Here we go ..tea and coffee on the go , so grab a cup.
Top o the morning to you Mollyka..hows you feeling today? doing anything out of the ordinary it today your partner in crime returns from her little jaunt?
Good morning are you today?have you stopped drinking or still putting together your plan?As long as you identify the bits that went wrong before and aware of them, then we are quids in.What are your plans for today and tomorrow?anything interesting..whatever it is stay positive..ask ppq if you can borrow a p to get you through.
Morning is your coffee..Im for another one too..and how is your Friday today?tell you what..lets have a week of Fridays!!!should be good ..getting ready for the weekend every day.
Take it you are pretty busy today then getting ready for the party tomorrow? :band2: There you go ..thats the band booked..always glad to help!!
Good morning nurdl well how are you today?well should be really proud of yourself..keep it going..Whats your next target set at?whatever it is we are with you.
Morning ppq ..hey you sound well upbeat today..chuck some of that energy over here..feel a wee bit tired.What are you up to today then?Must be something iin the pipeline..youre running about like a good un!

Have a great day. are you ?long time no see..great to see you there.glad all is good for you.You know that was a really interesting opener you put up...making it not faking it.Read tat a couple of times and it is so impressive..and makes sense.Its like as if ok af isnt a badge any more that Iam wearing for a specific length of time..lets do this , get all the pats on the back and then we can see what happens..thats when resolve begins to taper off and complacency sets in..its understanding that this is now a part of my make up for the rest of my days..not explained that very well but it so impressed my little nucleus of grey.
Been on the chat a couple of times..but most of the time I have been on it has just been moi..poor old billy no mates..and even I get cheesed off talking to me :H:H
Certainly look out for you in the future.Been watching a programme called gold divers..working out of Nome that anywhere near you?looks when seriously cold place when the winter sets in.
Morning SF..and how are you today?Glad things are working out for you.Thought that they were going to do something at your company for you so that you didnt have to move?Anyway not everything has got $signs on it in life.
Det ..well done mate :goodjob: beating that keep it up know where we are ..though sounds like you are over the worst mate well done
Cantoo.....hiya ..dont know where you are but if you are looking in, hope things are doing just fine for you..Whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzz...that was aa nice cup of green tea winging its way over to you.Yes it isnt an easy road to travel, but you some it up pretty well...on one hand lets spend lots of money, make ourselves ill,make complete arseholes of ourselves at times,wake up feeling terrible, not functioning properly, put ourselves in risky situations..or on the other hand, be in control, be healthier, know what we are doing,have more simply saying brainer really isnt it? Anyway you have a great time.Look forward to seeing vid praps one day??
right folks thats me off fini ende fertig..suns shining ..going to let the rabbits out now.
Early start for me may need a thread starter..any volunteers?
Take care all have a great day