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af day Wed 10 Oct

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    af day Wed 10 Oct

    AArgh!!!!just pressed the wrong button by accident and the whole bloody lot has gone west!!..just finished the thread and my finger caught the wrong button and wiped it all out!!!! One of the legacies of when i had a stroke was I was paralysed left it all back ecxcept i cannot do intricate movement with my left hand and also lost the feeling in my little finger complete,so sometimes it catches...Its not that I am thick..well ok I am!!

    Right then ..round 2..morning are we today? Wednesday today..they reckon today is the day you work the hardest all lets go get your skates on!!

    Tea and coffeee on the go..again..need another cup

    Morning madam Molls and top o the morning to to work today is it? well done..your country needs you!

    Morning are you today? Finished your enforced diet now have you? :H Weather pretty good here so must be in your area too.Any plans?

    KY good morning..what are you up to then?any plans or just on a jaunt? whatever it is enjoy

    PPQ...hiya and how are you today?still using that extra p to the max?Anything happening for you this week or is it hurry up and wait time? whatever it is

    Satz ..welcome..quick bowl of gruel for you before you trudge your weary way to the workhouse for another 27 hour shift digging salt on a crust of bread....look Im trying to get you the sympathy vote here! Getting close..field early hmmm

    Morning Lav..well heres your second cuppa..first one is flying through the ether somewhere!! ow are you today?Mm love mushrooms so might just pop in and see you

    yah.....well done on 2 months keep it up..the hippie story book ?now you have blown my age guess of you out of the water!!

    Det morning certainly seem a lot better so well done you.I love garlic..especially raw..trouble is it tends to decrease your circle of friends!!

    morning Lifechange and how are you today?Dont worry about not understanding me..takes me all my time to do that!!Any plans for today?Whatever you are doing enjoy

    Morning are you today? did you get all your bits and pieces that you went onto town for?Well done on the not drinking either..not too sure on the bit about not wanting to change your life? Anyway have a great day

    Just realised its 100 days today for me..first treble numbers !!

    Right folks thats me.See you all later..from the magic mushroom gang!!
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af day Wed 10 Oct

    Morning Mick - and well done on 100 days !!!! :goodjob:
    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


      af day Wed 10 Oct

      Mick;1390071 wrote:

      Right folks thats me.See you all later..from the magic mushroom gang!!
      OMG ..... We should so adopt that as a thread name!

      You know the joke about being a mushroom, kept in the dark and fed shite!

      We should take a vote methinks :H

      So Mick me ol mucker, treble figures, your AF time caught up with yer age then! LOL

      Hi to Molly..... How's the dentures fitting now? I have got to get me to the dentist, but I'm broke and they are so expensive here!

      Hi to lav, and a special one too, there is just something about your equanimity that I adore. You are still welcome to the silkies BTW!

      Yah as Slippery Mick said ....... Much congrats, quiet and dogged you are indeed

      CANTOO .... Thank you my dear, I am fine and getting better by the day. Still a bit fatigued but it gets less and less. Let's face it you don't get over a half of voddie a night for 20 odd years in a heartbeat.

      Satz, we are still sailing past each other , maybe the weekend eh?. keeping the faith Ok? Hope it is all leveling out for you now.

      DET, never told you this but I would eat garlic for breakfast dinner and tea. The whole family loves the stuff. Probably why we've never been taken by the vampires!!! :H:H

      SF.... As always you sound so onto it. Ha you, I had to share me bed with kiddo 3 nights this week. She is on hols and climbs in bed to read then I fall asleep and there she is in the morning. When I was drinking I would always send her to bed so I could continue my drunk isolation different now, so nice.

      Where IS the G man, thought he was making regular stops here now. The undies thread is so tight I always feel like I'm intruding, nice bunch tho

      Shue and Lilly, never get to talk now, ah well.

      Anyhoos ....... Must away to annoy the crap out of someone else, so many threads, so little time

      KY, the extremely annoying.


        af day Wed 10 Oct

        Hey KY, I'm still here, just still kind of getting back in the swing of things (haven't been drinking though) and today I am exhausted and sick. My stomach has been fucked ever since my drinking spell and I'm sure the two are connected. Maybe time to see my GP soon if it doesn't improve on its own.

        So, I'm useless to post sensibly right now but hello to you all in the Magic Mushie Gang. (Oh that takes me back to my mispent youth.)

        Shue, I'm glad you're ok, if worn out. Sorry to hear about the work stress and hope you're back in the swing of things properly soon too.

        Mick, WELL DONE on 100!!! Now that HAS to be a great feeling! Celebrate! Out in those fields, doing whatever it is you do...

        Is it magic mushroom hunting? Gnome chasing? Leprechaun wrangling?

        Night for now all.


          af day Wed 10 Oct

          Lills lovely to see you...well done you for getting back on track..Id go and see the quack never know they might not be off you toddle
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            af day Wed 10 Oct

            Morning Quest, KY, Lilly and Mick thanks for the coffee and starting us off twice!!

            Congrats on the 3rd didgit....I remember tracking you to 60 and look at you now....:rockon:

            "They" must be right, busy day at work for me today, but cards in the afternoon to look forward to. My co-applicant in the law suit has taken a more active role in bringing this to completion so a lot of pressure off these tired shoulders for now.

            KY I see you have one less thread to annoy people on, your's has been closed! :upset:

            Lilly Hope you're feeling better soon. There's absolutely no requirement to post but I'm glad you're reading along. Gnome Chasing
            .....I love it!! Mick
            how tall are you?

            Well that's all for me for now, have a great AF Wednesday everyone and all to come.....PPPQ


              af day Wed 10 Oct

              Congratulations Mick! You should start marketing those Magic Mushrooms of Success. Looks like its a party day on MWO. PPPPPPQ. Your handle sounds like the work of a mash up DJ.
              best to all
              we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                af day Wed 10 Oct

                nurdl;1390145 wrote: Congratulations Mick! You should start marketing those Magic Mushrooms of Success. Looks like its a party day on MWO. PPPPPPQ. Your handle sounds like the work of a mash up DJ.
                best to all
                Thanks alot I'm going to go around singing PPPPQ, PPPPQ in my head and jerking back and forth all day. :H


                  af day Wed 10 Oct

                  Hi all - late check in today.
                  They actually had the cheek to actually give me actual work here in the workhouse :H:H

                  Can you believe we have 3000 employees who want to be paid on time ???

                  Ok the time has come : no more guesswork : we will find out
                  Don't call me Miss Marple for nuttin'
                  Everyone has to say what they think makes Mick leave his house at 4am in the morning:

                  Mick as we guess you have to say on a scale COLD _______ HOT and all inbetween
                  Warm : Lukewarm : freezing etc
                  e.g. Field mushroom picking : was Warm
                  OHHHHHHHHHHHHH I love a game :h


                    af day Wed 10 Oct

                    Mick : 100 Days is AWESOME

                    The fact that you almost forgot this landmark says it ALL :l


                      af day Wed 10 Oct

                      Very catchy too,
                      Its great its ace,its the best way to live,
                      thinking,not drinking being so positive

                      If you get the rhythm right it works!!! Yeh where have I heard that before????? :H:H:H
                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        af day Wed 10 Oct

                        porqoui;1390142 wrote:

                        I see you have one less thread to annoy people on, your's has been closed! :upset:

                        Yeah PPQ, some insane zealot started abusing Library Girl saying she was a failed moderator and they shut it down. Didnt realise you even read it since you never mentioned it before. Were you a secret admirer?


                          af day Wed 10 Oct

                          nice one Mick
                          we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                            af day Wed 10 Oct

                            kuya;1390159 wrote: Were you a secret admirer?
                            Aaahhh the truth comes out.....


                              af day Wed 10 Oct

                              porqoui;1390162 wrote: Aaahhh the truth comes out.....
                              Dammit! If I had known I'd have let you co- produce :H

