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af day Thurs 11 Oct

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    af day Thurs 11 Oct

    good morning all..43 posts and 400 views got on this thread yesterday,which is really good,though for me its not about vote counting..its about people being part of and contributing on it..If 400 people looked at this thread,then I wonder how many of them are people that want to give up and are too worried/frightened /scared to say so ?Its all about inclusitivity and trying to help them to join in..Noticed a couple of people said on here yesterday that they didnt have much to say or contribute on their posts....wrong...every time you does a few things whether you think so or not....It actually helps you as the poster do 2 you a sense of belonging in an exclusive little? group and secondly it helps to get the "monkey off your back"
    Think about it yourself next time you post..ask the question.."why am I posting?"
    Secondly, when you post it helps other people relate to both you and your dalings with life and its experiences,and gives them an insight into how to deal with the pitfalls that can surprise you on the road to recovery....and if this all sounds very highbrow..its also a good craic and banter in a group of people with one goal, join in your contributions are valued!!

    Phew tea and coffee definitely on now.

    Morning are you in the wild west today?to be fair its pretty nice today..any plans in the pipeline?

    Morning/aft Kuya are you today?yep they match now..age and af time!! feel not too bad for 100 though!what are your plans for whatever time of day it is now?Glad you are getting better.

    Lills hows my down under mate today??How is the stomach?Its probably your misspent youth catching up on you..hope mine doesn't otherwise it'll be intensive care for me!!:H not in the fields today...was thinking about it early doors, but got a wee bit of work to catch up on

    PPQ..good morning to you know I have just looked at your avatar again now..and its the first time I have realised that the rabbit moves its eyes!!Just shows you how much we miss!!Glad some of the burden has been taken on by you a you have been following me for 41 days now eh?:Hmust be good..never even heard you!

    Morning ok?You can have the mushroom business if you want... market and publicise it..lets see if it takes off.Full of business enterprise on here..look at pq s P store built from nowt..and does a roaring trade now.

    Satz.....what are you doing?Paying them?Are you mad?they come to work to keep them out of mischief, to help the country out and give them something to do.....and you pay them?whats more they want the pittance at a certain time?Ha cut their bread and gruel rations I say!!!Its just not cricket!! :H Love them stompers!!Bet you were a wee shite as a kid!!its my game..we re playing my game , its not fair!!!

    Morning are you today after eating yourself out of house and home yesterday?You got it wrong arent supposed to do that in your own house..better if you go to your friends houses and do that!!!!Seriously tho..hope you are feeling better.

    Yah ..morning to you with your quaint turn of phrase!!...farting around on the computer..this is serious stuff you know!work is only there to fill the gaps in!!

    Det .. morning to you mate today is garlic and what?

    Cantoo ...good morning wow those pics are brilliant well done you.To be honest I need a motivational kick to get me back into exercise...havent been feeling too great and its so easy to get out of routine..So when is your next trip into the mountains?

    Morning Lav...a well earned cuppa for are you? guess your next couple of days are mapped oy for you already!Best of luck to you

    good morning SF..and how are you?apologies if I got it never stop making a mess...even when they have gone.....when my daughter comes back the house ends up looking like a stall in a car boot sale..crap everywhere!!!So you slept well ..good that always helps.

    Well me hearties thats it for take care whatever you are up to big hi to all who are missing..and for anyone out there thinking and reading...jump in and take the plunge

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af day Thurs 11 Oct

    a very good morning to you, Mick!! thanks for the coffee and for starting us off. i am on my 3rd cup already. Yikes! as Lav would say. Lav, i hope you're ok and staying strong. i can just imagine i'll have to take care of my ex husband some day, which scares me a bit.

    i am feeling much better today. like Byrdie always says, when you're not drinking it's unusual to have 2 "bad" days in a row. i was just tired and had a lot to do-- but finally just gave in and let it all wait until today to get done. double Yikes!!

    SF and everyone else. i personally get so much from each and every post. i think it's so important, even if you don't feel like you have anything to say, or you feel it's dumb, to just do it. you never know who it might touch. it's happenend to me a couple of times that i've not been sure about posting but have anyway-- and someone later commented that it helped them, or someone replied in a way that clarified things for me.
    i read each and every post and am thankful that people take the time to share.. whatever it is.

    Cantoo, your pictures are gorgeous and make me so homesick for alaska. thanks for showing us!

    big hugs to all of you on this cool and cloudy thursday.

    i think i've decided to count days until 30. it's a goal i've never managed to reach and i would like to. and i really want one of those pretty hats. so today is day 8. i'll just post it each week to remind you all!!


      af day Thurs 11 Oct

      Life go for ll get one!!
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        af day Thurs 11 Oct

        Morning afternoon and evening Affers,

        Jeez Louise Slippery Mick ......youse a bit deep this morning. You trip and bang yer head on the Buddha statue or what? :H

        You are right though, my daily post is, for me, a good night, I'm fine. No matter what shite has hit the fan this says, feck it, I'm fine.

        Sunflower what you said about some feckers ( my fave word today BTW) wishing you ill got me thinking. You really shouldn't let the fear of them seeing you vulnerable let you stifle what you say......say what you feel and damn them. You and I fell out, we made it right and I would NEVER have wished you ill even if we hadn't. Decent people don't. Indecent people are Aholes and should be erased from your consciousness.

        For what it's worth I love hearing you happy and getting life together, makes me happy too.

        And LC you are gonna make it, just go with the flow, if you are tired rest and don't expect too much too soon.

        CANTOO the piccies, when can I come stay?

        Lilly hope your tum is better, bit of TMI but I love not having the runs every day because of booze :H:H my guts don't know if it's New York or New Year!

        Anyhoos to all the rest of youse still stuck in Thursday ......Friday is looking peaceful and pretty awesome

        And Aloha to Hula



          af day Thurs 11 Oct

          Good Morning Mick thanks for the coffee. Isn't it funny how we each see things in our own way. When I was looking to change my avatar, the blinking eyes is what caught my attention.

          Feeling a little "sluggish" this morning. Just looking out at the season's first snowfall and thinking everything is going to take more of an effort now. Wow, I've just had an "aha" moment. Going to take that extra "P" out of my pocket and for every extra effort I give to daily living, I'm going to give extra effort to my recovery. Now there's a positive spin, I even feel a little more "peppy". Hats off to the Power of the Post!

          Morning LC
          glad you're feeling better today. "T-22" and counting. We'll count with you.

          Well I'm off to :stomper: all over the snow. Have a great AF Thursday everyone.....PPQ


            af day Thurs 11 Oct

            Hi PPQ, now you have made me want an avatar, have they got one of Satan .......or is that taking my humour toooooo far? LOL


              af day Thurs 11 Oct


              Morning KY thanks for letting me know what tomorrows going to be. I love having the inside scoop.

              Got to think of more things to say that require a :stomper: I just love this little guy.

              Have a great morning/afternoon/evening....PPQ


                af day Thurs 11 Oct

                kuya;1390673 wrote: Hi PPQ, now you have made me want an avatar, have they got one of Satan .......or is that taking my humour toooooo far? LOL

                There's a really good DEVIL
                one. :H "tooooooo far" you mean you actually have a limit? :H


                  af day Thurs 11 Oct

                  porqoui;1390674 wrote: XPost

                  Morning KY
                  thanks for letting me know what tomorrows going to be. I love having the inside scoop.

                  Got to think of more things to say that require a :stomper: I just love this little guy.

                  Have a great morning/afternoon/evening....PPQ
                  He looks like me when they shut me thread down, I was hardly warming up, feck it! :H


                    af day Thurs 11 Oct

                    Good morning Abbers,
                    Just stopping by to wish everyone a wonderful AF Thursday!
                    I'm off to the races

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      af day Thurs 11 Oct

                      Have a lovely day LAV, don't bet too much


                        af day Thurs 11 Oct

                        Lavande;1390679 wrote: Good morning Abbers,
                        Just stopping by to wish everyone a wonderful AF Thursday!
                        I'm off to the races

                        Morning Lav I'm betting you'll come in first and win that race! Have a great day....PPQ


                          af day Thurs 11 Oct

                          KY - you say FECK a lot.
                          That is a very Irish word - have you connections ?


                            af day Thurs 11 Oct

                            satz123;1390692 wrote: KY - you say FECK a lot.
                            That is a very Irish word - have you connections ?
                            I have had a bit of Irish in me more than once Satz :H:H

                            My ex was from Longford


                              af day Thurs 11 Oct

                              kuya;1390694 wrote: I have had a bit of Irish in me more than once Satz :H:H

                              My ex was from Longford
                              BOLD GIRL :H

