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af day Saturday 6 Oct

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    af day Saturday 6 Oct

    think if I told her majesty I was off to church..she would have me followed/drug tested..but yep usually out early doors every Sunday..and sometimes once or twice during the week..answers on a postcard ...oh and by the way..wont be able to start in the morning..out at 0540....oh and it aint burglary either!!! :H:H
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      af day Saturday 6 Oct

      Thanks everyone for you good wishes!

      Mick, you sure are the man! Always up to something...a banana smoking a pipe, no less!

      PPQ, the zumba wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be, since you can adjust some of the moves to your level of fitness. I definitely did some marching in place while the others were hoping around. There's a lot of shaking your booty in there, though. Anyway, my daughter was very proud of me, and I was proud of myself for getting through the hour. Ugh! Four hours is a long time to get one's hair done, though.

      LC, so glad you got back on the wagon quickly. Like Mollyka said, it is so easy to say, "screw it", once you've started. I relapsed off-again on-again for 2 1/2 years before getting back on the wagon. I only hope I remember how long it took if I'm tempted to drink again.

      Lav, interesting stuff. One of my biggest problems is probably procrastinating.

      Anyway, off to the evening. I see ibuprofen in my future.

      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        af day Saturday 6 Oct

        Hello! moving....the competitor of my company offered me a lot $$ to move. I said no. We uprooted our lives about 2 years ago to move here (where we wanted to live)....and even though we moved to place we wanted to be at....the transition was not easy.

        LifeChange....thanks....and I wish you had gotten the first message...not the third....I was so tired by then. This is a journey....not a destination had me laughing. My kids wanted to get the "Dance Whatever" game for their Wii. I told them we were going to save a lot of $$ and do it the old fashioned way. I turned on the radio...and started dancing like a lunatic. They were not impressed

        Kuya...I do get my rest. It is pivotal to me staying sober.

        Yah....congrats on 60 days!

        Det I am so glad you are feeling better. I have seen those dark days as glad I don't have them anymore....but, I know one way to bring them back in an instant

        Fun day....debating politics with my kids. We really need to have 9 year olds run the world

        I was off here for a bit as I had situation that unsettled me on the board. I do not want to expand on it. I'm still questioning whether I will continue on here or not.


          af day Saturday 6 Oct

          Good evening all,

          CONGRATS on 60 Af days YahYah
          You WILL stop thinking about AL ~ give it a little more time!
          I started at Curves 14 months ago & I'll tell you I'm so glad I did. My joints have loosened up & my jiggles have tightened up :H They also offer zumba but I can't get myself interested in that - yet!

          Kuya, I have never had silkies, they look so pretty though. Most of my flock are the big buff orpingtons. They are nice birds & somehow able to deal with the weather extremes we have here. Egg production goes up & down depending on the temps but all in all they're a good bunch

          Greetings to everyone & Mick......I'll miss your fabulous coffee in the morning
          Wishing everyone a great AF night.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            af day Saturday 6 Oct

            Hey Abbers! Thanks again for the good wishes on my first 30, even from MWO friends I haven't gotten to know yet. What a fab group we are. It was such a tough day of cravings. I just wanted to sit down and have a glass of wine. Please send support that these feelings will start to occur less frequently!

            Mick you are quite the socialite in the group. Taking care of the party band, sending a long list of good wishes to all, preparing the coffee.

            Molly - thanks for posting about B12. My butt is dragging and there are times I can barely put a sentence together, or remember what I was about to do. Time for some supplements.

            The family is heading to Pittsburgh on Sunday to take our youngest on a college visit to the university. Anyone live out that way and how cold is it going to get on Sunday night?

            My next goal is 60 days on November 4th. Woot! Let's help each other stay strong!
            we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


              af day Saturday 6 Oct

              nurdl;1388658 wrote:
              My next goal is 60 days on November 4th. Woot! Let's help each other stay strong!
              that's my next goal Nurdl, my 60 is 30th October. Like you very sluggish still, strange thing is I was better at taking supplements when drinking than now. Took large dose of B vitamins today and will see if this has effect.

              No cravings thankfully, don't really know why.

              Mick ....... If we guess right do we get a prize? I guess FISHING


                af day Saturday 6 Oct

                late check-in for Garlic-Man. doing super good and had a marvelous day of hiking and shooting with the boys. then home to clean up 5 gallons of cooking oil that somehow popped and flooded my garage (which is carpeted) with an inch deep of oil! aaaaaaaarch! I'm so freaking glad I'm not hung over

                LifeChange, so glad to hear your cooking paleo! I swear it's the only way of eating where I feel 'right'. and my wife too. here are a couple links for inspiration:

                Dinner | Everyday Paleo

                Robb Wolf | Performance, Health & Longevity Forum • Index page

                Primal Blueprint Recipes | Mark's Daily Apple Health and Fitness Forum page

                (this pizza crust recipe is awesome): Everyday Paleo Pizza | Everyday Paleo

                Can Too you say you are getting 'the book'? do you mean Robb Wolfs The Paleo Solution? if so get ready for an amazing experience far beyond diet.

                YAH hoooray for your big 60! better keep on track cos I'm hot on your heels and I'm running!

                Ok, time for something garlicky and spicy........

                be well everyone
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  af day Saturday 6 Oct

                  morning everyone..cant stop..on the way out just now hope wveryone is fine..I will drop in later and see whats they say in Russia....Moscow (must go ) have a great day

                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    af day Saturday 6 Oct

                    Mornin Michael and all o come.
                    Wonder where the Mick fella is off to at 5AM ????
                    Sounds bit suspect to me :man:


                      af day Saturday 6 Oct

                      PS Det
                      Got the 2 Paleo books recommended. Reading like a mad thing


                        af day Saturday 6 Oct

                        yay Satz!

                        yowsers it's late. better conk ooot.
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          af day Saturday 6 Oct

                          HI Satz ,,,, welcome home on both counts!

