnie how are you today? Dog taking you for a walk today then?Are you at work today with the Witches of Eastwick?..just ignore them.
good morning txbird..well done you on day 8.. what's on your busy schedule today?looks like yesterday was a grueller for you..trying to confirm that you could see the room ceiling ok from the horizontal position on your bed!!
Hi ppq how are yuo today?course ICAN T Ype and rrrrrun a t t he sam e time its easy :H
Anyway what you up to then?..any more on the legal front? keep that big smile going!! and heres a brew for you the noo Cantoo..yes folks..we re all normal here?????
Morning Lav..and how are you this fine morning?Coffee for you? and who,why what are you looking after today then?

YAH how are you? ok?....and the angoras? take it theres a few sweaters getting knitted up?
Lilly E of the eightieth day..well done you wouldnt believe that its now on 80..dont let complacency kick in or I know something else that ll be getting kicked

Morning ok? what you up to today then? Cmon give us the goss :H: less sugar I think?
Right you merry band of booze busters thats me per big shout to all missing