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AF Day Sunday 23 September

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    AF Day Sunday 23 September

    porqoui;1381955 wrote: Just got back from my home group meeting and had to share something that was said...

    Acceptance is letting go of the hope for a better past.

    I just thought that was profound........PPQ
    I so identify with this, once I accepted that my past was the REASON for the awesome, amazing, talented, funny, annoying , rude, sarcastic, overweight, driven, nosy, caring, argumentative, profound,flirtatious, addicted, brave, sociable, independent .....person that I am......I stopped resenting my past and started LOVING it....... Without judgement, without guilt.

    CAN .... Wanna try this paleo diet, so will be watching your progress. You are lamenting your excess 8 lb, I am currently carrying an extra human being ( I actually think it is the extra human being that is the alcoholic and the bugger has just latched on and is hitching a ride through life with me! ........ Time to evict the little parasite, methinks).
    On-line dating..... I got my last man that way 15 years ago, but when I sent him back 5 years ago as unfit for the purpose sold,I was refused a refund as I had not read the label on the box he came in..... "batteries not included" ..... Stupid Internet !

    Mick, my slippery friend, love your furry friends...... And those rabbits are pretty cute too:H
    ( (whispers.... That PPQ does her best but she's a bit lazy, it was lunchtime before she started us off. ...... Doesn't deserve the tenner mate)

    Mr G.... So it's a woman's mind your into, that's a shame cos if you were into bodies I could have offered you a 2 for 1 deal, with guaranteed putty!

    Anyhooooos gotta go earn a crust now ..... Laters

    KY, the nosy.


      AF Day Sunday 23 September

      kuya;1381987 wrote:
      ( (whispers.... That PPQ does her best but she's a bit lazy, it was lunchtime before she started us off. ...... Doesn't deserve the tenner mate)

      NOT TRUE....I deserve it...whatever IT

      May have been "lunchtime" for you KY but it was 4:36 am for me...........

      Do them sound like fighting words???....'cause they're not...:H

      When all you lazy bums are sleeping I know there's others awake and waiting for me....

      So according to my calc's (and we all know how well I did on the 60 AF day count!!) it's 22:30 (PM) MICK TIME. And really, that's the only time that matters to me.....

      ....except my AF time, my MWO fellowship AA fellowhip Me time....etc. etc. etc.... PPQ


        AF Day Sunday 23 September

        :H:H:H:H PPQ ..... This is more fun than poking a rattlesnake with a stick!


          AF Day Sunday 23 September

          :H:H:H Thanks for making me laugh this morning
          YOU ARE ALL MAD :H

          A very good morning to you all, and a big thanks on your comments about my. ...... oppsss my sons rain forrest xx

          Catch you all later, I have a couple of witches I have to deal with, I have also been busy making two broomsticks for my lovely work coleagues

          Sweet dreams xx
          :dancin: enguin:
          starting over


            AF Day Sunday 23 September

            ronnie;1382041 wrote: :H:H:H Thanks for making me laugh this morning
            YOU ARE ALL MAD :H

            A very good morning to you all, and a big thanks on your comments about my. ...... oppsss my sons rain forrest xx

            Catch you all later, I have a couple of witches I have to deal with, I have also been busy making two broomsticks for my lovely work coleagues

            Sweet dreams xx
            MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU..........................:HPPQ


              AF Day Sunday 23 September

              60 days here. I think i'm on the same timeline as you Can too, so allow me to say.......

              Can too, congratulations on 60 days AF! You are a star buddy. :goodjob:

              Have a great day at work Ronnie. Never let idiots or witches derail your precious sobriety. Some folks are still working out this thing called life, and can get bitter about not knowing what the feck is going on. No excuse for pissing you off though. They know not what they do as yet, the poor loves.

              Hiya PPQ!

              Wishing everyone a safe, sober, and magical week.


              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                AF Day Sunday 23 September

                WAY TO GO ON 60!


                All I can say is CONGRATS! CONGRATS! CONGRATS!...........PPQ


                  AF Day Sunday 23 September

                  G-MAN G-MAN G-MAN G-MAN

                  CONGRATS ON YOUR 60

                  Can too -----you gotta wait til tomorrow , when it's official


                    AF Day Sunday 23 September

                    kuya;1382011 wrote: :H:H:H:H PPQ ..... This is more fun than poking a rattlesnake with a stick!
                    AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                    "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                      AF Day Sunday 23 September

                      CanToo;1381946 wrote:
                      Tomorrow I will have met my 2nd goal of 60 AF (and 29 movement) days. Goal #3 will be to continue and to add a 30 day go at the paleo meal plan with some weight training - hoping it will help the plateau my body seems to be on. Just can't get these last 8 lbs to come off.
                      'old da fone , Cantoo, I've just bin lookin into this ere PALEO diet. Now call me stoopid but I fort it ment eating meals wiv yer mates......... U no .... Pals Eat Out .... For eczample poppin out wiv yer frends on a Friday nite for a curry. Maybe gettin everyone round yer ouse to watch top gear an goin divs on fish n chips n a couple of bottles of coke.

                      Never fort you was talkin bout this ol carry on, bloody meat an nuts an berries an VEG. Only way I'm gonna be eatin like that, matey, is if u take me out inta the middle of a forest an leave me there wiv a sharp stick and no compass ..... An a broken leg as well.

                      Now the wayt liftin I CAN do...... U seen the size of me arse?..... Just gettin up and down from the sofa to go to the kitchen for cake is liftin an ecstra 60kilo, I don't need ta go to no Lardyda gym payin gud money when I can do it in the comfort of me own home next to me tele.

                      Paleo diet, woteva next?

