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af day Saturday 22 Sep

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    af day Saturday 22 Sep

    Good morning all you boozebusters......and how are we today?its 7am in the morning and the first frosts are on the ground.Temperature is -2 outside but the sun is starting to come through..both my rabbits are outside in their hutch snuggle in to each other.
    Right lets see if we can make a better job of today's start than yesterday.To say not impressed is probably an understatement.So here we go...tea and coffee on the go..there are also some bagels here if you are quick off the mark.

    Right Lilly E...lets start with you....morning trouble and how are you today?Just thought I would quick post you last night to say we are here for you.Just read your second post and also re read the other posts..the issue cropping up seems to be al around the number of days and going back to square we go heavy time!!!!!Firstly, we need to examine what its all about..for me..
    1..Improving my health, enjoying my life, being in control of my life,not being a slave to anything that will be detrimental to my enjoyment of what I have, that can be drink drugs or cigs, not waking up feeling crap and a million other reasons.
    OK next step is then can i have a drink , and enjoy it and something says nope you have had enough? Answer is no...I aint got an on off drink switch...and have to accept that I cannot drink al
    So now to fulfil 1 I realise that I cannot drink al..end of..not for 1 day , 2weeks, 3 months 3 years but ad infinitum.
    You then have to turn that round in thinking from a loss to a gain.......and also be proud of the fact that you dont drink..which is something dear Lil in your post made me think..

    I discovered that a glass of soda, lime juice, splash of cranberry and a strawberry makes a lovely substitute that looks very much like rose (will remember that if I ever need to not draw attention to the fact I'm not drinking),

    Why????I feel quite proud of the fact I dont drink, thats without being smart or smug or anything..and believe me it is a good conversation point..the number of people that say how,why when, wish I could etc you would be amazed!!

    Anyway wandering off track are not the same as yoy were 80 days ago..those days have gone..
    Using days can be a double edged sword.....good as an indicator or stepping stone, but somewhere along the line they become irrelevant..look at all the posts from people with time since April 2008 etc, not 1234....days af
    But like us the early days you take a drink and someone says start again time day 1 thats one powerful kick in the slats just to bin the whole idea and get ratted

    Does that make any sense?btw not aimed particularily at you Lil.. you get off to the p store and get a p from ppq..POSITIVE ... though parts apply..but to any one of us

    Phewee need a brew after that lot!!

    PPQ morning p store keeper..and how are you today??Boy you are dealing with things in a totally different way nowadays..great to see. well done anything on the cards for today??

    Morning sunflower how are you today??reread your post...hadnt realised that you used double edged sword too..apologies..will change mine to the sword of Damocles :H
    Interesting post..especially the Monday Friday all week then let our hair down for 2..well those of us who have hair!!suffer and chug along for a couple, then a couple of days hard graft, then get ready for the weekend again.Remember reading a survey on this years ago..Fridays and Mondays were write offs complete, Tuesday was a bit iffy in some cases, so in effect full production was Wednesdays and Thursdays..not bad out of 7 is it? hasten to add that was a traditional working week not reflective on working patterns now.
    Present for you..:H:H
    If there's somethin' strange in your neighborhood
    Who ya gonna call?

    If it's somethin' weird an' it don't look good
    Who ya gonna call?

    I ain't afraid o' no ghost
    I ain't afraid o' no ghost

    If you're seein' things runnin' through your head
    Who can you call?

    Morning mollyka..hows about ye? ok? dead on...what are you up to today then anything?? Right brew time everyone..anyone else like one?ok ok not all at once!!!

    Morning Ronnie..jeez no point in hanging about is there??
    "Hi Lil sorry about the drink etc..btw whens the wedding?? :H:H
    So hows your witch free weekend going??ok I hope

    Morning ok? Take it after a long week its chill time for you?

    KY......been watching you...Im the watching you that one out then!! .slipping into all sorts of posts and forums you ok?yep I would take the tablets..but I've forgotten where I put them!!You ok mate? good

    good morning Caysea..I agree with you its about sharing the pitfalls too and raising awareness..after all if you dont know it then how can you deal with it?

    Morning Lav.............well quiet weekend is it? feet up relax ,bagel and coffee for you

    Kas, how are you today?whats in your world this weekend? anything planned?

    Right I am going now...this has taken me some time to write so pray I hit the right button!!!!!! have a great weekend all big hi to all not here..Cantoo hope youre enjoying the mountains

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af day Saturday 22 Sep

    Hooray it landed successfully :H:H:Hwell done me aka the computer wizard!!! ha KY who needs tablets !!!!
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      af day Saturday 22 Sep

      Just let the terrible two out!!!
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        af day Saturday 22 Sep

        Mick;1381346 wrote: Hooray it landed successfully :H:H:Hwell done me aka the computer wizard!!! ha KY who needs tablets !!!!
        Ha ha you old fart, I snuck in last night and slipped em in your tea! LOL. AND defragged your 'puter and you didn't even notice I had washed up all the tea and coffee mugs from the WHOLE week. You need to get a housekeeper mate!!

        Morning, afternoon and evening y'all

        Saturday evening here and sitting doing paperwork and paying bills HELLLLLLLP

        Nice to be getting things sorted now my AF brain is a little less foggy, my daughter is chatting to her school friends on Skype and all is well with the world.

        Great chatting with you et al yesterday Shue ...... Really nice real timing with peeps once in a while......just annoying I can't use my iPad in the chat room.

        Lilly .......hoping your chilling down nicely and RELAXING..... You have been working too hard!

        Wanna share a thought with you all.

        Many,many moons ago I read an article relating to guilt and it went something like this.

        Imagine beings from another planet were observing earth scientifically. They would record that cats catch mice, dogs lick their own butts, some trees shed their leaves in winter and some don't etc etc.
        EVERYTHING that every and any creature/plant/rock or cloud performs would be observed as NORMAL for the planet earth.
        Humans would just be another creature to observe. It would simply be observed that we appear to be a dominant creature that has certain traits and behaviors.
        ONE of these behaviors would be the tendency to addictive behaviours. The aliens would observe what we do with no judgement.
        They would record that those who are addicted to alcohol/heroin/cigarettes/exercise/sex etc do certain things that lead to certain outcomes. Morality has no place in any of these behaviours, just cause and effect.

        The conclusion to this piece was to learn to view our lives in the same way


        I have carried this ethos with me and it helps to not take myself so seriously and also to forgive myself for simply being human.

        I am a 'card carrying' atheist so I am not scarred or scared by the burden of sin or the delusion of divine help or punishment. I also discarded the emotion of guilt ( i have commited an offense). it is a selfish emotion which changes nothing, but is not to be confused with regret(I feel sorrow for a loss).

        I have no guilt because everything I have done is because I knew no better. Only when you choose a course knowing that it will harm others should you have guilt, and even then the enlightened should pity and/or forgive you.

        Just a thought

        Right I'm off to shoot up some heroin, kick the dog and let the kids out of the cellar ( the noise of their screaming is doing my head in ) :H:H:H

        KY, the nosy


          af day Saturday 22 Sep

          Evening all,
          Thanks for the coffee Mick, and thanks for washing the mugs up Ky it makes the coffee taste so much nicer when they are clean:H
          Had a lovely lazy morning but this arvo has flown by what with shopping (not good with 3 boys) then helping eldest with his rain forrest project which we still have not finished! He has to make a rain forrest in a shoe box so we are trying to go with a 3D effect. I just hope the teacher gives me full marks:H

          Lilly you have to text your date back returning the complement:h oooooo i love a good Love Story:H

          Hope you are all having a great Saturday :l
          KY you crack me up thanks for making me laugh with your post :H

          Right im off to dish my dinner up xxxx
          :dancin: enguin:
          starting over


            af day Saturday 22 Sep

            Morning KY, Ronnie and Mick thanks for the coffee and starting us off. Glad to see you got that "button" sorted out!

            Down to see my Dad today. I'm finding that visit harder and harder as every time I go down there the "evil sister" has yet again done something that makes no sense. But I let it go while visiting and deal with it when I get home. Which is what I'll be doing again today as I have more "lawyer homework". BBQ Prime Rib at my brothers tonight. Bringing a cake instead of the booze. Looking forward to it.

            KY, I'd let the kids out of the cellar first, get rid of the noise.:H

            Ronnie, good luck with the rain forest. Any chance of a pic when it's all done?

            And a special good morning to you Lilly. I have you in my heart and am wishing you a peaceful day. BTW the "P" is in the mail.

            Have a great AF Saturday all and all to come.....PPQ


              af day Saturday 22 Sep

              porqoui;1381432 wrote: BTW the "P" is in the mail.

              In NZ the slang for methamphetamine is "P", every time I see you folks trading P it makes me I said just swapping one addiction for another! LOL

              Morning Ronnie and PPQ,

              Sorry the evil sis is still being a prat ...... It will end Hun ........ Everything does..eventually


                af day Saturday 22 Sep

                kuya;1381437 wrote: In NZ the slang for methamphetamine is "P"
                :H:H That's funny........


                  af day Saturday 22 Sep

                  KY ..That makes sense......methamphetamine........"p" :H:H:H
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    af day Saturday 22 Sep

                    When I first came over here it cracked me up

                    "he's on P"

                    "there's a P lab in that house"

                    " he's doing time for P"

                    " the cops turned up and found weed and bags of P"

                    " he was fine until he started taking P"

                    Now it's only as funny as a man wearing a skirt in one of the harshest climates on the earth !


                      af day Saturday 22 Sep

                      Morning all,

                      You guys crack me up!

                      Mick, you are back to normal with your posts! Good to see.....Those are some adorable bunnies! Are they just pets, or do they have another purpose (besides being cute)?

                      Kuya, you make some interesting points about using the idea of action and consequences to make decisions, and the pointlessness of guilt. I only believe that guilt and/or shame are useful if they help us to change ourselves for the better. Otherwise they are an exercise in futility and pain that can corrode our sense of self. So many religions promote guilt and shame about the most normal and human of behaviors; it is disturbing.

                      Ronnie, I'm glad you had a little relaxation this morning. Good luck with the rainforest project. I am so happy to be done with school projects, boy I remember those days.....always seemed to be at the last minute, too!

                      Incidently, I have a daughter, Maddie, who will be 23 in a week and a half. She is a lovely young woman, and I'm very proud of her. It is so nice to be past the teenage wars.

                      PPQ, sorry to hear that you have issues with your sister. That can be so difficult as a parent is getting older. It is good that you are keeping up with your dad. Good luck with your lawyer stuff.

                      Mollyka, perhaps I will check out the Army thread. I must say it terrifies me without even having looked at it. It was scary enough for me to jump onto Monthly Abs a number of weeks ago. I do like your posts here. If you can find the time to post here more, I certainly would like that.

                      Unfortunately, I have more paperwork to do today. I have to do my 2007 taxes (a little late, ya think?) , but fortunately, I won't owe anything, having sent them money during that year. I thought I had done them, but found out from the IRS this past summer that I never did. I also have casenotes to write and bills to pay, but at least I have the $$$ in my account, so it's all good.

                      Thanks for the coffee and chat, my friends. Now it's back to the mines!

                      Can't believe that today is day 48 for me (I think). :H

                      Have a good day, all!

                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        af day Saturday 22 Sep

                        KY...Would be really careful with that remark..............would suspect that a good fewe of the people where you are living are descendants from the clans!!!
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          af day Saturday 22 Sep

                          Mick;1381464 wrote: KY...Would be really careful with that remark..............would suspect that a good fewe of the people where you are living are descendants from the clans!!!
                          Alright matey, don't get your knickers in a twist ........ Sorry I forgot you're probably not wearing any! :H:H:H:H


                            af day Saturday 22 Sep

                            Hi Yah....... Good to see my philosophical input is not lost on everyone !

                            Bunch of knicker less skirt wearing philistines here YAH, I'd move to the army thread too but they probably wouldn't have me LOL


                              af day Saturday 22 Sep

                              ky.............dont know what you are on...but it sure looks good!!
                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

