Either that or no one wanted to comment thinking I was a fruit loop!!!
So...on with the show!!!at the dentist yesterday tooth all cured now..nipped a bit but now back to my stunning self :H:H
Morning madam Molls.. how are you feeling today?up and ready to do your bit for the economy?excellent..hows the recon nashers today?all sparkly shiny?
Seriously ,, take it easy tho dont think I have to mention that!!
Apologies to you all tea and coffee are served :ranger
Morning ppq...like the wabbits avatar..how are you today? yep its all free...health and happiness..though none of us make the most of it..glad business is good for you..Havent mastered this bigger button lark yet..but I will get there.. perhaps if I sharpened one of my fingers????
Ah Satz..is it you yerself?..and how are things in Glocca Morra..you out keeping the economy afloat too?heres a quick brew that you can drink on your way to the mines!!Ah Greece..now relegated to memory land..where the next one going to be?Was going to change the busy mood but it wont open so hey ho looks busy again today!!
Morning Lav.. cuppa time..nah that doesnt sound too clever!! sounds like you are getting woken up in a rest home or something :H Whats on the cards for you this fine day?We had quite a bit of sunshine over here yesterday ..so thanks..nice trade!
Lifechange..yoo hoo how are you? No never chewed my face to bits yesterday though it took ages for the numbness to wear off..ended up as I recall getting 4 injections in my mouth and one into the nerve once he had drilled down through the tooth! usual guff.."you might feel a little twinge"OH REALLY??? nearly went through the roof!!! Thats interesting about drinking at work..wow how did you get away with that one??the other thing is when you said that you drank to deal with the stress..do you think that you were giving yourself a reason to rationalise the drinking?the reason I am saying that is that presumably you are still doing the same job in the same surroundings, and yet not drinking.Pretty sure we all do the same thing..when we stop drinking we dont change our lives that radically..what we do is change our strategies and coping skills to not include al.Food for thought

Morning YAH..how are you ?tooth is fine thanks..Nope certainly not a druid..cant see me jotting about in long flowing robes at daft o clock round a pile of stones somewhere..and it wouldnt be the sun god I was worshipping...he has been on holiday in these parts for a long time now!!
Det my man ..how are you today? seem to have done real well for yourself ..well done..taking your shirt off outside with a coffe and talking to the birds hasnt got quite the same appeal over here
You'd get pissed wet through, coffee would get full of rain and go cold,end up with double pneumonia,..and someone would report you for being mad!..that is unless you aare Royalty and talk to plants too!! (Prince Charles)
Morning SF...how are you today? glad you came up with the right words for the Irish..who know what might have happened....theres millions of them on here!! So you are now resting after your non sleep?Good on you.
No not CIA ...........
Right o peeps got to dash..things to do places to go, people to meet, so take care everyone
See you tomorrow....
Shue..how are you? glad to hear all is back to norm in Shue land...we missed you so cmon in