Good evening all,
Sitting here watching the presidential debate & not real impressed so far.......
Dill, I'm glad you had the option to reduce your work days! I dropped down to 4 days/week with pro-rated benefits toward the end of my nursing career - the job was killing me. Besides, it's a lot more fun playing with the grandkids anyway. EB will be 4 next month & he still loves coming here to spend the day with me. He told me yesterday "i'm having such a good time with you MiMom'

Chill, like Dill I live in cow country. The nearest town is 8 miles away & there is not much going on there as far as emplyment goes. I hope you can find something to yuor liking

Tip, you were born 2 1/2 month before my 3rd birthday

I'm so sorry to hear about your baby girl, must have been very difficult. Spending time with the grandkids has been such a healing thing for me, hope you enjoy yours too:l
OK, good night all!
PS: where's our girl SD these days??