Good morning are you today?Any developments on the legal side?Hope you hear something soon..keep strong..Playing bridge?Can honestly say I have never played crib though
Morning are you today?take it you were pretty busy yesterday?Yes you will soon hit the 60 mark..keep at it
Mollyka..hows about ye today then?look no poetry..easy peasy no brain taxing at this time of the morning!How you feeling after your visit to the tooth mechanic yesterday?hope all is well..where your partner in crime this morning?She is usually on here pretty rapidly.Oh well..keep smiling..even if you arent happy it gives people something to talk about......."see yer wee wumman there.. shes not stoppped grinnin sure.Shes either mad or got bad wind!!"
Good morning are you today? yep picked up the natural progression from hand to job!
Morning Mr G are you down there this fine day? Well the next goal is....?Strangely enough, my days are starting to all sort of become less important..Dont get me wrong the milestones still are, but i dont get up every day and think well Im on day such and such any more..had to check this morning..I am on 84 today..just need to make sure that complacency doesnt set in.Looking at going on a Caribbean cruise in January so that will be a tester !!
Morning Lav no poems today..just coffee! how are you today? dog fed chickens fed?aaah relax you need any rain over there we have got plenty!
Good morning /afternoon Lilly are you today?what you up to?Dont know if you have thought about it..but that bit you wrote about it not being worth it is pretty expressive and descriptive..just a thought..might be worth posting it in the newbies section....where sometimes resolve isnt as strong to begin with and its so easy to say sod it I will start tomorrow..keep on in their my mate down under you will do it

Morning Ronnie...hows tricks in the coven today with the witches?ope you have better luck with your phone than I have with mine..its on its way back to get fixed as we speak..oh and as a goodwill gesture they gave me another 400 minutes free talk time..on what?..the fkn teapot??..the phone is knackered and doesn't work !!!! Aswe speak I have made you a are posting while I am writing...lucky Im multiskilled! :H
Morning Satz aka pengy 3 are you this fine day? already posted your partner in is it the workhouse for you today?another bowl of gruel for yer troubles.I agree its pretty hard pretending to work..theres an art to it.I made a career out of it and they even paid me lots of shekels for it :H Anyway nuff of this..time you were back at the grindstone!
Cantoo..good morning to you..just having a to indulge??Liked the piccies..and the new avatar...glad reality finally works for you now ..well done you put the effort in.So whats on the cards for today then?Is the weather as bad over there as it is here? If memory serves me well,starts getting colder towards the end of this month on..remember being in Suffield November once.and that was cold even by our standards!!
Det how are you in homeland ?OK i hope..take it the lecture must have been work orientated and not as an ..ok and now for some light relief?
Morning YAH and how are you today?Well its not me being a poet you know..its just the words..they come out so...

Whats in store for you today then? anything lined up?Sounds like your meetin gave you a bit of an eye opener..seeing others struggling is a stark reminder that the path is not always as safe as we would like it to be,and has got some real rocky bits on it which can trip us or make us fall.6weeks in..keep at it you are doing great
Hi Sunflower how are you?nice to"see " you.. Never even thought about Epsom salts as a cleansing agent..Glad you are liking sobriety and getting into it.
Hi Kradle ..long time no see..apart from tris and bis hurting you ok??
Right got to go ..Ronnie is giving me gyp for not making a brew!!! :H
Take care all here and elsewhere whether you are named or not