Big thank you to PPQ for starting the post well done you...as for the time? well you started the post

Coffee tea , green tea and peppermint on the go today..fancied a change
Morning Kuya and how are things in your part of the world? Whats the weather like?do tell them we can guesstimate your mood

Didnt think rattlers were native to NZ.. sure they are not imports?Your interpretation of the paleo diet is "different"..Friday night curry or a bowl of mixed nuts..who wins ?
Mr G.......you didnt sound so great first post...you ok mate?..sounded like you had got one of those "woe is me heads" on. Glad your 60 is in keep going.
Ronnie that rain forest was ace....yuor next project..build a coven!!!! and sit it on your desk at work ....whenever Moaning minnie and her mates get on your case..just sweetly smile ,look at the witches cauldron you have made.....................and dream hmmmmm.DONT make broomsticks..its too temting to stick them somewhere!!
Good morning Lav...nearly always stop by you for a brew!! do you want one? Well wht melodramatically mortifying Monday mayhem have you got lined up today...or is nothing planned then suddenly..last minute .com... hi you are now on child/chicken/dog/combination of all/watching duties? Whatever it is have a good un
Cantoo..hiya you ok?Made the mistake last night of saying to my wife...whats the paleo diet?Well that was one bad mistake!!!!She knows one serious amount about diets , types and everything else..She looks at products and without reading the labels can tell you how many points (weightwatchers) calories sugars fats sats and unsats etc..its like having a label scanner.So when I mentioned it I knew I had messed up :H Funny how you can manage to listen with one eye!!Have you ever thought, the reason why you cant shift the last bit is that your body has adapted to your regime now and takes it as normal...maybe it needs a kick start in a different way to get your metabolism thinking?Thats my think by the way not hers!
Right folks Im for the offski...few missing..Mollyka..get you and the mad penguin out of the workhouse and get key tapping, Lilly E, you ok? Shue Lifechange Kas YAH et al hope you are all ok
HAND....................Have A Nice Day