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af day Wed 10 Oct

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    af day Wed 10 Oct

    Cantoo -
    quick before Mick comes back -
    how are you getting on on the Paleo diet ? I have 2 books I am working my way through at present.

    I am also building up the Weight Training - been at it a few months - but I was in bad shape up to then & still drinking so was wasting my time really.

    Back in gym at 7 am tomorrow and going to go for it !!!


      af day Wed 10 Oct

      Satz, I'm still doing more cardio based exercise. Bootcamp is good for a whole body workout but I'm seeing where my weaknesses are. Must get back to the gym partner for weights!

      I'm was skimming the book I have last night and you know what? It's how I used to eat when I was in shape. Now I'm coming at it from the other end hoping to gain the energy and motivation to get back to the weights.

      Satz you're kicking my butt getting to the gym for 7:00 am.

      AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

      "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."


        af day Wed 10 Oct

        Ha Satz..still sneaking in are you?....yes Im here watching you!!!Cantoo those photos are absolutely brilliant!!thanks for sharing...
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          af day Wed 10 Oct

          CanToo, looooving the pictures! an inspiration for sure.

          speaking of pictures, where the hell is Kaslo?
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            af day Wed 10 Oct

            I must say I'm so pleasantly surprised by Dr Oz, he really blew me away yesterday. On his show he officially recommends the 'full fat'' version of everything! dairy, milk, cheese, yoghurt, real butter etc etc. he says low/non fat foods make it HARDER to lose weight and maintain satiety. I'm so freaking impressed! he's very brave to speak the truth from his very public perch. my hat's off to him.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              af day Wed 10 Oct

              Determinator;1390362 wrote: I must say I'm so pleasantly surprised by Dr Oz, he really blew me away yesterday. On his show he officially recommends the 'full fat'' version of everything! dairy, milk, cheese, yoghurt, real butter etc etc. he says low/non fat foods make it HARDER to lose weight and maintain satiety. I'm so freaking impressed! he's very brave to speak the truth from his very public perch. my hat's off to him.
              Funny isn't, back when I got fit and lean the ONLY thing I curbed was grains, never ate low fat anything(still don't) and weight FELL off!


                af day Wed 10 Oct

                Good late afternoon Abbers!

                I have been sitting in the ER all freaking day with my estranged spouse YB.
                He had the nerve to show up at 7:30 this morning c/o severe abdominal pain. Why do they always return home when things get a little tough?
                He has had a lot of testing & will probably be kept overnight for observation. It's looking like a gall bladder problem. Lucky me, huh?
                I had to cancel my plans to watch the grandsons, sent my DIL scrambling looking for someone else. Glad I remembered to grab my iPad on the way out the door this morning

                Mick, are you part owl? Hunting & foraging for food under the cover of darkness? :H

                Wishing everyone a much better Hump day than I'm having!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  af day Wed 10 Oct

         what makes you think that???:H:H:H
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    af day Wed 10 Oct

                    yikes Lav! hope there's no further complications. my guess is he ate the low fat mozzarella sticks
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      af day Wed 10 Oct

                      YB is completely into full fat everything judging by his waistline :H :H
                      He has been scheduled to have his gall bladder removed early tomorrow afternoon & will be discharged later in th eday. Looks like he will need nurse Lav for a day or two - I'll be nice :H :H

                      You are part owl Mick - I knew that
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        af day Wed 10 Oct


                        Nice to see everyone that is posting. I always gain so much from it. However, I never feel like I have much to add.

                        Mick....what I meant....I was told I was going to have to change everything. My friends and places that I went to. I personally love each and every friend I have. I also.....really loved hanging out at the "honky tonks". Sober times would get very dark for me....when I isolated myself from the things I loved. I always fetl, like a hermit....and it sucked. This time around I am not doing that to myself. I can do everything I used to do.....I just don't drink anymore. Some moments are tough....but, they are moments.

                        Kuya....when my kids were 4 they were nice to sleep with. Not so much anymore. I kick them out of my bed more now that I am sober....because Mom NEEDS her sleep

                        And sleep I did was cloudy....after a great day of sleep I have cleaned my butt off. With kids its is never done....I am thinking I may just stop all the cleaning....and call "Hoarders" when they turn 18

                        I still go to a few meetings every week. I like my group. But, my saving grace is getting back into working out.....and taking supplements everyday.


                          af day Wed 10 Oct

                          Sunflower, I often feel that I don't have much to add either. Yet, I really enjoyed reading your post. I'm glad you are going in for the exercise; you say it helps you a lot. Hang in there while you are learning how to stay abs while others are drinking. Many people do learn how to do that.

                          Mick, we will someday figure out what you're up to in the wee hours....
                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            af day Wed 10 Oct

                            Hang in there, Lav. You are a better woman than I.
                            AF as of August 5th, 2012


                              af day Wed 10 Oct

                              Thanks YAH. I guess seeing us live each worth something.

                              I have hard times, but I don't think they are worth posting. The reason I waver because someone outright attacked me. This person creeped me she said her and her husband read each of my posts....and sit back and laugh at me.

                              I have no intention of expanding on it.....but, its scary. Not sure how long I will be her morning entertainment. It just showed me that you can be many months sober.....and still be very sick.

                              That is why I don't count days....because the number of days mean nothing. It is how "well" you are getting.

                              And I feel well. I am not perfect. But, I feel like I am realizing how little people actually drink.


                                af day Wed 10 Oct

                                Aloha All. Back for some contact with old and new friends. I will always be last to post because it is still my Wednesday and I feel like it's cheating to jump ahead into your Thursday. Glad to see everyone's sincereness and honesty. I'll be around. I'm sure you know why.

