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AF Daily: Thursday, September 27th 2012

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    AF Daily: Thursday, September 27th 2012

    Morning everyone.

    It's 05.19 here in the UK and I can't sleep!

    I haven't been posting very much on the AF daily lately, but I do read and enjoy this thread. I'm fast approaching the 8 month mark where I failed last time so I'm making a concerted effort to stick closer to MWO where I always gain inspiration. I updated my story at 7 months earlier this morning, so take a look in the My Story section if interested. Im losing track if the number of days but to be honest I see this as less important now, prefer to think of it more as a healthy lifestyle choice.

    Hope you all have a great AF Thursday and I'll be back later.

    Oh and I almost forgot.....I've made you all teas and coffees ! Very early I know, so please grab them before they go cold!

    AF Daily: Thursday, September 27th 2012

    Wow win..well done you.. good morning are you apart from not sleeping?Stick close you will hit that target easy....3 months on Monday for me..when does it stop being a target and becomes a way of life??

    Morning kuya..hope you are feeling better..sounds like you are a wee bit stresssed there..youl be ok just get it all in perspective.Winter is getting its claws sharpened over here..Jeez, where did you get the blighty bit from?Youll have us all singing the white cliffs of Dover and waving Union Jacks :H:

    Morning Chef..14 back to back?any you time built in any where?

    Satz big hi..if you aint there then you should be on the big silver bird now...enjoy

    Yo are you Know..not one for gossip.but pretty sure that satz woman was on commission for the number of posts she put up..thats what paid for the Greece thingy.

    Morning ok Sausage is on the tea and coffee..and muchly nice it is too!!

    Shuesy woosy.. Dobro..zdrasti..apologies for informality nice to hear from you in mad busy land..we miss you

    Morning ppq..did you get any more sleep? hope all is going well with you..any word from the legal eagles?

    Kas..good morning to you..ok are you? still in the dungeon?Like you say, you need a jaunt. My interest is purely amateur, but I like trying to identify things through markings in the ground via ariel photography and piecing together where and how people lived..bit long winded but I will explain it all one day!

    Ronnie..and hows the coven today then? they off your case yet? :H:H

    Det that garlic was strong squire..can smell it from here!!!!

    Cantoo are you faring? what are you up to now..shocked the body into surrendering 8lbs yet?

    Going now..this is actually Sausages thread..apologies for jumping luvvies :H
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      AF Daily: Thursday, September 27th 2012

      Morning, afternoon, evening and goodnight affers.

      Read your posts Sausage, so identify with being a medical professional. It is so much harder to seek help because of social stigma. Anyway so glad you have made it and long may your sobriety continue. :goodjob:

      MICK ...... I have been away from blighty ten years, did they change something while I was gone? Anyway you'se a scot ..... Wot would you know? When did you move to blighty? Whereabouts in blighty do you live? Is Mrs Mick a scot or does she hail from blighty? How long have you lived in blighty? Will you ever leave blighty and return to kilt land? What are the best and worst aspects of blighty? If I were to return to blighty would I find much has changed? And lastly are there still blue birds over the white cliffs of Dover, back there in blighty?

      ( sometimes I even annoy myself with this stuff. :H:H)

      Anyway enough about dear old blighty .....onwards and upwards AF and beautiful my dear friends.

      And Shue ....... I shall never worry again you workaholic gadabout.

      Chef ....... How about one recipe a week cos I get overwhelmed when I have too much choice. Nothing too complex but something us untalented cooks may manage without too much stress.

      CANTOO .... You know I am just kidding eh? I actually hate pizza and detest coke and love meat and vegetables. My dietary nemesis is grains..... I am so intolerant but find it so hard to avoid them.


        AF Daily: Thursday, September 27th 2012

        Mick I can hear you - I'm still here!
        What can I say . I have a boring job at a PC all day hense I talk to myself a lot during the quiet times

        BUT .... Off today inkele:
        Greece = 1 sleep :yay:


          AF Daily: Thursday, September 27th 2012

          Morning Mick, KY, Satz and Sausage...thanks for the coffee and starting us off.

          Requested more hours at work for next week and the boss said ok but he wants a progress report on Monday. Man, I'm always creating more work for myself!

          In my PRE AF life I would be shi^$%ing right now and worried all weekend over my poor production and hangover "sick" days.
          In my CURRENT AF life I am proud of the work I've done so far. I have about 6 projects on the go and feel confident and in control. I know where I'm at and where I'm going with them all. Man, that's a gift that I am GRATEFUL for.

          Sausage nice to see you pork your nose in. :H Haven't read your story yet but will get to it.

          Mick getting "better" sleep if not "more" sleep so I'm happy with that. Today is the deadline for opposing counsel to agree to a trial date. If no agreement my lawyer goes to court tomorrow to have them set the date. At least we're moving into action instead of rewriting Affidavits all the time!!!

          morning. Are you going to stay out of trouble today or just keep KYing around? :H

          your excitement is contagious, I feel it way over here. Going to miss the "little pink elephant" in the room or maybe you'll be checking in? Have a great time.

          First cuppa finished and I plan on going in early this morning so have a great AF Thursday all and all to come.....PPQ


            AF Daily: Thursday, September 27th 2012

            Good Thursday morning Abbers,

            Thanks for the coffee Sausage!
            Stop in more oftern, nice to see you here

            Mick, kuya, satz, PQ & everyone - hope you have a great day!
            I am looking forward to having my daughter & grandaughter here for their weekly overnight stay. I get to play 'tea' with my grandaughter all day tomorrow while my daughter is at work. What a blessed change from the rough-housing grandsons :H :H

            Think I may have a 3rd cup of coffee today - yay!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily: Thursday, September 27th 2012

              Hi everyone, thanks Sausage, and congrats. Also posted on your thread. Its my morning ritual to come here and see how all of you across the globe are doing. Everyone looks and sounds really good.

              Just one thing to say really, and that is I am really enjoying my evenings of messing around the house, reading, watching tv, and thinking about starting sewing again. I did that a lot last winter and really loved it. This will be my second winter. So I am also looking forward to cross country skiing WITHOUT a hangover. Last year was awesome. Can hardly wait!

              Love to all, keep going. Blighty folk, and derivatives (of which I am one) especially.


              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
              Status: Happy:h


                AF Daily: Thursday, September 27th 2012

                Hidy Ho ABersooooos!

                I just wanted to be the very first to wish you all a Merry Christmas!

                LOL I just crack myself up. ok then....

                Sausage, you are going to break this 8 month barrier and no looking back ok? stay close xxxxx

                Kuya, I hear you about your nemesis (grains) and I second that. they are addictive...they really are. the wheat protein gliadin is an opiate and proven to be an addictive substance. if anyone thinks I'm kidding have a little read here: Wheat is an opiate | Wheat Belly Blog

                all I'm addicted to now is being un-hung and eating lots of spicy garlicky things

                Kas, I swear I'm going to learn to sew one day. I really will. it's a fantastic skill and hobby.

                well, packing for yet another trade show.

                be well peeps
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily: Thursday, September 27th 2012

                  Hi Everyone

                  Just thought I'd stop by, it's been a while. I'm a few weeks off my 1 year AF milestone. I NEVER thought I would be able to do it but I have and it feels unbelievably good.

                  This time last year I was in a really dark place, totally out of control with drinking, terrified of my future, depressed, fearful, anxious, lonely, scared. I was ruining my relationships and losing my integrity with every drunken/hungover day.

                  ! year on: I live in a beautiful house I have renovated myself, I have a thriving business as an acupuncturist which I am extremely passionate about. I have friends and family around, a sparkle in my eye and brimming with optimism and enthusiasm for life.

                  It gets easier with every day that passes. For me, there's simply nothing to miss about drinking. It was literally killing me and now I'm living a life I love without it. Job done.

                  Keep going one and all.
                  Bean xx


                    AF Daily: Thursday, September 27th 2012

                    Good morning all
                    Hi Bean, I just love reading your post & well done on nrearly 1 year WOW
                    I still have my sore neck but it is getting better
                    It a holiday here on Monday and the weather is meant to be lovely also its the start of the school holidays....,help!!
                    Right im off to wake my boys up
                    Hope you all have a great day/night xxxx
                    :dancin: enguin:
                    starting over


                      AF Daily: Thursday, September 27th 2012

                      Bean welcome back! I'll answer your PM this evening. always happy to discuss nutrition, glad PALEO is working for you!

                      Ronnie, enjoy holidays and family
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily: Thursday, September 27th 2012

                        A quick check in for me tonight. Had a tough day at work and hit the sugar after work.

                        One cheat day a week.

                        AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                        "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                          AF Daily: Thursday, September 27th 2012

                          cheat days are ok! just so long as we mostly stick to our healthy diets we'll be just fine. it's an accumulative thing. sorry you had a crap day Can Too, tomorrow will be shiny and new
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            AF Daily: Thursday, September 27th 2012

                            I Screwed Up

                            I hate to bring the tone of the thread down but I screwed up at work. I shared a conversation I had with colleagues and made assumptions I shouldn't have in an email to an organizing group working on an event for the centre.

                            I received an email from one of the said collegues (who was forwarded a copy of my email) expressing her dissapointment and concern that I would do that. I feel awful.

                            I was so grateful that the colleagues were on board and was so excited to share that with the organizing group that I crossed the line.

                            I have sent an email to the organizing committee, with a cc to the colleagues, stating that I was wrong, no decision had been made by the colleques and that I had made assumptions that I had no right to. I also sent a letter to the colleaques apologizing for my actions and hoping to be able to rebuild their trust and our working relationship. I stated that if they felt my actions warranted taking it to the General Manager that I would understand and am prepared to resign.

                            Shortly after I sent the emails I (along with the rest of the staff) received an email from the General Manager saying there is going to be a Staff Meeting on Monday - No reports necessary. The GM has been MIA all week so I don't know if what transpired today has anything to do with the meeting.

                            Next email I (cc-colleagues) got was a reply from the organizing committee accepting my apology and understanding the excitement on my part. They are happy to have any support from us and don't want to break any existing connections we have.

                            I feel better for accepting the fact that I did wrong and apologizing to all concerned. All I can do now is see what comes of it. I am a little "Pensive" about going into work tomorrow and the Staff Meeting on Monday. I do know that what I did was for the right reasons, I just did it wrong. There was no malice or anything like that. At least I have that to hang onto.

                            Well I just had to tell somebody what I'm going through right now....Thanks PPQ


                              AF Daily: Thursday, September 27th 2012

                              Porq...I am sure everything will work itself out. It may be uncomfortable, but if you did it for the right can support your action. I just had a screaming client, who demanded to talk to my boss (and cancelled a major order)....but, because I did everything led to other bigger things.

                              Bean...congrats! I love acupuncture! It is truly so healing.

                     have ruined my life So much more to weight-loss. I do have a question....I know that you love do I. But, as I read up on the paleo grains were not a part of it. I feel awesome after eating quinoa, cucumbers, tomatoes and a bit of vinegar. I have given up diet pepsi.....I was spending $7 a day on chemicals....YUK!

                              Mick...the Wednesday was more fabulous than ever, as it was spent with my family. I have a lot of time to take off before the end of the year. Today at work was I finalized a million dollar deal....nobody get too excited....I don't get paid on the whole thing:upset:

                              I do get a double promotion for it though. Bad news is they want me to relocate....and I turned it down. We love where we live....and sometimes $$ just is not worth it.

                              And my friend just called to say...she wrapped up all our plans to go to Los Angeles. We are staying with a close yoga buddy of mine....and we will be taking yoga classes with all the top teachers. Hope I survive But, its something I always wanted to I am excited. Bucket List...1 thing checked off

                              I just post too late to address everyone. But I do think this is the most happening thread on the board. Thank you for being there through my ups and downs.

