Tea and coffee on the go.
Morning Sausage..where are you? sleeping???was that a one off yesterday?Day nearer to your goal ..well done.
Morning Kuya..and how are you today?I stand corrected over the blighty issue..I was sent down here as a missionary :H
Lived here for 28 years now...before that 12 years in a Scottish regiment,wife is English..live in the North west...as for returning to Jockland..no plans but who knows?
You ask most Scots who dont live in Scotland and in a conversation, we all talk about going home..its quite strange.
What changes would you see? my opinion ....social decline, younger peoples attitudes to things.not them all I hasten to add...unemployment, a lack of respect for authority and each other.. bit too much do-gooderism around,but on the positive side...still got that can do attitude, ..oh and politicians lie, irrespective of party..it aint all bad.why you thinking of coming back?
Satz...enjoy your hols..can you take this weather with you?..and behave yourself..no tabletop dancing!!
Morning ppq..how are you today..can I suggest something to you?take it a wee bit easier on yourself..youre trying to do lots of things at once..think of you. I and everyone I am pretty sure that you did not bring the thread tone down by saying you screwed up..I think that is part of what we are here for..support.Dont know what your workline is..but hey ok so you made a mistake..the worlds still here, nobody died,certainly not seen anything on the news about Alberta gone missing!! Youll be fine...pm me if you want mate positives the word..learning curve tho..never assume..it makes an ass of u and me

hi Sunflower..a million?..care to lend me a few quid? :H Glad you enjoyed your day..make sure you take your time off you not only deserve it but need it too for recharge.When you are talking big bucks like that..you must get burnt out at times..As for the promotion and move..well done you..Money isnt everything..despite contrary beliefs, it dont buy happiness.Who knows..your boss my treat you instead.
Morning Lav..I am about to have cup 3..interested? so you have quietsville instead of the Cody gang yeehawing the place up for you?which do you prefer?
Morning Kas and how are you?..blighty derivative ..hmmm what would that be then? Glad your enjoying your time..over 18 months without alcohol..wow well done.Skiing is something that has never really appealed to me..remember doing it in the army..I volunteered to do it..thought it would be a good skive...wrong definitely was a bad move
Morning Det, and how are you today?what garlic infused concoction is on the cards for today??
Bean..good morning ..nice to "see " you .Was going to say Mr Bean.but that would put a completely different Skew on the conversation!! Firstly congrats on your time af ..well done..where are you from?Could certainly do with some acu..do a lot of walking and running, but got recurring tendinitis which is a pain literally!!!!
Morning Ronnie how are you today? seem brigt and cheery..anything planned for holiday Monday??
Cantoo..good morning to you..hows you today ?Any plans to do anything over the weekend?
Morning Shue..just looking at that pic .yikes thats some heel height..do you need a risk assessment and working at heights certificate for them?

Right peeps off now ..wherever you are whatever you are doing...have a good one