Back from a short vacation with the family. I see that going on Sunday/Monday.....not nearly as many people are drinking. On this particular trip.....we seemed to run into ALOT if people from Ireland. Many were not drinking....those that were....not nearly as much as the "stereotype" would have one believe.
LillyE....I have used all kinds of excuses...when someone questions me. For the most part...nobody cares that I am not drinking. But, I will say what works the to say that I am getting healthy and working out. If I workout suffers. For those who workout....relate. For those who don't workout....they usually don't say anything. sleep was all off being out of town. Sleeping with one of your kids....kills it...I swear I was up all night! I am sleeping in tomorrow....and the next day to get my body set back up. I am off work the rest of the week....still gotta work though

Det...I did have a question on the paleo diet....I only scanned it. But, it seemed to dissuade you from grains.....but, I know you love quinoa. Is this allowed.....I think I should just get the book

The last couple of days....I ate everything barbarqued under the sun. My body wants to kills me. If I eat like crap, I feel like crap!
I always thought that Mick was undercover....CIA
