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AF Daily: Thursday, September 27th 2012

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    AF Daily: Thursday, September 27th 2012

    Ahhh, PQ, I know it hurts when you screw up but you did the right thing: you admitted you were wrong and immediatedly made ammends. That does take guts and quite a bit of pride swallowing.

    We all make mistakes, it's how you deal with them that differentiate us. Here they say that "only a person who does no work makes no mistakes".

    Kisses from the AM treadmill, have a super day, all of you fabbies.:h
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


      AF Daily: Thursday, September 27th 2012

      Determinator;1383791 wrote: Hidy Ho ABersooooos!

      I just wanted to be the very first to wish you all a Merry Christmas!

      LOL I just crack myself xxxxx

      Kuya, I hear you about your nemesis (grains) and I second that. they are addictive...they really are. the wheat protein gliadin is an opiate and proven to be an addictive substance. if anyone thinks I'm kidding have a little read here: [url=]Wheat is an opiate | Wheat Belly Blog
      and a merry Xmas to you too det. I read that wheat blog and boy does it apply to me. I have got to get this under control. And yes it is like a drug to me but then makes me soooooo lethargic. I know when I quit it I loose weight so easily but my mind is not in the right place ATM.

      Hi Bean ....... We never met but it is so nice to see a sucess story back to say hi. Well done on your upcoming anniversary. Come back and host a party here.

      Awwwww PPQ :l but as Sun said you bit the bullet and everyone respects honesty. You'll be fine. Better a mistake due to enthusiasm than booze induced lethargy.

      CANTOO wish I had one mistake a week rather than one nearly right day a week.

      Anyhoo gotta dash, there's a pentangle and a forked stick calling me ....... And those babies won't boil themselves :H:H:H:H


        AF Daily: Thursday, September 27th 2012

        Sun, quinoa is indeed a neolithic food and shunned by the paleo community as such. there are some cellular chemistry arguments against it due to it's very high concentration of saponins (part of the lectin family of irritants) that wreaks havok in SOME people GI tract but you may be one of the lucky ones that tolerates it just fine. the phytic acid also bonds to minerals blocking the body from absorbing them which is kind of a bummer too. that being said, if you soak the quinoa overnight, then cook thoroughly it should remove a good percentage of these offending chemicals. as far as grains go it's certainly one of the better ones nutritionally.

        Aloha Friday everyone!

        now to make something spicy....
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)

