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AF Day Sunday 23 September

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    AF Day Sunday 23 September

    Good Morning All. I see Mick, CanToo, SF, KY and Ronnie have all posted this morning at the end of yesterdays thread so better get this started quick.

    Ronnie, thanks for the pic. Man, I wasn't expecting anything that elaborate. Will be waiting anxiously for the grade!

    Dinner at my brothers was great. Always felt my sister was having more fun than me as she is always drinking but watching her last night all I could think of was she seems so lonely. Anyways, no thoughts of AL on my end. Stuffed myself with the Prime Rib though, loved every minute of it.

    Home group meeting this morning, then more lawyer homework. In the right frame of mind for it. Anxious to get everything over and done with.

    Don't want to spend too much time on this case someone else starts the thread while I'm typing, so will sign off with Have a great AF Sunday everyone....PPQ

    AF Day Sunday 23 September

    Hi PPQ,

    You sound in great spirits.... Glad your dinner went well and hopefully the nasty business is soon to be concluded.

    Reckon Ronnie will get a gold star for that one eh?

    Have a great AF Sunday everyone


      AF Day Sunday 23 September

      kuya;1381871 wrote:
      Reckon Ronnie will get a gold star for that one eh?
      Morning KY....she better...I don't want to have to come over there!!!:H

      Have a great day. PPQ


        AF Day Sunday 23 September

        Hiya PP, KY and FabAbbers near and not so far,

        Best wishes and a speedy conclusion with the legal stuff PPQ. Hope your sister will be ok re looking lonely. Booze leads me into a solitary existence soon enough, and to a place where nothing else is important. Not family, not my passion (making music), not friends, nothing. A sure and early road to the grave or gaol.

        Hi KY! :wavin:

        Have a safe, sober, and magical day everyone. And go kick some arse.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          AF Day Sunday 23 September

          Hi Mr G ....... Over your blushes now? :H:H:H:H


            AF Day Sunday 23 September

            kuya;1381877 wrote: Hi Mr G ....... Over your blushes now? :H:H:H:H
            Yes. That was the morning, when i'm fragile and sensitive like. It's now evening here, and being a night owl ol' rocker by design, my mojo hath returneth. Women are putty in my hands when the sun goes down.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              AF Day Sunday 23 September

              Guitarista;1381878 wrote: Women are putty in my hands when the sun goes down.
              Obviously someone has spilled the beans on the look and consistency of my arse then! :H

              Day or night Mr G ....... I can make you blush.......I'd put money on it!


                AF Day Sunday 23 September

                Its lovely to see you Mr G :l

                I tell you what. ... I had better get good marks for the rain forrest in a shoe box otherwise i might get expeld from the school for waking the teacher :H:H

                Had a great day today, and the weather has been lovely, not that i have been outside but I think the weather has alot to do with how we look at our moods (if that makes sense)

                Hope you all have a great day/evening :h:h
                :dancin: enguin:
                starting over


                  AF Day Sunday 23 September

                  Yeah Ronnie, my mood is very weather dependant


                    AF Day Sunday 23 September

                    kuya;1381879 wrote: Obviously someone has spilled the beans on the look and consistency of my arse then! :H

                    I'll have you know young lady, it's a womans mind i am interested in. Sheesh. You make me sound so cheap and predictable.

                    ronnie;1381880 wrote:

                    I tell you what. ... I had better get good marks for the rain forrest in a shoe box otherwise i might get expeld from the school for waking the teacher :H:H

                    Had a great day today, and the weather has been lovely, not that i have been outside but I think the weather has alot to do with how we look at our moods (if that makes sense)

                    Hope you all have a great day/evening :h:h
                    Great to see you too Ronnie! Yep, i tend to sing a bit more when the sun's out. But being AF, every day for me is grand, regardless. Your son's (and your) project looks cool. Good luck!

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      AF Day Sunday 23 September

                      Good morning Abbers!

                      Bright, sunny, cool & dry here this morning ~ nice

                      Thanks for getting us started today PQ.
                      Glad you enjoyed your evening out! Hope your sister doesn't totally isolat herself, nothing good ever comes from that.

                      Ronnie, you should get an 'A" on the project - very nice
                      I remember helping my kids with their school projects but it seems like a hundred years ago now.

                      Greetings G, kuya & everyone dropping in today!

                      I have no special plans for today but I do need to go do some food shopping, plant a new lilac bush & other general odds & ends.
                      Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Day Sunday 23 September

                        Happy AF Sunday everyone.

                        Wow you guys have been busy (and so very funny KY) these last few days.

                        Holy cow Ronnie. That's one lucky kid. You did good .

                        Mick - you do know the temptation for you bunnies must be off the scale. All that fresh food so close.... Poor bunnies :-)

                        Lilly - was it you who recommended the iquit phone app? If not you need to check it out. There are desire and relapse buttons that you can hit AND IT DOSEN'T RESET YOUR DAYS! I am on 28 days of movement with 4 days of no exercise and one day where I thought about staying put but didn't - desire. Thank you for using the thread to post your thoughts. Your words and those that followed have yet again given me information I didn't know I needed. Somehow these words of wisdom pop up just when I need them. They help me to understand what is going on in my mind and body.

                        Had a great day yesterday. Just checked my GPS and we did 19.18 Kms and 6 hours on a mountain lake. Took tons of pictures on my phone (will find one or two to post - it was absolutely gorgeous out there). I just wished I had more people I could do these activities with. Hmmm online dating?

                        Tomorrow I will have met my 2nd goal of 60 AF (and 29 movement) days. Goal #3 will be to continue and to add a 30 day go at the paleo meal plan with some weight training - hoping it will help the plateau my body seems to be on. Just can't get these last 8 lbs to come off.

                        I will no longer concentrate on the number of days but rather the lifestyle.

                        Cantoo-ergized for up coming week.
                        AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                        "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                          AF Day Sunday 23 September

                          Just got back from my home group meeting and had to share something that was said...

                          Acceptance is letting go of the hope for a better past.

                          I just thought that was profound........PPQ


                            AF Day Sunday 23 September

                            Hi all just got 1955 pm..long day but good.Thanks for the start this morning ppq..hope everything is going well for you,Keep strong will win in the end..rather have prime rib than drink..defo

                            Ronnie..well done on the model rain forest you will get top marks for that one

                            G nice to see you again mate

                            Cantoo...glad you enjoyed your time...sounds will need to let us see some of the for the rabbits they certainly dont starve for the latest trick..white one jumps on the top of bucket..while the brown keeps look out...he is weighing up how to get over that a pic of I will post it up

                            Hi Lav..well was your day as quiet as you expected it to be?start of a new week so..who knows whats in store!!

                            Hi Kuya you ok?

                            Right see you all in the morning ..Downton Abbey time

                            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                              AF Day Sunday 23 September

                              Mick;1381957 wrote: Hi all just got 1955 pm..
                              Ok got it are 7 hrs ahead of me. I'll remember that.

                              I'm doing good. Procrastinating over what I should be doing, but CanToo said to enjoy the weather so I'm going to do that first.

                              Everything ok with you Mick. You sound a little down. Maybe just tired eh?

                              Enjoy Downtown Abbey and have a good night.....PPQ

